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Thread: The Last of Us: Part I (Remake)

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    The Last of Us: Part I (Remake)

    Vine remake la TLOU1:
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloomberg
    Sony Corp.’s Visual Arts Service Group has long been the unsung hero of many hit PlayStation video games. The San Diego-based operation helps finish off games designed at other Sony-owned studios with animation, art or other content and development. But about three years ago, a handful of influential figures within the Visual Arts Service Group decided they wanted to have more creative control and lead game direction rather than being supporting actors on popular titles such as Spider-Man and Uncharted.

    Michael Mumbauer, who founded the Visual Arts Service Group in 2007, recruited a group of about 30 developers, internally and from neighboring game studios, to form a new development unit within Sony. The idea was to expand upon some of the company’s most successful franchises and the team began working on a remake of the 2013 hit The Last of Us for the PlayStation 5. But Sony never fully acknowledged the team’s existence or gave them the funding and support needed to succeed in the highly competitive video game market, according to people involved. The studio never even got its own name. Instead, Sony moved ownership of the The Last of Us remake to its original creator, Naughty Dog, a Sony-owned studio behind many of the company’s best-selling games and an HBO television series in development.

    Deflated, the small group’s leadership has largely disbanded, according to interviews with eight people familiar with the operation. Many, including Mumbauer, have left the company entirely. Mumbauer declined to comment and others asked not to be named discussing private information. A representative for Sony declined to comment or provide interviews. [...]

    Sony’s focus on exclusive blockbusters has come at the expense of niche teams and studios within the PlayStation organization, leading to high turnover and less choice for players. Last week, Sony reorganized a development office in Japan, resulting in mass departures of people who worked on less well-known but acclaimed games such as Gravity Rush and Everybody's Golf. The company has informed developers that it no longer wants to produce smaller games that are only successful in Japan, Bloomberg has reported.

    This fixation on teams that churn out hits is creating unrest across Sony's portfolio of game studios. Oregon-based Sony Bend, best known for the 2019 open-world action game Days Gone, tried unsuccessfully to pitch a sequel that year, according to people familiar with the proposal. Although the first game had been profitable, its development had been lengthy and critical reception was mixed, so a Days Gone 2 wasn’t seen as a viable option.

    Instead, one team at the studio was assigned to help Naughty Dog with a multiplayer game while a second group was assigned to work on a new Uncharted game with supervision from Naughty Dog. Some staff, including top leads, were unhappy with this arrangement and left. Bend's developers feared they might be absorbed into Naughty Dog, and the studio’s leadership asked to be taken off the Uncharted project. They got their wish last month and are now working on a new game of their own. [...]

    For their first solo project, Mumbauer and his crew wanted to pitch something that would be well received by their bosses at Sony. Recognizing the risks and expense involved with developing a new game from scratch, they decided to focus on remaking older games for the new PlayStation 5. Remakes are considered a safe bet since it’s cheaper to update and polish an old game than it is to start from scratch, and they can be sold both to nostalgic old fans and curious new ones. The team originally planned on a remake of the first Uncharted game, released by Naughty Dog in 2007. That idea quickly fizzled because it would be expensive and require too much added design work. Instead, the team settled on a remake of Naughty Dog’s 2013 melancholic zombie hit, The Last of Us.

    At the time, Naughty Dog was in the thick of development on the sequel, The Last of Us Part II, which would introduce higher-fidelity graphics and new gameplay features. If Mumbauer’s crew remade the first game to have a similar look and feel, the two games could be packaged together for the PlayStation 5. In theory, this would be a less expensive proposition than remaking Uncharted, since The Last of Us was more modern and wouldn’t require too many gameplay overhauls. Then, once Mumbauer’s group had established itself, it could go on to remake the first Uncharted game and other titles down the road. [...]

    Mumbauer’s project, code-named T1X, was approved on a probationary basis, but Sony kept the team’s existence a secret, and refused to give them a budget to hire more people, leading many to wonder if the company was really committed to letting the team build a new studio. Still, the small team kept working and by the spring of 2019 they had completed a section of the game designed to showcase how the rest would look and feel.

    At that time, Sony was going through a management shuffle and the new boss wasn’t impressed. Hermen Hulst, the former head of Guerrilla Games, was named head of PlayStation’s Worldwide Studios in November 2019. He thought the remake project was too expensive, according to people familiar with the matter, and asked why the planned budget for T1X was so much higher than remakes Sony had made in the past. The reason was that this one was on a brand new graphical engine for the PlayStation 5. Mumbauer needed to hire more people to help rework the graphics on new technology as well as redesign gameplay mechanics. Hulst wasn’t convinced, the people said.

    Just when it hoped to enter production on the remake of The Last of Us, Mumbauer’s team got called in to help when another big game fell behind. Release of The Last of Us Part II had been pushed to 2020 from 2019 and Naughty Dog needed the Visual Arts Service Group to polish it off. Most of Mumbauer’s team, along with some of the 200 or so other staff at the Visual Arts Service Group, was assigned to support Naughty Dog, slowing down progress on its own game.

    Then, the roles got reversed. Sony sent word that after the completion of The Last of Us Part II, some people from Naughty Dog would help out with T1X. Mumbauer’s team saw this as their short-lived autonomy being stripped. Dozens of Naughty Dog staff were joining the project, and some had actually worked on the original The Last of Us, giving them more weight in discussions about T1X’s direction. The game was moved under Naughty Dog’s budget, which Sony gave more leeway than the Visual Arts Service Group. Soon it was apparent that Naughty Dog was in charge, and the dynamics returned to what they had been for the last decade and a half: The Visual Arts Support Group aiding another team of developers rather than leading. [...]

    By the end of 2020, most of the T1X team’s top staff had left, including Mumbauer and the game’s director, David Hall. Today, the T1X project remains in development at Naughty Dog with assistance from Sony’s Visual Arts Support Group. The future of the remainder of Mumbauer’s team, which has come to be jokingly referred to as Naughty Dog South, remains unclear.
    Sony’s Obsession With Blockbusters Is Stirring Unrest Within PlayStation Empire - Bloomberg
    Attached Images Attached Images the_last_of_us-1.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Personal mi se pare o decizie fff proasta

    Adica nu vrei sa investesti in Days Gone 2, care a fost un joc foarte bun, a adus si profit si clar lumea vrea o continuare, dar vrei sa investesti intr-un remaster pentru remake-ul The Last of Us (care oricum merge pe PS5) pentru PS5

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Eu il cumpar. Daca scoteau TLOU 3 asteptam o reducere, dar asa stiu sigur ca o sa fie bun.

  4. #4 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ma astept sa-l dea gratis la PS+ day 1 sincer sa fiu

  5. #5 SP
    Member mladin86's Avatar
    wow nu cred ca e adevarat , adica sper...
    remaster pe PS4 si remake pe PS5
    e o prostie cred ca ar castiga mai mult daca l ar scoate pe PC, si nici nu i ar costa atat ( doar milioane de fani )

  6. #6 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    This is garbage.

  7. #7 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Financiar are sens. O sa iasa serialul pe HBO si or sa vrea multi sa joace jocul. Si in loc sa joace un remaster de pe PS3 mai bine dau 60$ pe un remake pt PS5.

    Eu doar ce am rejucat part 1 si jocul inca se tine bine, dar eu nici nu alerg dupa RTX and ****...

  8. #8 SP
    Member tudort's Avatar
    Acum nici nu este rentabil să ne dorim RTX and .... fiindcă un 3070 are prețul recomandat de vânzare exact costul unei console next-gen și anume 500$, dar dacă o consolă ar fi posibil să o iei la preț standard, un 3070 sub 6000 lei nu cred că mai este acum, deci de 3 ori prețul !

    Nu sunt împotriva unui remake bun - Resident Evil 2 Remake a dat tonul și cred că e foarte ok. Dar în principal ar trebui să se focuseze pe jocuri noi din serii consacrate sau chiar noi producții. Din acel articol am înțeles că se renunță la inovație și la noi producții în favoarea acesto remake-uri, ceea ce mi se pare un lucru greșit. Remake-uri pentru noi jucători sau nostalgici sunt binevenite, dar mai bine investesc și scot un titlu nou care să dea pe spate decât să tot refacă jocuri vechi dar foarte bine apreciate.

    Îmi dau seama că este o decizie financiară la finalul zilei dar pe termen lung efectele acestui trend nu cred că sunt benefice. Tot mai multe remake-uri pentru bani și fără inovație și riscuri sau muncă pentru a îmbunătăți o formulă de joc.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Sunt benefice atata timp cat oamenii continua sa arunce cu bani in ei. Din pacate sau din fericire, in ziua de azi companiile nu iau atat de multe decizii pe cat ar vrea. Cumparatorii iau deciziile, cand cumpara sau nu un produs.

  10. #10 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Espiritus View Post
    Cumparatorii iau deciziile, cand cumpara sau nu un produs.
    100% corect! Pt noi care am jucat deja jocul asta, nu e o decizie buna. As fi preferat sa se focuseze pe part 3 sau macar un patch pt ps5 la part 2 care vad ca nu mai vine.

    Astept serialul, sper sa nu dezamageasca. Si daca o sa-l dea gratis la PS+ dupa lansare, nu o sa-mi para rau sa mai fac un walkthrough ca sigur o sa imi faca pofta serialul.

  11. #11 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Rezumatul articolului, ce este mai interesant, pentru cei care nu vor sa-l citeasca integral:
    - Sony Visual Arts Service Group din San Diego este suport pentru studiourile PlayStation
    - in 2018, Michael Mumbauer, cel care conduce grupul din 2007, vrea mai mult, un proiect propriu, strange 30 de developeri
    - Sony Bend Studio din Oregon, dezvoltatorii Days Gone, vor sequel, este respinsa propunerea
    - o parte din Bend Studio este incredintata sa-i ajute pe Naughty Dog la un joc multiplayer
    - cealalta parte lucreaza la un nou Uncharted, sub supravegherea Naughty Dog
    - nemultumitii de aceste decizii pleaca
    - developerii Bend ramasi, se tem sa nu devina parte a Naughty Dog, iar la insistentele leadershipului studioului, de luna trecuta Sony i-a retras din proiectul Uncharted
    - aceasta a doua parte lucreaza acum la un joc nou
    - Mumbauer cu noua grupare vor sa faca remakes pentru PS5
    - un remake la Uncharted este respins, este acceptat remake la The Last of Us, proiectul T1X
    - gruparea nu este recunoscuta, nu devine studio, Sony nu le mareste bugetul pentru noi angajari
    - in primavara 2019 au o sectiune gata, pentru a demonstra felul in care va fi jocul
    - in noiembrie 2019, in locul lui Yoshida, Hulst devine Worldwide Studios president
    - Hulst e nemultumit de cat de scump e proiectul - motivul e noul graphical engine pentru PS5
    - inainte sa inceapa productia pentru T1X, SVASG si o parte din grupare sunt pusi sa-i ajute pe Naughty Dog la Tha Last of Us 2 care tocmai fusese amanat
    - dupa, Naughty Dog este pus sa-i ajuta la remake, cu tot cu developerii grei, inclusiv unii care au lucrat la jocul original
    - T1X intra in bugetul Naughty Dog
    - practic s-a ajuns de unde au plecat, Naughty Dog e liderul proiectului, Mumbauer cu gruparea sa si SVASG sunt suportul lor
    - Mumbauer, directorul David Hall si altii din grupare parasesc Sony

  12. #12 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    Recunosc ca un TLOU cu fluiditatea miscarilor din TLOU 2 m-ar interesa sa incerc dar... remake... schimba detaliile din poveste?

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Deci The Last of Us, un joc de PS3 lansat în 2013, remasterizat pentru PS4 în 2014, va fi relansat ca remake pentru PS5 în 2022? Dar acum, în 2021, poți juca versiunea de PS4 pe PS5? Iar remake-ul va costa 70$? Bravo Sony!

  14. #14 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Nici nu au scos TLOU 2 Factions Multiplayer si ei vor sa scoata TLOU 1 remake... Daca va avea multiplayer (cu engine si grafica de tlou 2 banuiesc) il voi lua redus la jumatate de pret, altfel daca este doar povestea... Pas.

  15. #15 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Eu nu o sa il iau. Abia pe ps6 experienta va fi deplina. Asadar astept remasterul pt ps6 la remakeul de ps5 la remasterul de ps4 pt originalul de pe ps3.

  16. #16 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Pana la urma daca ar face remake-ul cu grafica de la tlou2 nu cred ca deranjeaza pe nimeni. Doar sa nu fie un cash grab.

  17. #17 SP
    Member ConuGeo's Avatar
    The Last of Us Part I (PS5 standard/Firefly Edition) up for preorder ($69.99/$99.99)

    Vedem dacă e fake sau nu20220609_193444.jpg20220609_193437.jpg

    Arata mai bine, dar nu-l voi cumpara din nou.Ma mulțumesc cu versiunea PS4.

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Nu este fake, este aparut si trailer pe site-ul oficial Sony.

    Aveti aici link:

  19. #19 SP
    Member cosmin1088's Avatar
    70€/$ la a treia lansare, si nici macar nu mai are multiplayer. Sony e all about making that cash, baby.
    Abia astept sa-l iau cu 69 lei la promotie.

    edit: detalii despre Firefly Edition:

    The game will seemingly be sold in both a standard and Firefly Edition. The latter includes a steelbook display case, copies of the Last of Us: American Dreams comics issues 1-4, and "early in-game unlocks" (what those are is unclear).

  20. #20 SP
    Member Prototype93D's Avatar
    Se pare ca urmeaza sa apara si pe PC.
    Nu se mai stie nimic despre modul de multiplayer pentru TLOU 2? Ma gandeam ca poate il lanseaza cu acest remaster.

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