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Thread: My Retro Game Box

  1. #1 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    My Retro Game Box

    My Retro Game Box is a monthly subscription service - every month you'll get a random (but carefully chosen) selection of games for retro consoles.

    You'll get to keep them forever, we're not a rental service.

    The boxes you receive are curated by an obsessive retro games collector, so you won't be shortchanged.

    Once you subscribe we'll be in touch to ask you about your current collection and what your preferences are, so we can get your subscription just right. If you say no sports games, you'll never receive a sports game.

    We'll always make sure the games are cleaned and working for you too.

    We'll sometimes pop offers for other products in with your games, and if you're lucky you might get something like a keychain or some stickers too.
    Attached Images Attached Images box.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    ~ 140 de lei pana la noi.

  3. #3 SP
    Junior Member danielb's Avatar
    Imi place ideea
    M-am abonat pentru o luna de proba. Am sa postez aici experienta.

    Probabil or sa incerce sa impuna jocuri sportive ca sunt cele mai ieftine, dar sunt curios daca au sa tina cont de discutiile premergatoare pe email asa cum sustin.

    ---------- Post added 06-02-2015 at 11:13 ----------

    Asadar, dupa un schimb scurt de replici pe Twitter, am fost contactat de Katy pe email, cerandu-mi sa completez un formular pentru a-i ajuta sa cunoasca putin despre preferintele mele.

    If you have any questions about the form please get in touch, but I'm sure whatever answers you give will be fine. You can give as much or as little information as you'd like.

    If you already have quite a large games collection this might take you a while, so I apologise in advance for that.

    I'll email you again to confirm I've collected the data and Stu (the curator) has filled your box. We will dispatch your first box on the 23rd of February.

    For month to month subscriptions - you have been charged for February's box, and will be charged again on March 1st for March's box and so on.

    For pre pay subscriptions - you have been charged now for however many months you have selected. You will be charged again on the 1st of the month after your last prepaid box.

    Please save my email address so you can let me know if you add to your collection outside of this subscription too.
    Si formularul:
    For the NES, which games do you already have?

    For the SNES, which games do you already have?

    For the N64, which games do you already have?

    For the Sega Master System, which games do you already have?

    For the Sega Megadrive, which games do you already have?

    For the Sega Genesis, which games do you already have?

    For the Game Boy, Game Boy Colour and Game Boy Advance, which games do you already have?

    Let us know a little about what you like, and don't like.
    Give as much or as little detail as you like, you can talk about genres, ratings, mechanics - anything you want

    Any extra information.
    Use this box for anything you might want to let us know

  4. #4 SP
    Junior Member danielb's Avatar
    Sneak peek. Dupa munca o sa deschid cutia si postez aici rezultatul.
    Attached Images Attached Images img_1056.jpeg

  5. #5 SP
    Banned Templier's Avatar
    la cat termini munca ?

  6. #6 SP
    Junior Member danielb's Avatar
    Schimbul 2 - cam pe la 12 noaptea

    Putin dupa ora 6 vom afla impreuna.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member ilie11's Avatar
    Hai mai repede, mor de curiozitate.
    Cat te-a dus cu totul?

  8. #8 SP
    Junior Member danielb's Avatar
    Cu totul cam 37euro. Pentru multi costul nu se prea justifica, insa eu locuind intr-un loc in care piata de jocuri retro e practic inexistenta(sau preturile mult umflate) e un pret ok.
    Singura mea optiune ar fi eBay insa pentru 2-3 jocuri pe luna, costurile de transport ar duce pretul foarte aproape de myretrogamebox.
    Am sa vad ce fel de titluri sunt in cutie si poate mai tin subscriptia inca o luna sau doua asa cum am mai spus si am sa fac apoi un bilant.
    Insa elementul surpriza cred ca e mare parte din experienta.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member ilie11's Avatar
    Auzi, esti acelasi danielb care a creat OPL Manager? Scuze ca postez aici dar nu pot sa trimit/primesc PM

  10. #10 SP
    Junior Member danielb's Avatar
    Nope Sunt danielb eu insumi . Cu totul alta persoana.

    Am facut cateva poze cu jocurile din cutie si le-am compilat intr-un album imgur:
    My first retro gamebox - Album on Imgur

    Daca cineva il vrea, as putea sa donez codul de reducere. Acesta garanteaza o reducere de 15% in magazinul lor unde vand consolele si accesoriile din loturile pe care le achizitioneaza.

    Per total, sunt relativ multumit de continut. Sigur, daca as fi intr-un oras de unde s-ar achiziona usor jocuri retro, probabil nu ar fi foarte avantajos, insa in conditiile actuale, daca urmaresc licitatiile incheiate in ultima vreme pe eBay (asa cum am spus, e cam singura mea optiune), impreuna costul jocurilor ar gravita undeva intre 25 si 30eur fara transport.

    Oricum, observ ca au cam tinut cont de ce le-am cerut initial. Le-am spus ca m-ar interesa jocuri 'esentiale' pe platformele detinute, platformere si am mentionat si Desert Strike.

    Pentru luna viitoare, am sa le dau ceva mai multe detalii. Ma gandesc ca as putea incerca o tema diferita in fiecare luna.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member cashonly's Avatar
    dragut, prin romania nu s-o fi gandit nimeni sa faca ceva de genul? o cutie lunara, mare, plina cu bunataturi, retro, materiale promotionale, etc.

  12. #12 SP
    Junior Member danielb's Avatar
    Ceva muraturi, pliante de la supermarket si o carte de poezii.

  13. #13 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Excelente jocuri!

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