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Thread: Clubul Xbox Series X

  1. #1041 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu inteleg ce ipocrizie este aici.

    Una este sa ai nevoie sa faci asta si alta este normalitatea si utilitatea.
    Daca ti-ar inregistra din urma 100 de ore incontinuu, s-ar duce si mama si tatal ssd-ului ala in 2 saptamani. Sau nu realizezi ce flux de date scrise efectiv incontinuu inutil ar insemna asta

    Ce vrei sa faci cu video ala? Pentru reviews, se foloseste placa de captura.
    Altfel poti facea streaming si raman acolo.

    Iar vorbim ca sa ne aflam in treaba?
    Chiar nu se mai poate discuta pe forum fara atacuri la persoana si impungeri gratuite?

  2. #1042 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    Poate am avut un meci bun de call of duty si vreau sa il pastrez. Apas butonul de share dau save video si gata. Vezi utilitatea? Nu a inregistrat 100 de ore, ci doar 15 min.

    "Chiar nu se mai poate discuta pe forum fara atacuri la persoana si impungeri gratuite" zise asta moderatorul care nu rateaza vreo ocazie de a catolaga comunitatea PlayStation drept una toxica.

  3. #1043 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Si daca meciul a avut 20 si fix in primele 5 minute ai avut 3 kills misto, iar el a inregistrat doar 15?
    Sau ce te opreste sa apesi butonul de share cand esti in lobby?

    Uite, fa o petitie prin care sa ceri sa introduca optiuni pana la 30 min de inregistrat incontinuu si voi fi primul care o voi semna, chiar daca nu-i vad utilitatea pentru mai mult de 5 minute, ba chiar cred ca este daunator pentru SSD acest lucru.

    Also, tu fix asta-mi demonstrezi acum Good job

  4. #1044 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    Eu am vrut doar sa demonstrez ca, la fel cum ati sarit voi in sus ca PS5 nu are browser si i-ati "atacat" pe cei care au zis ca oricum e inutil, si detinatorii de Xbox isi apara consola, invocand fix acelasi argument al inutilitatii functiilor care lipsesc.

  5. #1045 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Eu nu-mi apar deloc consola. Heck, nici nu o am, pe cand PS5 e ca si al meu (deja platit, trebuie livrat).
    Eu l-am intrebat pe Xander ce optiuni sunt si sunt dezamagit ca tot doar 2 min in 1080 sau 30s in 4k avem, la fel ca la One X.

    Nu vreau nici eu prea mult, dar un 5 min in 1080 si 2 min in 4K ar fi fost absolut firesc.
    Dar suna bine sa apasam noi pe buton cand vrem sa inregistram si sa oprim la final. La urma urmei, putem face asta in fiecare meci din FIFA sau Warzone si daca nu a fost nimic interesant, intram in Gallery si stergem. Ne ia 10s in plus

    Also, cred ca am fost primul/singuru om de pe forum care a zis ca ar fi fost misto Haptic Triggers la controller-ul de Xbox, la fel cu pe Xbox One imi doream acel share button de la inceput.

    Xbox Series X Teardown: Totally Modular, Not As Repairable

  6. #1046 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Eu înțelesesem că atât înregistrează consolă, nu mi-am dat seama ca este o altă opțiune de share.

    Eu îmi mai salvez meciurile de Warzone și apoi le editez cu fast forward că să îi scurtez durata.

    Dar într-adevăr dacă ai un clip de 20-30 de secunde opțiune aceasta e mișto.

  7. #1047 SP
    Junior Member Krimevil's Avatar

    Eu am observat faza asta la controller-ul venit cu Series S-ul meu, la butonul A.

  8. #1048 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar

    XSX Blu-ray player cannot output true black

  9. #1049 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Nu am idee, dar cred ca omul a setat consola in Limited Range. Fix asa se intampla daca faci asta, nu vei avea niciodata the darkest blacks (0) si brightest whites (255). Limited RGB seteaza valorile intre 16-235, pentru ca asa a fost presetul in industria TV-urilor ani buni. Trecut in Full RGB si gata, problem solved. Cel putin eu asta cred ca e duda...

  10. #1050 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Unul facut ca la carte:

  11. #1051 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Only Xbox Series X can do this!

  12. #1052 SP
    Junior Member mariom99992000's Avatar
    Pt cei interesati este black Friday pe Xbox USA .fifa 21 e la jumate preț pt ediția din 4 decembrie.

  13. #1053 SP
    Member eastbason's Avatar

    Clubul Xbox Series X

    Stiu ca nu este chiar o intrebare pentru topicul asta....dar poate voi, cei care aveti consola, puteti sa ma lamuriti.

    Aveti idee daca controller-ul functioneaza si pe windows? Vreau sa il leg de un htpc prin bluetooth...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. #1054 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Au aparut pe Amazon si skin-urile prin care va camuflati consola... sa nu va strice feng-shui-ul casei.
    Attached Images Attached Images xbox_series_x_skin_1.jpg xbox_series_x_skin_2.jpg xbox_series_x_skin_3.jpg xbox_series_x_skin_4.jpg

  15. #1055 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Ce mi se pare mai important:
    Doua console:
    What was the best argument against doing two consoles?

    Just complexity in the market, I would say.

    The way I would frame it, the best argument against doing it was Sony. We didn’t think that they were going to do it. I’ve said it before, I have a ton of respect for what Sony does. It’s not to say what they’re doing is wrong. [But] if it’s, we’re going to go compete with one hardware competitor and we just want to make it as easy as possible to compare our one product to their one product, that was the thought process that would have you push to say, no, just do one thing.

    When we think about where gaming is going, you go into maybe the Ballmer framing of it. You’ve got a business that’s growing and you want to grow as fast as you can. You want to grow in a healthy way. You’re either going to grow by making more from the customers that you have now, or finding new customers.

    I’d say in the console space over the last four or five years, most of the growth that the industry has realized has been growth per user, not growing the number of console users that are out there. It’s actually been a fairly fixed number over the last decade.
    We started manufacturing late summer. We were a little bit later than the competition, because we were waiting for some specific AMD technology in our chip. We were a little bit behind where they were, where Sony was, in terms of building units. We started in late summer.
    When you do that, then you have to ship them to all the right retailers and distributors. There’s a time lag, even when you start and even when they’re coming off the assembly line, [until they’re] sitting at retail shelves.

    We’re building at full capacity for now, a few months. And we continue to. Units continue to hit the shelves. Demand is just incredibly high right now. The biggest disappointment for me in this launch — but I’m also happy with it — is people love the product. The demand is high, such that when you’re going to see product hit the shelf, it goes very quickly. If you want one, I sound like a salesman now, but I’d recommend picking one up when you see it.

    Because we’re going to be in this situation, probably into the spring, maybe not as tight as it is now, but demand is just really high, and we’re building. We start the supply chain back in the summer. We’re building, we’re building. There’s just physics in how many lines at the fab you can put in the assembly lines. You can build as many as you can build, and that’s what we’ve been doing. There are decisions around mix, like how many of the S and the X do you build. You have to make decisions on that.
    Produc mai multe X:
    We figured that our first holiday, and probably our second holiday, you would see more of the higher end SKU, the Series X sold. We built more Series Xs than we did Series Ss. I think when we go into spring and summer, we’ll probably moderate that a bit. Over the long run, in most cases, price wins out. If you just go back and look at previous generations and when console generations hit the real sweet spot of sales, which is one of the reasons we like having that, that’s the Series S at its price point.

    Then when we go back into next holiday, which we’re already thinking about with supply chain and build, we’re already in that framing, trying to look at what we think our ratio should be between the two. The chips are very different in size — this is a little bit in the weeds — we can actually build more of the Series S [chips] in the same [chip] die space as we can the Series X. Right now, demand for the Series X is higher, which is what we expected.
    Despre fanboys:
    But especially in the console space, there’s like a core of the core, that have, I think, taken it to a destructive level of, “I really want that to fail so the thing that I bought succeeds.” I’m saying on both sides. I’m not saying that it’s all people crushing Xboxes and everybody that loves Xbox is always completely inviting to all the PlayStation stuff. I’ve said before, that I find it distasteful, but maybe that is too light. I just really despise it. I don’t think we have to see others fail in order for us to achieve the goals. That’s not some kind of “kumbaya” thing. It’s actually real. We’re in the entertainment business. The biggest competitor we have is apathy over the products and services [and] games that we build.
    Fara Halo la lansare:
    [Halo] was a miss on our part. I wouldn’t change the decision based on the right game, [a] healthy situation for the team, and how they’re working. Absolutely, it’s something that we had planned for, Bonnie Ross who runs the studio and I, to have Halo there. In the long run, I think what’s going to happen is we’re going to get a better Halo game at a good time when people can actually get a console. I feel good about that. I think the game will be better for the time that we’re giving it.
    Ultima generatie?:
    Well, you’re shipping two pieces of hardware. We’ve talked a lot about the nuts and bolts of your hardware so far. Do you think that shift to game streaming will be the inflection point? Do you think that these are the last big pieces of hardware you’re going to ship?

    I don’t think these will be the last big pieces of hardware that we ship
    TV streaming sticks? Parteneriatul cu Samsung?:
    What’s stopping you from saying, okay, Xbox is an app, it has minimum hardware specs, and we’re just going to run it on a smart TV?

    I think you’re going to see that in the next 12 months. I don’t think anything is going to stop us from doing that.
    xCloud pe iOS:
    We’ve seen Amazon, and I think to some extent, Microsoft, [say], screw it, we’re just going to go through the browser. What is that conversation with Apple like right now? Is it just whatever, Safari is open, we’re not going to deal with your app store?

    No, they actually remain open to the user experience we would like people to see. But we have this avenue of a browser that works for us that we will go and build out, which gives us access, frankly, to a lot of devices.
    Full interview: Microsoft’s Phil Spencer on the new Xbox launch - The Verge

  16. #1056 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images img_8137.jpg

  17. #1057 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Lol, cumparam Xbox ca sa ne jucam jocuri de PS. Wait, what?

  18. #1058 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Sarbatori fericite din partea Microsoft!

  19. #1059 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Aveti idee daca e pe undeva vreo lista cu titlurile care sunt updatate pentru Xbox Series X? Presupun ca daca pun un SSD pe USB, in mare parte nu prea are sens decat pt. storage si backup la jocuri, pt. ca altfel nu prea mai merge nimic de pe el, nu? Sau au scos vreun patch ceva, care sa accepte jocurile si rulate de pe USB?

    Si inca o intrebare. In afara de asta, mai e vreun drive suportat ca extensie de pe care pot fi rulate jocurile de XSX?

  20. #1060 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Ori in Store la series s/x compatible sau in library tot la filtru pui: series s/x compatible.
    Referitor la ssd-usb...hdd merg toate, pana acum nu am intalnit drive sa nu functioneze, si spre surprinderea mea nu am vazut diferente intre ssd usb si hdd usb...,go figure that
    Drive-ul ala de la Seagate e necesar DOAR jocurilor facute pt series x ca The Medium, alea merg instalate pe orice dar pornesc doar de pe intern sau Seagate

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