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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #1601 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Mie mi se pare penibil. O sa fie prima generatie de console care pastreaza carcasele de la generatia anterioara - si PS5 si Xbox Series X. Asta nu denota decat lipsa de idei.

  2. #1602 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VentureBeat
    Sony has invested $250 million for a minority stake in Fortnite maker Epic Games, the companies announced today. With the new money, Epic Games has raised $1.83 billion to date.

    The companies said the deal cements an already close relationship between the two companies and reinforces the shared goal to advance the state of the art in technology, entertainment, and socially connected online services. This close relationship was underscored in May when Epic first showed the upcoming Unreal Engine 5 graphics running on a PlayStation 5. As the company itself has disclosed, Epic Games raised $1.58 billion to date in three previous funding rounds. In 2012, the company received a $330 million investment from Tencent for a 40% ownership stake.

    Under the deal, the investment enables Sony and Epic to broaden their collaboration, with Sony’s portfolio of entertainment assets and technology and Epic’s social entertainment platform and digital ecosystem (think Fortnite’s increasing use as a social space or the Epic Games Store), to create unique experiences for consumers and creators. The closing of the investment is subject to customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals.

    Epic confirmed it will still be able to publish to other platforms. As noted, Sony is acquiring only a minority part of Epic Games, and it is not acquiring a controlling stake in the company.

    The deal is important for Sony because it needs allies in the upcoming console war. Later this year, Sony plans to launch the PlayStation 5 game console in competition with Microsoft’s Xbox Series X. But Epic has said that its Unreal Engine 5 and Fortnite will work with all game platforms, as Epic has generally been neutral when it comes to making cross-platform technology. If Sony gets any advantage from investing in Epic, it isn’t clear from this deal.

    In a statement, Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida said that Epic’s technology keeps them at the forefront of game development and that is exemplified in the features of Fortnite. Epic CEO Tim Sweeney, meanwhile, said in a statement that both Sony and Epic have created businesses at the intersection of creativity and technology and they share a vision of real-time 3D social experiences that will lead to a convergence of gaming, film, and music. He also said the parties plan to build a “more open and accessible digital ecosystem for all consumers and content creators.”

    The music reference seems like a call out to the recent virtual Travis Scott concert in Fortnite, which drew more than 27 million people. The mention of a more open and accessible digital ecosystem is also a surprise, as Sweeney has long been a proponent of open systems, while Sony has been an example of a company that protects its proprietary technology. Sony has, however, enabled Fortnite to function as a crossplay game that also lets friends play each other across other platforms.
    Sony invests $250 million in Fortnite maker Epic Games | VentureBeat

  3. #1603 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Pe negru ar fi aratat mai bine.
    Attached Images Attached Images 31089ac8-c092-431f-81f6-c9cc81bec306.jpeg

  4. #1604 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    Clubul PlayStation 5

    Poza proaspata

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #1605 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Pare a fi foarte masiv, WTF!?

  6. #1606 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pai o sa fie cam la fel ca cel de Xbox Series X.

  7. #1607 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Mie mi-ar fi placut mai mult sa fie toata carcasa alba si partea de sus unde scrie PS5 sa fie albastra. Oricum ar fi fost, albastrul nu putea lipsi, este imaginea lor...

  8. #1608 SP
    Member GoroMare's Avatar
    Controlerul de series X, a și fost anunțat ca este mai mic decât cel de Xbox one . Eu cred ca de data asta controlerul de PlayStation va fi mai mare decât cel de la Xbox series X.

  9. #1609 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Sunt destul de dezamagit de controller. DS4 imi venea foarte bine in mana si pe cel de xbox nu l-am suportat niciodata tocmai pentru ca e prea mare si trebuie sa imi intind degetele ca sa ajung la butoanele din spate. Oare ce sanse sunt sa scoata si varianta mai mica?

  10. #1610 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cu siguranta nu vor avea o versiune mai mica si cu siguranta va fi fix de marimea celui de Series X, care o sa fie ceva mai mic decat cel de One X.
    Probabil dupa cateva mii de teste, au ajuns la concluzia ca aia este dimensiunea perfecta pentru cea mai mare parte din utilizatori. Iar restul se vor obisnui.

  11. #1611 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    Poate e compatibil cu ds4. Parca asa se zvonea.

  12. #1612 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnConstantine View Post
    Poate e compatibil cu ds4. Parca asa se zvonea.
    Sper sa fie asa, arata ca un mamut DS5-ul acela din poze, sau probabil are si ala mana mica

  13. #1613 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Eu nu am maini mici, dar controllerul de xbox mi se pare enorm. Sau poate nu il tin eu corect in mana?
    Sprijin controllerul pe degetul mijlociu si folosesc aratatorul pentru R1/L1, dar abia ajung la ele.

  14. #1614 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    E posibil sa fie doar obisnuinta sa ai maneta din stanga in dreapta jos pentru mana stanga, iar faptul ca este in stanga sus pentru deget sa-l faca sa para mai mare decat este, din simplu motiv ca-i incomod pentru tine.

    Mie ambele mi se par ok si nu am nicio problema sa trec de la unu la altu de oricate ori este nevoie.

  15. #1615 SP
    Junior Member Cyberpunk77's Avatar

  16. #1616 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pai da, este absolut logic. De ce? Pentru ca cine este si "fan" Xbox, are deja One X, care este o consola foarte puternica si care va continua sa primeasca jocuri inca cel putin 1 an de la lansarea next gen.

    In schimb la PS, diferenta va fi mult mai mare de la base PS4 si chiar de la PS4 Pro asa ca e absolut normal ca majoritatea oamenilor sa mearga pe PS5 initial.

    Eu asa gandesc si asta este motivul pentru care vreau sa fac pasul day 1 de la base PS4 la PS5, dar pe Xbox voi ramane cu One X cateva luni - 1 an.

  17. #1617 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    E normal ca tabara care a vandut mai multe unitati in actuala generatie sa plece cu un avans si in urmatoarea, mai ales daca rivalii nu aduc nimic revolutionar care sa ii faca pe oameni sa schimbe macazul. Sincer nu vad un motiv real pentru care cineva care a detinut un PS4 generatia asta sa treaca la xbox next-gen. Ca Microsoft ofera o consola mai puternica? Perfect de acord, dar avantajul asta l-au avut si aproape jumatate din generatia asta si nu prea a contat.

    Eu unul am detinut ambele console generatia asta (ambele vanilla), dar pe xbox m-am jucat doar Sunset Overdrive si Forza Horizon de la 2 la 4. In rest a cam strans praf. Clar nu mai fac greseala sa investesc in ambele console next-gen, pur si simplu nu renteaza, pentru mine cel putin.

    LE: Uite ca mi-a adus @SeCeX aminte, am jucat si Gears 4-5 pe Xbox, cel din urma prin GamePass, poate cel mai bun lucru pe care il ofera Microsoft.

  18. #1618 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    La fel am facut si eu generatia asta, Ps 4 Pro si Xbox One S, Xbox jucat gears cu prietena in co op si ori + seria halo, cam atat, imi pare rau? nu, dar generatia urmatoare va fi nevoie de ceva mai mult sa ma convinga cei de la microsoft sa le mai cumpar consola (prima mea dragoste a fost xbox 360, nu sunt hater ). O sa astept 2-3 luni dupa lansarea PS5, am sa sar pe el, si apoi mai vedem ce exclusivitati aduc microsoft la masa. P.S ( Daca noul Fable arata bine nu mai stau pe ganduri ).

  19. #1619 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GTPlanet
    A patent filed by Sony Interactive Entertainment earlier this year suggests that all previous PlayStation games might become available via a new, unnamed service on PlayStation 5.

    The Japan Platform for Patent Information published the patent late last week, on July 2. It’s a 63-page document filed by SIE through its global headquarters in San Mateo, California, but entirely in Japanese language. Broadly, the patent has shades of PlayStation Now, but some of the specifics are a little more interesting.

    Of particular note is the image you’ll see at the top of the page. This is Figure 2B of the filing, and even if you can’t read much Japanese you can quite clearly see the image contains approximations of launch model PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 3 consoles. The labels read “first generation console”, “second generation console”, and “third generation console”, with the section on the right labeled as “library”.

    You can find a description of this figure earlier in the patent, and that contains the following text:

    As can be seen, a large number of game titles across various generations of gaming consoles have been accumulated and made available via the cloud gaming library. As previously mentioned, each of these games can be run on a virtual machine that mimics the operating system associated with the given gaming console in which the game was developed. In this way, users accessing this cloud-based gaming system can easily access and play the game from many different consoles, as well as games from other contacts such as internet games and their cloud. You can also access and play games specifically developed for the base gaming system.

    The suggestion here is relatively clear. Using a single device you’ll be able to access a full library of PS1, PS2, and PS3 games, which you can play via a cloud-based virtual machine on your local console — in addition to games developed for that machine.

    It’s worth noting that the patent makes no specific reference to either the PS4 or PS5. That would make sense if this patent related to function destined for PlayStation 5 as we already know that the console will have hardware-based PS4 support — there’d be no need for a PS4 virtual machine.

    There’s further capabilities noted within the filing. In addition to being able to play demos of these titles, or purchase short, taster versions with instant access, players would also be able to create their own mini-games. The filing suggests players could capture sequences of game play and upload them to the cloud for others to play, or rate and comment on.

    That’s a further hint at the patent referring to PlayStation 5. The PlayStation 5’s DualSense controller has a new “Create” button in place of the old “Share” button, and this is likely a part of its new functionality.

    One thing not covered in the patent that we can see is physical media. Whether players can insert a PS1, PS2, or PS3 game disc into their PS5 and use this system to play the games is unclear, but it doesn’t seem likely at this point. Of course it is only a patent too, so the whole concept may not come to pass, but we can hope.

    If you want to read the patent yourself, it’s available on the Japan Platform for Patent Information site.

    Sony Patent Hints at PlayStation 5 Cloud-Based Emulation of Previous Consoles

  20. #1620 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Asa ar fi cel mai usor sa faca BC, daca nu au gandit de la inceput asta. Play dintr-un VM in cloud. Acum ramane de vazut daca este una din chestiile pe care inca le tine ascunse Sony sau sunt doar speculatii.

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