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Thread: Killzone 3

  1. #161 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    Asa ar trebui sa fie numai ca eu am fost " certat " ca n-am luptat in Irak ca sa-mi dau cu parerea. Poate ca am jucat paintball, cine stie?
    Oricum, cand cineva spune ceva despre un joc, simte ceva in legatura cu un joc, logic ar fi sa nu fie " faultat ". Este o opinie si atat. Se schimba treaba cand avem cazuri de fanboysme.

  2. #162 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by erik95 View Post
    Controlul greoi este destul de logic, gandeste-te cat de greu e sa te intorci cu multe Kg de echipament in spate.
    Aici nu sunt de acord, in realitate corpul pivoteaza in jurul trunchiului indiferent de cate kilograme ai pe vesta si in rucsac. Pe langa asta, arma o misti in realitate independent de directia de deplasare si de privire e o libertate mult mai mare. In jocuri te intorci cu totul, ca lupul. Deci realismul din punctul asta de vedere nu a fost si nu va fi atins niciodata in jocuri. Nu sunt un fan al controlului din Killzone, dar sunt de acord ca asta aduce un pic de savoare, ca il face sa iasa din tipare. Cert este ca necesita acomodare.

    Quote Originally Posted by erik95 View Post
    Pe langa asta, si rezistenta ta in lupta este destul de redusa, cateva gloante bine plasate fiind capabile sa doboare un adversar.
    Asta este bine, atata timp cat AI-ul nu e nesimtit si-ti trage prin cutii si dupa colturi. Lucru ce nu s-a intamplat in partea a doua a jocului, evident, si sper sa nu se intample nici in a treia.

  3. #163 SP
    Member LeGenD's Avatar
    da...asa eu in realitate sunt mai retardat si am un delay la creier de cateva milisecunde...reactionez tarziu...oarecum....FRATE...pff ps: nu e vb de controlul rog

    l.t: @grey: am mai scris odata despre chestia asta daca bine imi aduc are rost sa ma mai obosesc odata ca nu are rost...chiar n-are....oricum ms de sfat

  4. #164 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LeGenD View Post
    da...asa eu in realitate sunt mai retardat si am un delay la creier de cateva milisecunde...reactionez tarziu...oarecum....FRATE...pff ps: nu e vb de controlul rog
    Daca nu esti in stare sa-ti expui o parere argumentata, de ce te chinui? Cand ai impulsuri d-astea mai bine te duci pe afara, ne scutesti si pe noi de o sangerare oculara nedorita.

  5. #165 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  6. #166 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

  7. #167 SP
    Member andreivladp's Avatar
    In the interview, Herman Hulst of Guerrilla confirmed to OPM that “the heavy sensation of Killzone 2 is absolutely gone; instead this feels much closer to standard run-and-gun responsiveness.” - si (aproape) toti sunt in extaz...

  8. #168 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    daca vor schimba jocul (dpdv al controlului) isi va pierde din originalitate, insa va fi mai accesibil publicului. multi s-au plans de controlul "greoi" al jocului si l-au ocolit, probabil ca Sony si GG vor sa atraga cat mai multi fani ai FPS (cei obisnuitit cu seria MW sau bad company) de datat aceasta. o decizie buna sau rea? vom vedea cand se va lansa. eu personal chiar sunt dezamagit de acest lucru, pentru mine killzone 2 a fost ceva atat de diferit fata de ce jucasem pana atunci, mi-au trebuit zile in sir doar sa ma obisnuiesc cu el, si totusi m-a atras imediat. pacat...

  9. #169 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    E o cacanarie mare ce fac cei de la Guerrila. Vor si ei bani mai multi, maine-pomanine o sa-l vad si pe asta pe xbox.Sunt tare dezamagit, sper totusi sa nu se fi schimbat in totalitate.

  10. #170 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    Uite d'asta il iubesc pe Yamauchi. De la primul si pana la ultimul GT, toate mi-au dat aceeasi senzatie de "asta este frate GT". Nu zic nu, mai poti umbla la unele lucruri, dar pastreaza naibii core-ul. Faptul ca sunt pline serverele ar trebui sa le arate ca acest controversat control are fanii lui. Poate ma trezesc cu un MW, ca il arunc pe geam...oricum nu dau bani pe el.

  11. #171 SP
    Member caine_rau's Avatar
    banu ochiul dracului............ fiecare intelege ce vrea

  12. #172 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Killzone 2 a fost un joc bun dar a tinut la distanta pe cei ce nu s-au putut acomoda cu controlul. Miscarea e una clar populista si din cauza asta, Killzone 3 se va vinde la greu. Nu va faceti griji in schimb, va fi un joc excelent.

  13. #173 SP
    Member kkkotto07's Avatar
    Cred ca ma apuc de Killzone 2 iar, mi-e dor de un single pe hard

  14. #174 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    Killzone 2 aimed to raise the bar for dramatic FPS firefights with features like the Hit Response System, which saw characters convincingly jerk and stagger based on where they were shot. With its Cinematic Deaths, Killzone 3 doesn't just aim to raise the bar - it runs the bar through a wood chipper, douses the remaining sawdust in nitroglycerin and sets it on fire.

    Much like its predecessor, Killzone 3 is strongly influenced by Hollywood realism. Combat sequences such as firefights pack a strong dramatic punch, while still retaining a sense of gritty authenticity. Cinematic deaths are the logical progression of this design philosophy, adding a variety of spectacular (and sometimes explosive) new ways for Helghast enemies to perish.

    For instance, a Helghast drop ships struck by a barrage of W.A.S.P. projectiles doesn't have to simply drop out of the sky; the force of impact can tear off the ship's stabilizers, causing it to bank and spiral wildly out of control before slamming into the ground with a massive explosion. Of course, this also makes it more difficult to predict where the drop ship will come down, as Sev finds out:

    Another cool example is the jetpack trooper: if the player keeps firing on the jetpack's fuel tank it will eventually rupture and ignite, propelling the screaming trooper skyward in a ball of flame. As the fuel burns up, the trooper's charred remains fall back to the ground - and, if the player’s lucky, onto the heads of other Helghast soldiers or nearby oil drums.

    During playtesting, this particular cinematic death produced an interesting side-effect: after one jetpack trooper was sent flying by an exploding fuel tank, he managed to land on another jetpack trooper, whose fuel tank promptly ignited as well. Though unintentional, the whole domino effect proved such an amazing spectacle that we decided to leave it in...

  15. #175 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    Destroy 5 jet-packs in chain reaction - Gold

  16. #176 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    sunt sigur ca va fi un joc excelent, just not the same Killzone we all know.
    si cred ca GG nu a avut de ales, daca Sony iti zice sa sari, sari. zic asta pentru ca imi aduc aminte de un interviu dupa cateva saptamani de la aparitia KZ 2 unde GG spuneau ca sunt foarte multumiti de cum au facut controlul si modul in care acesta afecteaza online play-ul. "as we intended it to be played"

    deci Killzonica pe care-l iubim cu totii nu cred ca o sa se mai joace in gradina noastra, se duce la vecini. dar isi lasa o clona fara suflet sa ramanem cu amintirea unui vis special.

    ok exagerez, dar cosider Killzone 2 cel mai special joc din colectia mea tocmai pentru ca are un control aparte, pe langa grafica si fizica extraordinare.

  17. #177 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    Killzone 3 4-player co-op confirmed

    This week’s FirstPlay — the digital magazine for the European PSN — features a nice juicy Killzone 3 preview. It doesn’t reveal any new footage of the 3D-enabled shooter but does confirm something that we’ve been waiting to hear about for a while; co-op.

    The inclusion of a co-op mode has been rumored before, but the preview now tells us that despite not knowing much about multiplayer, “we do know that Guerrilla is working on a special objective-based 4-man co-op mode to go with the standard 2-player stuff.”

    That sounds like confirmation to us! If you have no idea what objective based 4 man co-op is, check out Battlefield: Bad Company 2’s Onslaught mode, which should at least give you an idea.

  18. #178 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    2 player co-op campaign? 4 player co-op objectives? I must be dreaming...

  19. #179 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

  20. #180 SP
    Diesel k1du's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kkkotto07 View Post
    Cred ca ma apuc de Killzone 2 iar, mi-e dor de un single pe hard
    Poate pe elite

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