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Thread: White Knight Chronicles

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    White Knight Chronicles

    Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
    Developer: Level-5 Inc.
    Platform: PLAYSTATION�3
    Genre: Role-Playing Game (RPG)
    Launch Date: TBD
    Rating: �RP� for �Rating Pending�

    From the developers of the critically acclaimed Dark Cloud series and Rogue Galaxy, Level-5 once again delivers an unparalleled role-playing game experience with the introduction of the first true Role-Playing Game (RPG) on PS3, White Knight Chronicles. With its highly anticipated North American release, White Knight Chronicles provides RPG fans with visually stunning backdrops, a unique battle system, and robust online gameplay rooted in an epic adventure.

    Throughout the game players will have the opportunity to explore the massive world of White Knight Chronicles, experiencing a medieval-like fantasy where the hero is able to engage in combat as the larger-than-life White Knight. Players will be able to custom create their own avatar and enter in a deep single player campaign or join a real-time online multiplayer quest with up to four others. Six different characters will be available to control in the game, each colorfully brought to life within highly detailed environments. In addition to the compelling storyline, gamers will have access to dozens of online quests, and create custom weapons and items.

    White Knight Chronicles is an epic fantasy tale about two kingdoms in midst of a longstanding war. The King of Balandor, wishing to put an end to the war, invites the duke of Faria to his castle to celebrate his daughter�s coming of age. But this celebration is sabotaged by the Magi, a rogue sect seeking to steal the White Knight, an ancient weapon of war sealed beneath Balandor castle, in order to take over the world. During the ensuing chaos, a young man named Leonard accidentally unlocks the power of the White Knight as he attempts to save the princess. With this power, Leonard manages to fend off the Magi attack, but not before they escape with the princess.

    With the kingdoms in chaos, Leonard is entrusted with the mission to find the Magi and rescue the princess. With the help of his trusted companions, they travel throughout Balandor and beyond on a quest to save the princess before the Magi unlock the other knights. The journey is fraught with danger, with Magi warriors at every turn, mythical beasts and monsters to battle, and forbidden powers revealed. As Leonard learns more about the power of the Knight, he realizes that unsealing all of them could trigger a calamity that could end the world.

    1. White Knight Transformation � During battle players can transform into the giant White Knight, gaining the ability to challenge large enemies as well as troops of soldiers throughout the adventure.
    2. Fully Customizable Avatar � Using a wide array of sliders and customization options, players will be able to create a unique character in White Knight Chronicles and this avatar will join the adventure in single player mode as well as online.
    3. Combo Battle System � Engage in an easily accessible, active turn-based battle system that caters to players of all levels. Execute straightforward attacks or utilize the fully customizable combo system to allow players to combine attacks for maximum damage.
    4. True Online RPG on PS3 � Experience the first true RPG action game on PS3 that incorporates a variety of online gameplay elements.
    5. Environments � Players will traverse through 13 stages as well as visit up to six towns/villages to visit and purchase items at shops or interact with NPCs. Stages include lush fields, open desert, vast wastelands, tunnels, and ruins.
    6. Multiple Playable Characters � Six playable characters are available, with up to three controllable characters on the screen at the same time.
    7. Ability to Build Special Weapons and Items � Combine different weapons and items to create a huge variety of weapons.
    8. Quests � Dozens of unique online side quests are available for players gain special items along with unique weapons and armor.
    9. Crystal Camera � Players are provided with a camera called the Crystal Camera and take pictures throughout the journey. Pictures can be set on the top of their GeoNet page.
    10. GeoNet � Players have the ability to write their own blogs and communicate with other players.

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member eXist's Avatar

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    White Knight Chronicles Release Date Revealed

    Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) has today revealed the official release date for the European release of the highly-anticipated PlayStation 3 exclusive White Knight Chronicles. Arriving much earlier than expected, White Knight Chronicles will launch across Europe on February 26th 2010.

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  6. #6 SP
    Member Mykayel's Avatar
    Unul din exclusivele pentru care mi-am si cumparat PS3ul.
    Celelalte 3 fiind: Ultimate Ninja Storm, Final Fantasy Versus XIII si Heavy Rain.

    Ah, da, pentru cei care nu au stat cu ochii pe toate informatiile despre acest joc, conceptul seamana mult cu Janne Darc (PSP) produs tot de LEVEL-5.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member eXistenZ's Avatar

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    Inca nu imi dau seama ce e cu acest joc. Din ce am citit/vazut pana acum, pare visul oricarui fan JRPG, plus o grafica de invidiat. Unii il ridica in slavi, altii ii dau in cap. Cred ca va trebui sa il cumpar, sa vad cu ochisorii mei, ce si cum. Mai ales partea online-coop, pare interesanta, fiind si free of charge.

  11. #11 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    pare cam dezordonat din filmuletul ala... camera se invarte aiurea, personajul se misca greoi...

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Cam ciudate review-urile. Eurogamer i-a dat 8, dar Gamespot si IGN au dat note foarte mici ( 6/5.1).

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by erik95 View Post
    Cam ciudate review-urile. Eurogamer i-a dat 8, dar Gamespot si IGN au dat note foarte mici ( 6/5.1).
    prea mare ii diferenta . pe cine sa crezi ?
    ffocus totusi are dreptate . Daca il cumperi o sa te convingi tu singur ce nota merita si o sa vedem cine avea dreptate si cine nu

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Da, dar parca n-as da 200lei pe un joc dezamagitor. Cred ca o sa astept sa ajunga la un pret mic, oricum se vor lansa o gramada de jocuri bune in aceasta perioada.

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Pacat Aveam mari sperante ca o sa fie peste FF13. Eh, poate urmatorul. Am inteles ca vor sa faca trilogie.

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    white knight chronicles seamana mai degraba cu FF 12 . Desi din cate am vazut , povestea si personajele lasa de dorit . Fighting system-ul ii aproape identic cu cel din FF 12 . . Deci eu as ramane la FF 12 decat sa WKC . Sau poate le-as cumpara pe ambele (Big JRPG fan )

  18. #18 SP
    Member televizor's Avatar
    Mediocru cum e (nu ma prea intereseaza notele Gamespot si IGN parca dau notele cu toporul), cred ca tot il iau. Nu am jucat niciun JRPG pe PS3 si daca imi iau Demon's Souls o sa crizez rau.

  19. #19 SP
    Junior Member diesel1984's Avatar
    Mi se pare mie, sau toate personajele arata la fel, oricat le-ai customiza? Arata ca niste papusi la față

  20. #20 SP
    Member drik's Avatar
    Pe aproape... personajul meu arata ca un pusti de 12 ani cu o barba foarte nenaturala pentru varsta lui...

    Per total mi se pare un joc destul de ok dar cu multe lipsuri. Am pus deja multe ore in el si simt ca stau pe loc. Modul online e destul de fun totusi.

    Pentru fanii JRPG e totul la locul lui, sistem awkward de combat, voice acting demn de ras si personajele corky. Are un vibe dragut ce mi-a adus aminte de Chrono Trigger (nu intrebati de ce, pur si simplu, cred ca muzica...) si o nuanta Mecha cu un twist nice... It`s like Gundam with knights... sort of...

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