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Thread: 15 ani de PlayStation

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    15 ani de PlayStation

    Vreau sa incep prin a ura La Multi Ani primei console lansata de Sony. Astazi se indeplinesc 15 ani de cand PlayStation a intrat in casele oamenilor reusind sa devina cel mai bun prieten al copiilor cu jocuri precum: Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VIII, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Gran Turismo 2, Resident Evil 2 si multe altele. Din 1995 PlayStation a devenit din ce in ce mai popular, ajungand ca in ziua de astazi sa fie unul dintre cele mai cunoscute branduri din lume. Ca sa realizati cat de importante au fost consolele celor de la Sony in evolutia industriei jocurilor video vreau sa va duc putin in timp in urma, si mai exact acum 25 de ani.

    Acum 25 de ani domnul Ken Kutaragi (daca nu ati auzit de el pana acum sa stiti ca este fondatorul PlayStation-ului) lucra cu cei de la Nintendo pentru dezvoltarea unui CD-ROM pentru SNES folosindu-se de o noua tehnologie, evident pentru vremea respectiva, "Super Disc Technology". Insa din cauze necunoscute, cel putin de catre mine, Nintendo a rupt intelegerea cu domnul Ken Kutaragi, acestia mergand pe mana celor de la Phillips. Kutaragi s-a simtit foarte ofensat a depus toate eforturile pentru a-si crea propria consola care sa se "lupte cot la cot" cu Nintendo. 10 ani mai tarziu, mai exact pe 9 septembrie 1995, PlayStation este lansat in America de Nord, de unde va incepe o cariera lunga si plina de succese. Prima consola a avut parte de un succes imens reusind perfomanta de a vinde peste 100 de milioane de unitati, fiind o premiera in industria jocurilor video. Aceasta realizare a schimbat pentru intotdeauna felul in care este privita aceasta piata, devenind un fenomen global din care din ce in ce mai multe companii vroiau sa faca parte.

    Nu cred ca cineva se gandea in 2000, cand a aparut pe piata PlayStation 2, ca aceasta va deveni cea mai vanduta consola din istorie si ca va avea o durata de viata atat de lunga. Sa nu uitam ca in anul 2010 consola se vinde inca foarte bine si ca ies in continuare jocuri foarte bune care sunt apreciate de public. PS2 a avut un impact puternic si in industria filmelor, fiind cel mai ieftin DVD Player in 2000. De atunci Sony este vazuta nu doar ca o simpla companie care produce console, ci si ca o companie care preia initiativa in tehnologie, investind sume mari in cercetare si in dezvoltare. Cred ca nu va va surprinde faptul ca Sony a vandut peste 150 de milioane de PS2 in cei 10 ani de existenta, ceea ce e fantastic, nimeni nu s-a mai apropiat de o asemenea perfomanta si nu uitati consola inca se vinde in magazine si se bucura de suportul celor de la Sony.

    In 2004, in familia PlayStation isi face debutul PSP-ul in segmentul handheld devices, unde va concura cu Game Boy Advance SP, handheld-ul celor de la Nintendo. Insa PSP avea un avantaj mare fata de rivali (cred ca-i putem numi rivali sau concurenta cum preferati), deoarece avea o tehnologie mult mai avansata, jocurile erau de o calitate net superioara, avea inclus un browser pentru internet, oferea posibilitatea sa vizionezi filme si sa asculti melodii in format MP3 (si multe altele). Cu ajutorul acestor features PSP era considerat cel mai avansat si complet device lansat vreodata, deschizand calea si celorlalte companii. PSP a trecut prin multe revizii, PSP-2000 si PSP-3000, anul trecut lansandu-se PSP Go, total schimbat din punct de vedere al designului si suportul e in totalitate digital.

    Am ajuns si la PS3, nu o sa zic multe despre consola pentru ca majoritatea stim despre ce e vorba si in plus nu mi-ar ajunge timpul sa vorbesc despre impactul pe care l-a avut asupra noastra, al consumatorilor. PS3 a fost lansat in Noiembrie 2006, dar din pacate nu a fost primit prea bine de catre public, pretul fiind prea mare pentru o simpla consola. Stati putin, tocmai asta este, nu e o simpla consola si majoritatea dintre noi (ma numar si eu printre ei), nu am inteles la acel moment ce ne ofera PS3. Voi incerca sa ma rezum doar la o simpla enumerare de features, sa le zicem asa (rom-english, asta e, insa anumite cuvinte suna mai bine in engleza): jocuri HD, un nou disc format, Blu-Ray disc, cel mai ieftin player Blu-Ray de pe piata, PlayStation Network probabil cel mai important serviciu oferit de Sony, WiFi, Bluetooth, un spatiu de stocare mare si usor upgradabil, MultiPlayer gratuit, SixAxis, DualShock 3 si in curand PS Move.

    Trecand asa repede prin mica lectia de istorie de mai sus, cred ca suneti de acord cu mine cand afirm ca Sony Computer Entertainment au toate motivele din lume sa sarbatoreasca cei 15 ani de PlayStation si ca trebuie felicitat fiecare om care a contribuit la succesul pe care l-a avut, il are si il va avea in continuare PlayStation. O informatie interesanta: SCE a vandut peste 377 milioane de unitati in toata lumea, ca sa va faceti o idee asta inseamna ca un om din 18 are un produs PlayStation. Nu am vorbit insa despre poate cel mai important lucru legat de numele PlayStation: jocurile video. In cei 15 ani unele dintre cele mai bune serii de jocuri lansate vreodata au facut istorie impreuna cu PlayStation: Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, Ratchet and Clank, God of War, Uncharted, Killzone, Tekken, Twisted Metal, Ape Escape, Jak and Daxter, SingStar etc. Sony a ridicat de fiecare data stacheta, acum sa vedem daca o mai poate tine sus si daca va reusi sa se autodepaseasca in viitor. Nu putem decat sa asteptam cu incredere pentru ca stim ca Sony si PlayStation mai au atatea de demonstrat.

    Sper ca realizarea acestui articol nu ma catalogheaza drept fanboy Sony/Playstation, ganditi-va ca este doar un simplu act de recunostinta adus oamenilor din spatele acestor console, pentru tot ce au realizat ei de-a lungul celor 15 ani. Mai jos aveti 2 imagini cu interesting facts realizata de catre Sony cu ocazia aniversarii.

    La Multi Ani PlayStation !
    Respect, and Game on !
    Attached Images Attached Images happy_birthday_playstation.jpg play-timeline-final.jpg scea-fun-facts-infographic-final-685x1543.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    La Multi (b)Ani PlayStation ! Intr-adevar, a schimbat multe de-a lungul timpului in scena gamingului... Hell yeah, chiar ne-a schimbat vietile unora din noi. Sa speram ca o vor face si pe viitor, cu cat mai multe jocuri bune, console destepte, idei nebunatice. Play On !

  3. #3 SP
    Member horatiu25air's Avatar
    La multi ani playstation!

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    PlayStation LifeStyle PlayStation Celebrates Anniversary With Free Content and Discounts
    To celebrate this momentous occasion, Sony is offering:
    • free anniversary PlayStation static themes for both the PlayStation 3 and the PSP, available today in the PlayStation Store
    • weekly discounts on select PSOne titles on a special PlayStation 15th Anniversary page
    • a 50% discount on Super Rub-a-Dub good through September 30
    • a commemorative original PlayStation ornament in PlayStation Home for you personal space

    in plus, cateva informatii intereante oferite de catre Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America, intr-un interviu:
    Sony said it sold more than 377 million PlayStation consoles and more than 2 billion software units since the line debuted in 1995. In the U.S., PlayStation sales are more than $63 billion over the last 15 years, or about 40 percent of the overall video game market during that period, the company said in its release.

    Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America, shared a few thoughts on the PlayStation's milestone and competition before getting his slice of cake.

    Here are edited selections of the conversation:

    Interesting sales statistics in the anniversary news release ...

    "Another stat that jumps off the page -- when we got involved, the business was $2.5 billion; now it's close to $20 billion. It's amazing the growth we've seen. We'd like to think we've had a share in driving that growth."

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    PlayStation LifeStyle What the PlayStation Logo Could Have Been

    imo au facut algerea cea mai buna

    When the PlayStation was first being conceptualized, many different logos were proposed. Check them out:
    Attached Images Attached Images logos.png

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Long life Playstation !!!

    Sper sa vedem in continuare console Playstation din ce in ce mai bune si mai revolutionare si exclusivitati din ce in ce mai bune !

  7. #7 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  8. #8 SP
    Member tsuby's Avatar
    @AndRewkp Chiar au facut cea mai buna alegere.
    La multi ani Sony si la cat mai multe exclusivitati care sa fie GOTY!

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    daca tot a facut 15 ani, o lista cu cele mai bine vandute 15 jocuri pe PlayStation: (*milioane)

    15. Crash Bandicoot (PS) 6.80*
    In last place, Crash Bandicoot. The first installment of the Crash Bandicoot series.
    14. Tekken 3 (PS) 6.91
    Next to last, Tekken 3. This installment changed the movement for each character from Tekken 2, reducing the jump height and adding focus to the third axis.
    13. Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (PS) 7.12
    A direct sequel from Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. Featuring Crash and Coco as they travel back in time.
    12. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (PS) 7.57
    The third Naughty Dog presentation on our list. Crash is again abducted by Dr. Neo Cortex and crash must keep the planet from being destroyed.
    11. Final Fantasy VIII: (PS) 7.86
    The first Final Fantasy title to consistently use realistically proportioned characters.
    10. Final Fantasy X: (PS2) 7.95
    This installment of Final Fantasy featured for the first time fully 3-D areas, voice acting, a new Conditional Turn Based Battle system, and a new Sphere Grid leveling system.

    9. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: (PS3) 8.52
    A direct sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, following the same storyline.
    8. Gran Turismo 2: (PS) 9.37
    The least popular Gran Turismo title on our list, this sequel offered more cars (650) than any other game at the time.
    7. Final Fantasy VII: (PS) 9.72
    This was the first Final Fantasy in the series to use fully 3-D modeled characters against pre-rendered backgrounds. Originally developed for the SNES, Final Fantasy in later developments of the game required more storage capacity, which was available on the PlayStation.
    6. Gran Turismo 4: (PS2) 10.56
    One of only two titles on the PlayStation 2 to offer 1080i output. The other is Tourist Trophy, also by Polyphony. The game features 700 cars ranging from the 1886 Daimler Motor Carriage to concept cars slated for 2022 development.
    5. Gran Turismo: (PS) 10.85
    This Racing Sim spawned over 10 spin-offs and sequels and took over 5 years to develop.
    4. Grand Theft Auto III: 11.60
    The first 3-D title in the Grand Theft Auto series.
    3. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: (PS2) 14.20
    A sandbox style game which borrows from many different styles of game to create a large world in which the user has a lot of control over their experience.
    2. Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec: (PS2) 14.89
    Released early in the PlayStation 2's lifetime, the number of cars were limited from the game to make room for graphics and audio improvements. New to the game, unlicensed versions of Formula One cars were available to unlock.
    1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: (PS2) 18.43
    Our winner! No doubt owing much of the game's commercial success to the outcry over the "Hot Coffee" sex minigame, causing the game briefly to be rated for Adults Only and pulled from U.S. shelves only to be re-issued a 'Mature' rating.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by AndRewqp View Post
    O informatie interesanta: SCE a vandut peste 377 milioane de unitati in toata lumea, ca sa va faceti o idee asta inseamna ca un om din 18 are un produs PlayStation.
    Nu vreau sa fiu carcotas, sper sa nu te superi daca fac o remarca (mai mult sa ne distram) - asta e ca la statistica : daca intr-o tara cu 10 milioane de locuitori s-au cumparat 1 milion de Playstation-uri, nu inseamna ca unul din zece are un Playstation. Stim cu totii clipul de pe youtube cu "i have 3 ps3s". Il stim cu totii pe RACHyyy, pun pariu ca el strica rau statistica (sigur are cel putin un PS1, un PS2 si un PS3). Si nu e singurul

    In rest e un articol frumos, felicitari.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RaverX View Post
    Nu vreau sa fiu carcotas, sper sa nu te superi daca fac o remarca (mai mult sa ne distram) - asta e ca la statistica : daca intr-o tara cu 10 milioane de locuitori s-au cumparat 1 milion de Playstation-uri, nu inseamna ca unul din zece are un Playstation. Stim cu totii clipul de pe youtube cu "i have 3 ps3s". Il stim cu totii pe RACHyyy, pun pariu ca el strica rau statistica (sigur are cel putin un PS1, un PS2 si un PS3). Si nu e singurul

    In rest, un articol frumos, felicitari.
    normal ca e ca la statistica, nu trebuie luata ca atare . thx

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Interview: Sony's Peter Dille Talks PlayStation Past, Present and Future - IndustryGamers
    Sony Computer Entertainment America recently celebrated 15 years since the original PlayStation launched in the U.S. While the company has made an indelible mark on gaming as a whole, and generated $63 billion in revenue in the U.S., there's no rest for the weary as another busy holiday season is coming up for SCEA. We chatted with Peter Dille, senior vice president of marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America, about how marketing has changed and the upcoming holiday season.

  13. #13 SP
    Member Mircea's Avatar
    la mai multi

  14. #14 SP
    Junior Member TheJok3r's Avatar
    La multi ani Play Station si Sony si ii respect pe cei care au facut aceste jocurii o minune

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    15 Ways PlayStation Changed Everything | NowGamer

    Celebrating 15 years of the PlayStation brand, we take a look at how it has changed gaming forever...

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