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Thread: Backward Compatibility - PS5

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Post Backward Compatibility - PS5

    Consola PS5 dispune de backward compatibility in felul urmator:
    - PS4 - software
    - PS3 - prin PlayStation Now, numar de titluri limitat
    - PS2 - prin PlayStation Now, numar de titluri limitat
    - PS1 - nu functioneaza

    Jocurile de PS4 ce pot fi jucate pe PS5:
    - The overwhelming majority of the 4,000+ PS4 games are playable on PS5 consoles.
    - Select PS4 games will benefit from the PS5 console's Game Boost, which may make PS4 games run with a higher or smoother frame rate.
    - Although many PS4 games are playable on PS5 consoles, some functionalities that were available on the PS4 console may not be available on PS5 consoles. In addition, some PS4 games may exhibit errors or unexpected behaviour when played on PS5 consoles.
    - Before purchasing add-ons to play with your PS4 games on PS5 consoles, please try to boot and play your PS4 games on your PS5 console to see if you are happy with the play experience.
    - PlayStation VR games are included among the thousands of PlayStation®4 games that are playable on PlayStation®5. Playing PS VR games on a PS5™ console requires a PS VR headset, PlayStation®Camera for PS4™* and a PlayStation®Camera adaptor (no purchase required. Visit for details). For the best PS VR experience on PS5, we recommend using a DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller. Selected games may require PlayStation®Move motion controllers or be compatible with the PlayStation®VR aim controller. The new HD camera for PS5 is not compatible with PS VR. The PS VR headset, PS Camera, DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller, PS Move controllers and PS VR aim controller are all sold separately from PS5.
    *Model CUH-ZEY1 or CUH-ZEY2
    - Always update your PS5 console to the latest version of the system software.
    Jocuri ce nu functioneaza:
    - DWVR
    - Afro Samurai 2 Revenge of Kuma Volume One
    - TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge 2
    - Just Deal With It!
    - Shadow Complex Remastered - update: a primit patch
    - Robinson: The Journey
    - We Sing
    - Hitman Go: Definitive Edition
    - Shadwen
    - Joe's Diner
    This list is subject to change and excludes demos, media and non-game applications.
    Jocuri de la Ubisoft, ce functioneaza, dar cu probleme:
    - Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate
    - Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles Trilogy Pack
    - Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles India
    - Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles China
    - Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles Russia
    - Risk
    - Star Trek: Bridge Crew
    - Werewolves Within
    - Space Junkies
    - The SHARE menu cannot be displayed during PS4 gameplay on PS5 consoles. You can take screenshots and images by pressing the create button on your DualSense wireless controller to show the create menu. Additionally, you can use the button shortcuts to start/stop video recording or to save screenshots as follows:
    -- Single-press the create (DualSense) or SHARE button (DUALSHOCK4) to show the create menu
    -- Press and hold the create (DualSense) or SHARE button (DUALSHOCK4) to take a screenshot
    -- Double-press the create (DualSense) or SHARE button (DUALSHOCK4) to start and stop video recording manually.
    - The HD Camera is not compatible with PS VR on PS5. You'll need to use the PS Camera (for PS4), and the PS Camera adaptor (no purchase required), to use PS VR on PS5.
    - HDR is automatically switched on for PS5 consoles. To turn off HDR, go to Settings > Screen and Video > Video Output > HDR and select SDR.
    - The tournaments feature on PS4 is not supported on PS5 consoles. To participate in a tournament for PS4 games, please continue to use your PS4 console.
    - In-Game Live from PlayStation is not supported on PS5 consoles.
    - PS5 consoles do not support the PS4 Second Screen app or game companion apps.
    Backwards compatibility: PlayStation®4 games playable on PlayStation®5 consoles
    Analiza Digital Foundry:
    Attached Images Attached Images ps5_ps4_backward_compatibility.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Shadow Complex Remastered a primit patch si merge acum pe PS5.

  3. #3 SP
    Junior Member ReedV's Avatar
    Project Cars 2 apare incompatibil cu PS5 in library și când intru pe el îmi spune să cumpăr o varianta compatibilă și mă trimite pe Store să îl iau cu 30 și ceva lei variantă tot de PS4? WTF

  4. #4 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Am incercat ieri cateva jocuri si am ramas destul de dezamagit.

    In Days Gone tot stai cam 1 minut pana intra in meniu si un alt minut pana intra in joc. Loading-ul este mult prea lung, mai ales pentru ceva deja optimizat pentru PS5. In joc da, e flawless 60fps din cate pare, dar diferentele dpdv grafic intre ce jucasem pe base PS4 si ce joc acum sincer, nu le vad.

    In Witcher 3 la fel - loading screens mult prea lungi fata de asteptari, iar jocul se misca ciudat rau. Nu stiu in ce rezolutie ruleaza, dar cand invarti camera are motion blur-ul atat de agresiv de mi se face greata. Iar Geralt pare ca pluteste in timp ce alearga

    The Last of Us Part 2 la fel - loading-ul initial dureaza aproape 1 minut - in joc se simte bine, fluid, probabil 60fps (nu am idee) dar la fel ca la Days Gone, diferentele grafice dintre ce am jucat pe base PS4 si aici sunt minore sau nu sunt deloc.

  5. #5 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Din ce citesc aici imi pare bine ca nu m-am lasat dus de val si am hotarat sa astept pana in primavara sau poate si mai mult pana fac update la ps5. E destul de greu sa lupti cu dorinta si curiozitatea de a avea ceva din primele zile mai ales cand toti se lupta pt asta si golesc stocurile. Dar o analiza la rece pt mine personal nu justifica graba. As fi luat ps5-ul in special pt updatul de performanta in jocurile ps4. Cele strict ps5 mi se par inca mult prea scumpe. Libraria ps4 e extrem de bogata si sunt o gramada de jocuri pe care nu le-am jucat si au preturi derizorii. Ex am luat recent de pe store Lords of the Fallen cu 14 lei si Shadows Awakening la vro 30 lei. Daca diferenta pe ps5 e nesimnificativa de ce sa dau 2500 de lei acum? O sa dau banii astia in vara cand o sa se stabilizeze si erorile aparute, o sa se si ieftineasca si jocurile ps5, o sa apara bundle-uri o sa apara poate patchiuri de performanta pt mult mai multe jocuri ps4. Nu e ca si cand nu as avea ce juca iar diferenta la ce joc eu si ce ofera ps5 e de la cer la pamant.

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member 077danyel's Avatar
    Nu știu ce sa zic dar mi se pare normal sa nu fie diferenta la grafica la jocurile de ps4 pe ps5 excepție făcând alea care primesc upgrade(dar probabil nici acolo nu e diferenta mare)
    De aceea au și scos doar jocuri pentru ps5 sa vedem acolo diferenta( adevărul e sunt prea scumpe momentan )
    Eu totuși ma bucur ca merge toate jocurile din librărie și la unele se misca mai bine

  7. #7 SP
    Junior Member Mosteaca's Avatar
    Întâmpin si eu o problema, nu pot face upgrade la Valhala disc version. Pur si simplu nu am opțiunea nici in store nici in game options ( de la cele 3 puncte). V-ati intalnit careva dintre voi cu problema asta? Daca da cum ati rezolvat-o? Multumesc.

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member keanustar's Avatar
    Incearca cu un cont de UK. Am impresia ca pe store-ul de RO nu au dat drumul cum trebuie la PS5 stuff.
    Eu azi am avut ceva probleme cu MK11. Jocul de PS5 mergea luat de pe Store free, dar unul din DLC-uri ju era free. Eu am rezolvat dupa ce am intrat pe ps4 si i-am dat purchase de acolo.

  9. #9 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Video Games Chronicle
    When viewing a PS3 game on the PS5 store, the listing should direct the player towards the PlayStation Now version of the game, however, Dead Or Alive 5 displays a price, £7.99.

    Other users on social media have reported seeing similar listings for PS3’s Bejeweled and Prince of Persia games The Forgotten Sands and The Two Thrones, each with their own purchase prices.

    At the time of publishing, users have been unable to purchase a PS3 game from the PS5 store. The listings could be in error but interestingly, Dead Or Alive 5 on the PS3 isn’t available on PlayStation Now in Europe.
    PS3 games have started appearing on the PS5 store | VGC
    Attached Images Attached Images fjmk6nkxmaimzyn.jpg fjm5ce-xmaagnlt.jpg fjn-kzkxiayewu5.jpg

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member 077danyel's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mosteaca View Post
    Întâmpin si eu o problema, nu pot face upgrade la Valhala disc version. Pur si simplu nu am opțiunea nici in store nici in game options ( de la cele 3 puncte). V-ati intalnit careva dintre voi cu problema asta? Daca da cum ati rezolvat-o? Multumesc.
    Eu am mai făcut un cont pe turci și am reușit de acolo

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