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Thread: Clubul PlayStation Vita - PS Vita

  1. #201 SP
    Member Madutzzu14's Avatar

  2. #202 SP
    Senior Member JeNeI's Avatar
    PS Vita in timp de sarbatoare a reusit sa stranga doar 72000 de vanzari,cu 30000 mai putin decat PSP.Pe cand 3DS-ul in acest timp a reusit sa stranga 484000 de vanzari.

    Iata aici un quote de la un american :

    Here I was, holding an electronic device that virtually no one in the United States has yet, and folks around me were more interested in their iPads.

  3. #203 SP
    Member Mythul's Avatar
    Si urmeaza consecintele: Vita discounted in Japan

    Vita Discounted In Japan - VITA News at IGN

  4. #204 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mythul View Post
    Si urmeaza consecintele: Vita discounted in Japan

    Vita Discounted In Japan - VITA News at IGN
    Daca nu o vor face si pentru jocuri... va fi degeaba. Unde mai punem ca multi trec reducerea pe seama temerilor ca PSV nu se va vinde... therefore nu va fi suficient suport pt. inca o consola. Iar cand nu mai e suport, nu mai apar nici jocuri (vezi PSP-ul). Oricum, pana la international launch date (22 Februarie 2012 - cu 2 zile inainte de conferinta Apple ) orice este posibil. Sa speram ca Sony va invata ceva din Japan launch...

  5. #205 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    cred ca ar tebui sa ne asteptam la o noua lista de preturi pentru consola si jocurile sala pentru lansarea in Europa si America . Daca la inceput 250$ parea un pret ok, atunci poate Sony o sa il faca si mai ok

  6. #206 SP
    Member Aliosa's Avatar

  7. #207 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Tocmai ce-am primit oferta de la Flanco pt. precomanda. Desigur ca e ceva failed pe-acolo... PSVita la 149 RON
    PRECOMANDA - Consola Sony PS VITA - Console Hardware - Gaming PC & Console - IT&C

    P.S. "Produsul nu mai face parte din oferta curenta"
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #208 SP
    Member Aliosa's Avatar
    Nu era vorba de consola, era vorba de asta: PS Vita Pre-Order Package PS Vita accessories |
    Consola era separat.
    Vom vedea in zilele urmatoare ce mai apare.
    Din screenshot-ul tau se pot distinge preturile la console (1299 lei cea cu 3G si 1099 cea fara).

  9. #209 SP
    Member Mythul's Avatar
    Macel in ultima saptamana din an (Japonia only) !

    Here's the full Media Create chart for the week. The prior week's sales are in parentheses.

    1. 3DS: 197,952 (482,200)
    2. PS3: 67,199 (75,943)
    3. PSP: 62,746 (101,121)
    4. PSV: 42,648 (72,479)
    5. Wii: 33,208 (91,176)
    6. DSi LL: 3,356 (8,470)
    7. X360: 2,453 (4,245)
    8. DSi: 2,418 (5,894)
    9. PS2: 1,659 (1,582)
    10. DS Lite: 28 (32)

    Practic de la o saptamana la alta s-au injumatatit. Nu cred ca mai surprinde pe cineva. Daca se ia in considerare ca in aceste numere intra si hype-ul unei noi console etc. ....e de rau

  10. #210 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar

  11. #211 SP
    Member Aliosa's Avatar
    PS Vita | ALTEX
    Aici apar alte preturi, dar si faptul ca iti taie cei 150 de lei din pretul consolei.
    Oricum, asteptam m multe vesti in zilele urmatoare.

  12. #212 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    Si un prim review ( japanese model ) de la IGN :

    PS Vita Review (Japanese Model) - IGN

    - A powerful and versatile handheld.
    - Expensive hardware with limited proprietary media.
    - Impressive battery life.
    Still, many of the aspects of the device aren't even fully operational yet, such as remote play, modes of Near and more. As the device makes its larger global debut and new games and updates emerge, expanded functionality and value is sure to follow. We plan on conducting a comprehensive review of the version launching next month, so stay tuned.

    Again, this is just the beginning for the PS Vita. Despite its faults and the challenges it may face in the larger consumer market, it remains an impressive handheld. It offers gameplay experiences never before seen on a portable device and with time, could emerge as a powerhouse mobile platform.

  13. #213 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Hmm... "Impressive battery life?". Oare cei de la IGN au primit un model cu baterie mai buna... sunt biased... sau sunt ceilalti dusi? Pana acum am vazut ca tine 3 ore cu luminozitatea la maxim... IGN zice in articolul de mai sus ca tine 4 ore... Dzeu stie ce sa mai credem. Oricum, daca e ca aici, e chiar bine! Adica la 4h si 44 minute cu brightness la 75% cu WiFi si Bluetooth ON, e chiar super OK.

    Hmm... fac si astia de la IGN un testing, de zici ca nu-i adevarat: "The system was periodically put on standby or left idle, but never fully powered down". Pai ori testezi bateria, ori il lasi sa se duca in idle/standby...

  14. #214 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Am primit un Newsletter de la ShopTo.Net: ShopTo.Net
    PSVita WiFi - 228.85 GBP (aprox. 350 USD)
    PSVita 3G - 278.84 GBP (aprox. 430 USD)
    La preorder! Plus shipping. Deci... unde e pretul ala de 250 USD?
    Attached Images Attached Images vitanews.jpg

  15. #215 SP
    Banned Venom's Avatar
    Aici: PlayStation� Vita Systems - Pre Order PS Vita 3G & PS Vita Wi-Fi for Matchless Gaming Experience - PlayStation�

    Si parca nu stii ca zona Europei a fost mereu "privilegiata" la preturi.

  16. #216 SP
    Member storm89shadow's Avatar
    Pe amazon vei gasi ps vita la 250 USD, versiunea Wi-Fi

  17. #217 SP
    Member Mythul's Avatar
    pe amazon us, pe amazon uk...350 $

  18. #218 SP
    Member rogele 1's Avatar
    PS Vita | ALTEX

    Ii o greseala sau ii o teapa cum numai la noi este ?

    Oricum,nu conteaza pretul consolei in sine,conteaza pretul jocurilor.Daca la ps vita jocurile consta ca la PS3 si la Nitendo 3DS sunt in general mai ieftine cu 50 de lei ... nu prea stiu cine o sa cumpere ps vita din moment ce ii si la pret dublu fata de concurenta.

  19. #219 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    rogele 1: de ce nu citesti ce s-a scris inainte, referitor la Altex?

  20. #220 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Finally, an official list of pricing plans for 3G service on the PlayStation Vita has been announced by AT&T, the official data partner for Sony's latest handheld. There will be two options available: a $14.99 plan with a cap of 250MB per month, and a $25 plan with a cap of 2GB per month. These are month-to-month plans -- no long-term contract required.

    AT&T has also revealed that anyone who signs up for Vita data coverage can download a free game from a select list of titles. We've contacted both Sony and AT&T to get our hands on that list and will update when we hear back.

    The PlayStation Vita launches in the US on February 22

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