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Thread: Clubul PlayStation Vita - PS Vita

  1. #21 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Killzone NGP being developed by Studio Cambridge | VG247
    Ter Heide told Gamerzines that the game’s development was in “good hands.”
    “Our sister studio in Cambridge is doing that,” Ter Heide told the site.
    “We’ve been working with them very closely for a couple of years now. They’ve been helping us develop actual Killzone content for all the games.
    “We feel like the game is in good hands. We’ll still oversee it because the universe is something we’ve built up, we know the war and the rules that have been established, but they’re driving the development.”
    The first footage of the NGP Killzone game appeared earlier this week in a show reel.
    This follows news that Nihilistic Software and Sony Bend would respectively be creating Resistance and Uncharted titles for the system, and not the series’s main developers Insomniac and Naughty Dog.
    We spoke to ter Heide this week about Guerrilla’s upcoming release of Killzone 3. Get the chat here.
    Poate studio-urile astea o sa faca o treaba buna si o sa avem jocuri frumoase pt NGP, da totusi nu inteleg de ce nu se ocupa chiar studio-urile "creatoare" de jocurile respective?

    Desi God of War Ghost of Sparta a fost facut de studio-ul Ready at Dawn si nu de Sony Santa Monica, jocul s-a dovedit a fi unul dintre cele mai bune jocuri lansate pt psp.

  2. #22 SP
    Member i.gamer's Avatar
    Ce pot sa zic...Ds-ul chair nu mai are nici o sansa acum...
    NGP=ps3 portabil
    E un must-have!

  3. #23 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by i.gamer View Post
    Ce pot sa zic...Ds-ul chair nu mai are nici o sansa acum...
    NGP=ps3 portabil
    E un must-have!
    cum sa nu aibe nicio sansa? consolele handheld de la Nintendo au fanbase imens. chiar daca NGP are tehnologie de ultima ora, nu insemna ca se va si impune pe piata. pana la urma lucrul cel mai important e libraria de jocuri, nu CPU sau GPU.

  4. #24 SP
    Member gabytzu16's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tudoran View Post

    Poate studio-urile astea o sa faca o treaba buna si o sa avem jocuri frumoase pt NGP, da totusi nu inteleg de ce nu se ocupa chiar studio-urile "creatoare" de jocurile respective?
    Probabil ca sudiourile "creatoare" nu au experienta necesara pt. a face un joc bun pt. o consola portabila , dar asta e doar o presupunere.

  5. #25 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tudoran View Post
    Killzone NGP being developed by Studio Cambridge | VG247

    Poate studio-urile astea o sa faca o treaba buna si o sa avem jocuri frumoase pt NGP, da totusi nu inteleg de ce nu se ocupa chiar studio-urile "creatoare" de jocurile respective?

    Desi God of War Ghost of Sparta a fost facut de studio-ul Ready at Dawn si nu de Sony Santa Monica, jocul s-a dovedit a fi unul dintre cele mai bune jocuri lansate pt psp.
    Cred ca studiourile creatoare se ocupa de versiunile pentru console si nu au timp pentru handheld-uri. De exemplu: GG sa lucreze la Killzone NGP, asta ar insemna sa asteptam mai mult pentru urmatorul Killzone (valabil pentru orice joc). Nu au echipe suficient de mari pentru productia mai multor jocuri in acelasi timp. (cu foarte putine exceptii, plus ca in cadrul unor studiouri se lucreaza si la IPuri noi)

  6. #26 SP
    Member krOOm's Avatar
    stie cineva de cati MP sunt camerele la NGP ?

  7. #27 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    WipEout NGP Uses WipEout HD Engine | PlayStation LifeStyle
    During the unveil of the NGP, Sony Computer Entertainment announced a whole slew of signature franchises including Resistance, Killzone, Call of Duty, Metal Gear Solid, and even Uncharted. One famous franchise that has been present in every PlayStation platform to date is the WipEout series which, at least on the PlayStation 3, has been known for pushing their respective system’s to the limit. When it comes to the NGP, we may have already seen exactly how the game is set to look.
    During a presentation in London at the Sony Computer Entertainment Europe headquarters, a group of developers were given the privilege to see the NGP development kit in action. One demonstration that undoubtedly caught everyone’s eye was WipEout for the NGP. According to representatives at SCEE, the development team was able to get the WipEout HD PS3 engine running in its raw state on the NGP development kit.
    The WipEout HD PS3 engine running on PS3 with no changes to the art platform. That means full resolution, full 60fps. It looks exactly the same as it does on PS3—all the shader effects are in there.
    When Sony made the bold claim of the NGP being able to sport PS3 graphics on the handheld during the PlayStation 2011 meeting, many were skeptical of this feat happening. But with developments like these already in existence in the hands of developers, it is hard not to believe that gamers will soon be able to take the power of the PS3 on the go.
    @krOOm , m-am uitat pe alte site-uri de gaming da nu am gasit nimic. Se pare ca cei de la Sony nu au oferit pea multe detalii despre camerele NGP-ului.

  8. #28 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by krOOm View Post
    stie cineva de cati MP sunt camerele la NGP ?
    nu au fost inca furnizate informatii ref camerele de pe NGP.

  9. #29 SP
    Member krOOm's Avatar
    multumesc baieti

  10. #30 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar

  11. #31 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Report: Former Street Fighter designer making “hardcore” NGP game | VG247
    According to a reported leak from Japanese magazine Dengeki, Noritaka Funamizu’s Crafts & Meister studio is working on a game for Sony’s NGP portable, and whatever it is, it’s so “hardcore” that “people will wonder if it’s okay to release such a game”.

    File these comments under “needs official translation”, “may not even be real” and “nosebleed”.
    Andriasang’s translation of the magazine leak has Funamizu’s commenting on the NGP’s controls, praising the inclusion of traditional buttons and analog sticks.
    Funamizu is said to have agreed that the NGP is capable of “near PS3″ games, but suggested that memory issues can affect development.
    The new game may feature PS3 connectivity depending on budget.

  12. #32 SP
    Junior Member AnDu_alex95's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dante23481 View Post
    sa speram ca in romania nu o sa ajunga la 2000 ron
    Analysts Predict NGP's Price | PlayStation LifeStyle
    degeaba speram ca sigur acolo ajunge cel putin in primele 6 luni ...

  13. #33 SP
    Member Mykayel's Avatar
    Ahm...$299? Imi cumpar, eu ma asteptam sa fie in jur de 349 si tot ma tenta.
    Oricum se zvoneste ca vom primi si noi cateva pe aici si o sa vad cum sunt.
    PS: Is Sony using the same tactic the used to take down Sega or is it all in my head? Nu de alta dar nu cred ca va merge contra lui Nintendo.

  14. #34 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    News: Sony NGP won't kill off PSP - Yoshida -
    Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Computer Entertainment worldwide studios, has told Edge that Sony NGP and PSP will co-exist when the former launches later this year.
    News: Sony NGP: Porting PS3 games 'simple and quick' -
    Porting PlayStation 3 games to PSP successor, NGP is "simple and quick", worldwide studios boss Shuhei Yoshida boss told Edge.

  15. #35 SP
    Senior Member tray's Avatar
    Exact, n-ai cum sa omori ceva mort.

  16. #36 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

  17. #37 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    News: Sony NGP 'a true game-changer' - Epic Games -
    "We see NGP as a true game-changer with a perfect combination of performance, innovative controls and gamer appeal that make it truly a high-end console in your pocket," said Sweeney.

  18. #38 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar

  19. #39 SP
    Member iUser's Avatar
    Ar fi super sa coste 300$ ! Exista vreo data aproximativa a lansarii?

  20. #40 SP
    Member krOOm's Avatar

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