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View Poll Results: Iti vei cumpara PS4 Pro?

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  • Da, voi cumpara cu siguranta!

    140 37.14%
  • Nu, sigur nu voi cumpara!

    111 29.44%
  • Probabil voi cumpara anul viitor

    56 14.85%
  • Nu stiu inca

    70 18.57%
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Thread: PS4 Pro

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar

    PS4 Pro

    Nu stiu ce sa cred dar aveti aici un citat si link la intregul articol pe Ar fi posibil un upgrade de genu plug in cumva?

    Sony is currently planning a new version of the PS4 with increased graphical power and games running at 4K resolution, developer sources tell Kotaku.

    We don’t know whether current PS4 owners will be able to upgrade or if they’ll have to buy an entirely new device to benefit from this power boost, but from what we hear, Sony has started briefing developers.

    Based on conversations with developers who have spoken with Sony, this ‘PS4.5’ will include an upgraded GPU both to support high-end 4K resolution for games and add more processing power that can enhance the games supported by PlayStation VR, the headset Sony will launch this fall. It’s unclear if ‘PS4.5’ is an official name or just a nickname that developers have been using. One developer jokingly called it the ‘PS4K’ while telling me about the device.

    In layman’s terms, 4K resolution is around four times the pixel size of 1080p, which is the current standard for games on PlayStation 4 and competing consoles. The current PS4 can output 4K photos and videos, but cannot support 4K resolutions for games. With this upgrade, it would. Besides resolution, developers would have an opportunity to push more effects and other graphical tweaks to make their games look better, thanks to the new GPU.
    Kotaku sources-sony-is-working-on-a-ps4-5
    Attached Images Attached Images original.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar

    PS4 Pro

    Nu stiu ce sa cred dar aveti aici un citat si link la intregul articol pe Ar fi posibil un upgrade de genu plug in cumva?

    Sony is currently planning a new version of the PS4 with increased graphical power and games running at 4K resolution, developer sources tell Kotaku.

    We don’t know whether current PS4 owners will be able to upgrade or if they’ll have to buy an entirely new device to benefit from this power boost, but from what we hear, Sony has started briefing developers.

    Based on conversations with developers who have spoken with Sony, this ‘PS4.5’ will include an upgraded GPU both to support high-end 4K resolution for games and add more processing power that can enhance the games supported by PlayStation VR, the headset Sony will launch this fall. It’s unclear if ‘PS4.5’ is an official name or just a nickname that developers have been using. One developer jokingly called it the ‘PS4K’ while telling me about the device.

    In layman’s terms, 4K resolution is around four times the pixel size of 1080p, which is the current standard for games on PlayStation 4 and competing consoles. The current PS4 can output 4K photos and videos, but cannot support 4K resolutions for games. With this upgrade, it would. Besides resolution, developers would have an opportunity to push more effects and other graphical tweaks to make their games look better, thanks to the new GPU.
    Kotaku sources-sony-is-working-on-a-ps4-5
    Attached Images Attached Images sony_playstation_buttons.jpg

  3. #3 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Wow, big whoop. Au inceput sa lucreze la PS3 imediat dupa lansarea lui PS2, au inceput sa lucreze la PS4 imediat dupa lansarea lui PS3 si acum va mirati ca lucreaza la o noua consola? Poate s-a micsorat life span-ul de la 7-8 ani la 5-6 ani, dar nu va mai panicati si impacientati atat la toate treburile astea.

  4. #4 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Tudor, cam e big whoop. Ca nu se speculeaza ca ar iesi un PS5. Asta ar fi normal peste 4-5 ani. Se speculeaza ca vom vedea un fel de PS4 Elite/Pro, cu o putere de procesare mai mare.

    Exact cum Microsoft a spus ca vor ori ceva modular ori un serviciu, pentru a creste puterea de procesare de la Xbox, se pare ca la fel vor si cei de la Sony. Doar ca e cam aiurea, fiind vorba de GPU si CPU. Aici trebe hardware diferit, nu se poate asa usor prin modularitate. Poate doar daca vrei sa stai cu ON pe ambele "bucati". Altfel, e vorba de PS4 simplu la, sa zicem, 300$ si PS4 Pro la, sa zicem, 800$. Iti convine ?

    Deja se schimba toata "scena" complet. Daca deja se ajunge la un life span de 3-4 ani la o generatie de console, e nasol.

    Asa ca ar fi indicat (cel putin eu asta mi-as dori) sa devina ambele un serviciu cu o taxa anuala si e problema lor ce putere de procesare au acolo in spate, in servere. Eu doar vreau sa am 1080p cu 60fps sau 4k cu 120fps pt VR si sa platesc pt asta lunar/anual.

  5. #5 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Eu zic doar sa nu va agitati pentru ca sunt doar zvonuri. Nici Sony si nici Microsoft nu au venit si au spus: "Ba, fitit atenti, de maine va lasam sa faceti upgrade la CPU si GPU la consola, ce pe un PC. OK? Hai ba, cumparati ca e misto."

  6. #6 SP
    Member eastbason's Avatar
    E nasol si ca s-au gandit la asa ceva ! Si asa am casa plina de console si cabluri. Acum ce fac? Imi iau o consola separata pentru VR

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tudyniuz View Post
    Eu zic doar sa nu va agitati pentru ca sunt doar zvonuri. Nici Sony si nici Microsoft nu au venit si au spus: "Ba, fitit atenti, de maine va lasam sa faceti upgrade la CPU si GPU la consola, ce pe un PC. OK? Hai ba, cumparati ca e misto."
    Dar a zis ca serverele se pot uni , cele de pc/Xbox/ps . De asta ce zici ? Ce ar fi de maine aia cu Hack uri de pe pc sa te invadeze pe console ? Poate de aici si speculațiile cu enentuale upgrade-uri hardware . Si cu speculații ca viitorul consolelor e pe ducă si ca in 7-8 ani cum era inițial viața unei console e deja prea mult uite ca poate deveni realitate . Consolele actuale au fost făcute pe platforma asemănătoare cu cea a pc-urilor nu ar fi nicio mirare un eventual posibil upgrade . Asa cum lumea cumpara anual telefoane care fac acelasi lucru , ar putea sa cumpere si console la 3-5 ani .

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Oamenii care isi cumpara anual telefoane au o problema la mansarda.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Se lucreaza la un noua versiune de ps4? Adica sony intentioneaza sa lanseze un nou model de ps4? Cand a mai facut asta sony? A da, la ps1, ps2, ps3 si probabil si ps4, versiunea slim. Care va avea mici modificari pentru un consum si o temperatura mai mica, nu o sa aibe extra power. Si da, cred ca sony lucreaza de mult la ps5. In rest sunt doar zvonuri. Nu vom avea generatia asta 4k, ganditi-va cat costa o placa video sa duca astfel de jocuri in acest moment, de 2-3 ori cat o consola. Si in plus de asta sony nu trebuie sa scoata nicio consola noua cu extrapower le merge bine și daca vor avea succes si cu ps vr, vor sta liniștiți (din pacate) inca 1-2 ani.

    Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk

  10. #10 SP
    Member Victor420's Avatar
    De abia astept sa joc Uncharted 4 Remastered The Definitive Edition pe PS5. Nu cred ca apare decat prin 2018-19. Proiectarea unei astfel de console dureaza mult si trebuie comunicat cu toti producatorii de procesoare, ram, etc. Trebuie tinut cont de roadmap-ul de la AMD, Nvidia. Developerii au fost anuntati din timp ca sa aibe timp sa isi planifice si ei proiectele. Avem jocuri care au fost anuntate de pe vremea PS3 si tot nu au iesit (FFXV). Foarte probabil sa vedem trailere pentru jocuri de generatia viitoare la E3 de anul acesta.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    Report: PlayStation 4K is real and Sony R&D is working on prototypes

    Digital Foundry has claimed via independent sources that Sony is indeed working on the much-rumored PS4.5.

    According to the site, the new console is likely to be known as PlayStation 4K, and will offer numerous hardware improvements over the current model of Sony's current-generation console.

    "Everything we've heard positions PlayStation 4K as a machine capable of playing current and next-generation ultra HD media, while also offering support for other aspects of the 4K spec, such as high-dynamic range and a wider colour gamut - aspects of the 4K spec that could be introduced to gaming," said the report. "However, in terms of additional computational power, we've got be realistic about what Sony can deliver with a mid-generation refresh."

    As to when we can expect this new, super-powered PS4, Digital Foundry speculates that the console will be released at some point in 2017.

    In terms of performance, it says we could expect anything from hardware that packs twice the performance as the regular PS4, to a device that is only slightly more capable than current tech but with full support for 4K standards.

    PS4 was released in November 2013 and as of January 2016 has sold 35.9 million units worldwide. In the U.K., it has been reported that the console is around one million units ahead of the Xbox One.

  12. #12 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Nu stiu despre voi, dar eu as vrea un PlayStation 4K. Si da, eu sunt ala cu "probleme la mansarda" care-mi iau alt telefon anual. Can't help it, sorry!

  13. #13 SP
    Member eastbason's Avatar
    Inclin sa cred ca acest 4.5 se va transforma intr-un 5 curat. Il mai amana putin dupa 2017 si asa se incadreaza si in tiparul de viata al unei toata lumea e multumita

  14. #14 SP
    Member ZeroSkillNoob's Avatar
    LOL PS4S ),cam aiurea,desi nu cred ca o sa faca SONY asa ceva...probabil au primit niste idei de marketing din patrea SAMSUNG si APPLE.

  15. #15 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  16. #16 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    S-a nimerit la fix. O sa fie PlayStation 4K. Pacat de faza asta:

    although the hardware offers more graphics processing power, it is not enough to deliver a robust 4K gaming experience. va avea putere de 4x mai mare, deci tot useless va fi pt 4k gaming. Oare care va fi de fapt utilizarea, daca nu poti avea 4k?

  17. #17 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post va avea putere de 4x mai mare, deci tot useless va fi pt 4k gaming. Oare care va fi de fapt utilizarea, daca nu poti avea 4k?
    Poate macar pentru a avea orice joc in 1080p la 60/120fps? Perfect pentru VR-ul lor... si pentru toti cei care s-au saturat sa vada engine-uri in 720p, 900p si alte d-astea.

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Povesti batranesti. PS4 se vinde nesperat de bine, nu au niciun motiv sa vina cu alta consola. Ma indoiesc ca VR va face furori, o sa ajunga la fel ca si move/kinect.

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member mark's Avatar
    Daca nu baga capabilitate 4K pe noua nava SONY, atunci o scot degeaba. Platforma actuala suporta linistit 1080p@60fps. Si atunci care-i faza?

  20. #20 SP
    Member Snake's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mark View Post
    Platforma actuala suporta linistit 1080p@60fps.
    Poti sa-mi spui si mie repede 5 titluri AAA care merg linistite in 1080p@60fps?

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