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Thread: Star Wars Battlefront 2

  1. #21 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Va las o mica parte dintr-un interviu interesant:
    The big Star Wars Battlefront 2 interview
    How linear will the campaign be? Will it be something like Battlefield 1's War Stories or is it a full linear story with beginning middle and end?

    Mark Thompson: Without getting into too much detail that I will get in trouble for... We take all of our cues from how to tell a Star Wars story working with Lucasfilm story group, analysing the movies, breaking down the beats and flow of Star Wars storytelling. So yeah, it is a continuous story with a beginning, middle and end and you follow Iden's journey for 30 years from the end of Jedi up to the Force Awakens at Starkiller base. It isn't a discrete set of missions or separate War Stories like Battlefield 1, you do follow Iden through this journey whilst from time to time, switching sides and playing from the perspective of one of the iconic heroes because again that's just part of Battlefront's DNA. Sometimes you're a Trooper, sometimes you're a pilot and sometimes you're Luke Skywalker with a lightsaber.

  2. #22 SP
    Member KiritoStefan's Avatar
    Voi dupa ce sit dati precomanda?

  3. #23 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar

  4. #24 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    Star Wars: Battlefront II Will Feature Finn and Captain Phasma; Free Expansions Post-Launch

    During EA’s press conference at EA Play 2017, new details were shared about the upcoming Battlefront II, with the clear focus being to expand on the amount of content that players will be able to enjoy in the sequel. Specifically, the new title will feature “more than three times the content of the first game,” marking a pretty big upgrade from the first title.

    This includes some upcoming new features shared by actor John Boyega in an on-stage video during the presentation, which will include Finn and Captain Phasma as new playable characters, and Crait as a brand new map, offering players a look at the new planet that will be featured in the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi.

    The game also has an expanded focus on post-release content, which will include “themed seasons” and events, while all post-launch Heroes, Maps, and other content will be free to all owners of Star Wars: Battlefront II after launch, ensuring that players will keep playing the game after launch. The first of the themed seasons will include an event centered around Star Wars: The Last Jedi, while future seasons will also keep things fresh with challenges, quests, and more.

    New Heroes and characters will also come with brand new selections of Star Cards, while players will also be able to customize their heroes and classes using the different rarities of Star Cards – Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic – by playing and completing matches or unlocking them through Crates.

    Star Wars: Battlefront II will release for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 17th, 2017.

  5. #25 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Starfighter Assault

  6. #26 SP
    Member 495's Avatar

  7. #27 SP
    Member cipvas's Avatar
    A observat cineva cat de bine seamana hitmarkerul cu cel din Halo 5?

    Si daca am precomanda facuta, cum voi avea acces la early beta pe data de 4.10? Voi primi cod pe mail sau cum?

  8. #28 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  9. #29 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    Din ce observ, modul Multiplayer nu prea impresioneaza pe partea de lupte terestre (e bine ca au scos tokenurile alea iritante ). Luptele spatiale sunt arcade toata ziua.

    Sper sa compenseze partea de Storyline care cica o sa acopere multe goluri dintre Return of the Jedi si The Force Awakens. Ce e aiurea e actrita vocala/sincronizata in rolul principal care pare sa fie mai degraba fotomodel decat actrita. Numai cand am vazut-o cum prezenta conferinta de la E3 mi-a dat senzatia ca si jocul asta o sa fie FAIL.

    Ce avea daca bagau un protagonist masculin in rolul principal?
    Nu-i destul ca avem protagonist feminin in film pentru ca feminism, mai trebuie si in jocuri?
    Macar daca ne-ar lasa sa schimbam sexul protagonistului ca-n Black Ops 3.

    Pana la urma, initial, universul Star Wars era construit sa aiba un protagonist masculin. Cum au inceput sa o arda pe feminism, cum s-a cam dus pe rapa universul SW.
    Cine a vazut ultimele doua filme Star Wars stie cam ce urmareste Hollywoodul sa scoata in evidenta: personajele feminine care sa fie puternice si la comanda si protagonistii masculini care sa fie cat mai pusificati si neaparat cat mai natarai.

  10. #30 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Aparent e o intreaga conspiratie.

  11. #31 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    mie-mi plac fetele.

  12. #32 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Si mie, dar unora le plac baietii.

  13. #33 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex Khan View Post
    Din ce observ, modul Multiplayer nu prea impresioneaza pe partea de lupte terestre (e bine ca au scos tokenurile alea iritante ). Luptele spatiale sunt arcade toata ziua.

    Sper sa compenseze partea de Storyline care cica o sa acopere multe goluri dintre Return of the Jedi si The Force Awakens. Ce e aiurea e actrita vocala/sincronizata in rolul principal care pare sa fie mai degraba fotomodel decat actrita. Numai cand am vazut-o cum prezenta conferinta de la E3 mi-a dat senzatia ca si jocul asta o sa fie FAIL.

    Ce avea daca bagau un protagonist masculin in rolul principal?
    Nu-i destul ca avem protagonist feminin in film pentru ca feminism, mai trebuie si in jocuri?
    Macar daca ne-ar lasa sa schimbam sexul protagonistului ca-n Black Ops 3.

    Pana la urma, initial, universul Star Wars era construit sa aiba un protagonist masculin. Cum au inceput sa o arda pe feminism, cum s-a cam dus pe rapa universul SW.
    Cine a vazut ultimele doua filme Star Wars stie cam ce urmareste Hollywoodul sa scoata in evidenta: personajele feminine care sa fie puternice si la comanda si protagonistii masculini care sa fie cat mai pusificati si neaparat cat mai natarai.
    Din ce observ, îți plac trompele

  14. #34 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Alex Khan un sexist, ce mai! Nariko, Bayonetta

    On topic, a jucat cineva beta?

  15. #35 SP
    Member Wagram's Avatar
    Ce-a zis Khan şi ce hau-hauri fine de autobază au urmat.

  16. #36 SP
    Member cipvas's Avatar
    PlayStation®4 beta


    primul venit, primul servit.

  17. #37 SP
    Member 495's Avatar
    a fost luat deja, dar nu s-a sinchisit sa bage un reply. anyway, mai e vreun cod disponibil? mc!

  18. #38 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Si eu vreau un cod daca mai are cineva!

  19. #39 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by 495 View Post
    a fost luat deja, dar nu s-a sinchisit sa bage un reply. anyway, mai e vreun cod disponibil? mc!
    L-am luat eu, dar eram la volan si nu am mai avut cum sa si scriu ca l-am luat. De asta am si intrat acum, ca sa ma "sinchisesc" sa dau un reply. Ce usor e sa fii rau...

  20. #40 SP
    Member 495's Avatar
    E ok, stai linistit DAR nu poti sa vii aici sa spui ca ai luat code-ul, te-ai logat pe psn store, ai dat redeem la code, in timp ce conduceai, dar nu ai avut timp sa apesi un buton de quote si sa bagi un sec "luat". Si mai vii si spui ca ai intrat acum doar ca sa spui asta, in timp ce au postat alti doi useri.

    Enjoy the beta!

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