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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #2641 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar

    EDIT: sa folositi butonul CC pentru subtitrari

  2. #2642 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Vazand ce au facut pe partea de racire, sunt destul de optimist ca va merge mai bine decat PS4.

    ❤️ Japanese Engineering.

  3. #2643 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Va rog sa va uitati la ce postati, sa nu fie pus chiar mai sus cu 2 postari.
    @Se7en Fury ti-am sters eu ambele postari.

  4. #2644 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Incredibil cat de mare e radiatorul. Bravo. Iar ventilatorul pare destul de serios, asa da. Adio caldura de tip prajitor de paine.

    Pasta termica metal lichid? @Monky ajuta-ne si pe noi profanii cu niste explicatii. Sau ma rog, cineva care cunoaste mai in detaliu solutia aleasa.

  5. #2645 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    La sfarsit scrie "The dust catcher does not guarantee the hardware clogging from dust" .
    E bine totusi ca s-au gandit si la o solutie din asta.

  6. #2646 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Îmi place ca te lasă sa pui SSD 3rd party.

  7. #2647 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    N-am apucat sa vad video. Poti pune orice SSD 3rd party? Sau va fi ceva limitare la viteza minima a lui?

  8. #2648 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Si ca poti scoate ambele panel-uri - pentru cine si-a dorit o consola neagra, se rezolva in cateva minute .

  9. #2649 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    In video zice de M.2 Interface with PCIe 4.0.
    Cred ca o sa scoata o lista cu SSD-urile compatibile in viitor.
    Attached Images Attached Images ps5-ssd.jpg

  10. #2650 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Nu cred ca vor fi probleme pe partea de racire.

  11. #2651 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Inca o chestie de apreciat e faptul ca e gandita foarte modular. Pare ca se poate dezasambla fara prea mari eforturi.

  12. #2652 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Pasta Termică este T1000, o caută pe Sarah Connor.

  13. #2653 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Care o fi logica din spate la alegerea de a nu folosi Vapor Chamber?

    A sunat intr-un fel similar cu:
    ''noi vom folosi tehnologia veche de la ultimele console insa stati linistiti, se va apropia de Vapor Chamber ca si performanta sau va fi la fel''.
    Attached Images Attached Images ps5-heat.jpg

  14. #2654 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    Upcoming Trophy levelling changes detailed
    A quick tour of the enhancements rolling out tonight for Trophies.

    You’ve all heard that satisfying sound when a Trophy pops up on the corner of your screen. There’s the sense of accomplishment when that ultra-rare Platinum trophy is unlocked after hours of pursuing. Trophies were first introduced on PlayStation 3, and have been an integral part of the PlayStation gaming experience. Today, we’re excited to announce we’re bringing some enhancements to the Trophy system.

    New Trophy Levels
    The first thing you’ll notice is the big change to your Trophy level. We’re increasing the Trophy level range from the current “1-100” to “1-999,” so following this update, your Trophy level will automatically be remapped to a new level within this new range based on the Trophies you’ve earned to date. For example, if your current Trophy level is 12, your new level will jump to somewhere in the low 200’s. The exact level will depend on the number and grades of trophies you’ve acquired. There will be no changes to the Trophies already earned or Trophy information, such as unlock requirements.

    New Level Calculation Structure
    We’ve implemented a new Trophies level calculation system that is more optimized and rewarding. Players will progress quicker through the early levels, and levels will increase more consistently. Platinum trophies will count more toward your level progression, making them even more valuable.

    New Trophy Level Icons
    With an expanded level range, we’re also updating the trophy level icon on PlayStation 5, as well as PlayStation App at a later date. Currently the Trophies icon is just a single gold star, but we’re adding a few variants:

    - Bronze: levels 1-299
    - Silver: levels 300 – 599
    - Gold: levels 600 – 998
    - Platinum: level 999

    The icons will also have a subtle distinction to visually suggest how close you are to the next level.

    Lastly, just for clarity, Trophies that you’ve earned on previous PlayStation systems will come with you to PlayStation 5, just as they have in previous generation transitions. The new Trophy levels will be reflected in all locations that Trophy levels are shown, including past systems, PS App and My PlayStation.

    All of these updates will be automatically implemented on the system side, starting later tonight (North America) / tomorrow (Europe).

    We’re committed to offering an even better experience for our fans as we head into the next generation of gaming. We can’t wait for everyone to start racking up trophies in all the amazing upcoming games that are launching on PS4 and PS5!
    Upcoming Trophy levelling changes detailed – PlayStation.Blog
    Attached Images Attached Images new_trophy_levels.png

  15. #2655 SP
    Junior Member nicugoalkeper's Avatar
    Imi place ce vad, radiator mare, metal lichid la racire daca e de calitate e super ( sa nu corodeze si sa nu conduca electricitate), gurile de aspirare, dar probabil la 2 ani va fii bine sa-l cureti serios si SSD extern aftermarket. Carcasa de plastic e usor de demontat.
    Scoti carcasele albe si devine mult mai mica consola

    ---------- Post added 07-10-2020 at 16:30 ----------

    Si are si 2 radiatoare lol.

  16. #2656 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    PS5 sau cum sa faci juma de consolă sistem de răcire si sa arunci o bucățică din terminator in ea.

    Îmi place, am speranțe ca nu mai încurc consola cu un uscător de păr. Aștept testele de temperatura și zgomot.

    LE: Apropos de noul versus

    Și ceva legat de metal lichid

  17. #2657 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Si uite asa, am ajuns sa vedem la console fix aceleasi discutii pe care le vedem pe forumuri si grupuri de discutii despre PC Mustard Race... Cine are radiatorul mai mare, care disipa mai mult TDP, daca e liquid metal mai bun decat pasta termica, daca vapor chamber bate heatpipe-urile, cine are NVMe mai rapid, cati Ghz are consola x in plus fata de y, and so on. Mi-e dor de vremurile in care discutiile despre console erau 99% despre jocuri. De cand cu Xbox cu RRoD, PS4 cu zgomot de avion, a inceput sa se mai piarda din farmec si sa vedem aceleasi probleme ca la PC. Slava cerului ca nu incep discutii despre drivers, patches, hotfixes, service packs, security issues, crashes, freeze-uri... La naiba, antivirus mai trebuie pe consola si deja e pachetul complet...

    P.S. A nu se intelege gresit, de plictiseala pana la lansare mai merge sa mai verificam o duda tehnica... dar cred ca se exagereaza. O fi de la pandemie? Sau din lipsa de jocuri am ajuns sa masuram ventilatoarele?

  18. #2658 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Au scos din articol faptul ca o sa introduca individual Trophy progress:
    Attached Images Attached Images eju60cnwsam97rw.jpg

  19. #2659 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Unii sunt veșnic nemulțumiți, indiferent de informațiile pe care le primim. Alții creează vs din orice, deh. Chestie bărbătească, hai sa ne măsurăm matarangile...

  20. #2660 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dant3 View Post
    Unii sunt veșnic nemulțumiți, indiferent de informațiile pe care le primim.
    Eu apreciez maxim ce a facut Sony acum. OK, a copiat prezentarea Microsoft, but who cares? Acum stim exact cum arata consola, de la A la Z. Iar intern e mult mai bine decat ma asteptam. La naiba, singurii nemultumiti pe treaba asta cred ca sunt cei de la iFixit. Probabil au ratat niste mii de dolari pe care le faceau cu teardown-ul la PS5.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dant3 View Post
    Alții creează vs din orice, deh. Chestie bărbătească, hai sa ne măsurăm matarangile...
    Spui asta dupa ce tocmai ai postat 2 versus-uri? Mataranga vapor chamber vs mataranga heatpipe. Si mataranga metal liquid vs mataranga lui Terminator.

    Anyway, acum e bine ca avem tutorial video despre cum sa-ti repari/cureti singur consola. Ceva ce trebuie sa recunoasteti, nu am mai avut niciodata de la Sony. So, kudos to them!

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