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Thread: Mafia Trilogy

  1. #101 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ce anume ti se pare ca au schimbat atat de rau incat sa-l compari cu Mafia 3?
    Adica, pe ce te bazezi cand spui asta? Doar pe comparatia aia grafica?
    Daca da, eu clar prefer sa joc remaster decat jocul original (pe care cred ca l-am terminat de vreo 7 ori pana acum).

  2. #102 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Jocul arată minunat. E incredibil cum un remake al unui joc clasic îmi dă mai mult hype decât un joc nou, fie el chiar IP nou.

    Da, clar, jocurile de genul ăsta chiar merită a fi refăcute, nu orice churri burri de trei lei prin care încerci să mulgi cât mai mulți bani de la naivi.

    Personal, tocmai asta îmi place, faptul că au suprapus mecanici de joc cumva noi, peste un joc deja cult classic.

  3. #103 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Ce anume ti se pare ca au schimbat atat de rau incat sa-l compari cu Mafia 3?
    Adica, pe ce te bazezi cand spui asta? Doar pe comparatia aia grafica?
    Daca da, eu clar prefer sa joc remaster decat jocul original (pe care cred ca l-am terminat de vreo 7 ori pana acum).

    Am zis ca ignor grafica, ca aia e o parte pozitiva in toata treaba asta. Diferentele se vad in clip. De la AI care e mai slabut, stai la plesneala sa scoata capul cate unul, poc - urmatorul si tot asa, medkits le iei de pe lazi,etc.

    Este from cover to cover, mai un cutscene, mai ia un cover de aici. Este fix formula Mafia 3.

  4. #104 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pai da, pentru ca nu era inca mecanica asta de cover shooter in momentul in care a aparut Mafia 1. Dar tu acum ai putea juca un shooter 3rd person fara mecanica de cover?

    AI-ul este alta poveste, desi sunt sigur ca este mult mai bun si mai complex decat era initial, dar asta este ceva ce putem vedea dupa ce iese si-l jucam, ca sa vedem cum reactioneaza.

  5. #105 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Sunt multe shootere 3rd person care folosesc o mecanica diferita de cover (think TLOU2, ca sa iti dau un exemplu recent). Asta de aici este stilul ala invechit, gen Gears, cand te lipeste de zid de parca vrea sa iti lasi pielea pe el. La asta ma refer, nu sa nu pot sa ma ascund dupa pereti, ca si in jocul original puteai, dar nu la modul asta.

  6. #106 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ok, inteleg la ce te referi, are snap to cover si da, sunt jocuri care nu au, dar tot cover shooters sunt si alea. Eu prefer sa am snap to cover si cand ma misc, sa aleg daca sa plec de acolo sau nu, decat sa pot iesi din cover cu usurinta si sa ma omoare aia.
    Spre exemplu in Wildlands am detestat mecanica de cover fara snap (si mai sunt altele), dar in TLOU2 este excelent realizata si animata, dar este un joc din exceptiile pozitive din punctul meu de vedere.

    Dar cu siguranta este o chestie de preferinte.

  7. #107 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Stiu ce zici, la mine probabil ca depinde de joc. Uneori este fix mecanica de care ai nevoie si pot sa vad cum in Wildlands este problematic sa nu o ai. TLOU2 ar fi total diferit cu o astfel de mecanica, dupa cum iti poti da seama (in sensul rau).

    Sunt de parere ca intr-un joc ca Mafia 1 nu era nevoie de asa ceva, dar in acelasi timp imi dau seama ca poate sunt in minoritate aici. Oricum, de luat, il voi lua, doar ca odata ce joci (la timpul lui) ceva care este considerat unul dintre cele mai bune jocuri ever, greu poti sa accepti schimbari d-astea, mai "noi". Am imbatranit si noi

  8. #108 SP
    Member Mishy's Avatar
    Hai sa fim seriosi o sa il jucam pentru poveste care a fost punctul forte la el. Pe partea de shooting era greoi rau si in free roam nu puteai face mare lucru.

  9. #109 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Eu asta sper, ca vom avea freeroam la sfarsitul jocului... La vremea lui m-a lasat cam rece o data terminat jocul ca nu mai puteai sa joci freeroam.

  10. #110 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  11. #111 SP
    Member omega's Avatar
    Arata foarte bine acele filmulete dar probabil jocul final nu va arata asa. Cand aparea mafia 1 nu se practicau mizerii deastea de marketing in care aratam una si vindem alta. Astazi insa ....

  12. #112 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    100% o sa vedem exact ce au aratat in acest gameplay trailer. Lansarea este in mai putin de 2 luni

  13. #113 SP
    Member omega's Avatar
    Ai deja jocul ? De unde 100% ?

  14. #114 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pur si simplu asta este parerea mea. Jocul nu arata out of this world, foloseste tehnologii existente si repet, mai e atat de putin pana la lansare inca nu ar risca sa faca niciun downgrade.

    Desigur, cel mai probabil gameplay este de PC cu totul la maxim si e posibil ca pe console sa vedem cateva diferente, dar prea putin probabil sa fie cazul de downgrade serios cum e cazul la alte jocuri anuntate cu 5 ani inainte si in care vedem spre ce tind ei.

  15. #115 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Mafia: Definitive Edition Contains The Original's Hardest Level

    "When Mafia was originally released, the game was praised for portrayal of the Mafia life in the 1930's. The story, as seen in the trailer for the Mafia remake, brings the player through the life of Tommy Angelo as he rises in the Mafia scene. During a certain sequence of events, the player must race in a tough sequence driving a vehicle that isn't particularly easy to drive. In Mafia: Definitive Edition, the sequence returns."

  16. #116 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Racing in tears intensifies.

  17. #117 SP
    Member adin33's Avatar
    Știe cineva dacă Mafia Trilogy vine pe trei discuri separate, sau doar primul este pe disc și celelalte vin sub forma de cod?

  18. #118 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Toate vin pe discuri:
    [...] When does Mafia: Trilogy release Physically?

    Mafia: Trilogy will be listed for pre-order in select EMEA and Asia territories beginning May 19, 2020 and will be released on August 28, 2020. [...]

    If I pre-order the physical version of Mafia: Trilogy, will I receive Mafia II: Definitive Edition, or Mafia III: Definitive Edition, prior to the August 28, 2020 release date of the Mafia: Trilogy?

    No, the physical edition of the Mafia: Trilogy is a physical compilation only, requiring all three games to be packaged and delivered together starting on August 28, 2020. [...]
    Mafia: Trilogy FAQ – 2K Support

  19. #119 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Hangar 13
    When Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven was released in 2002, it placed a lot of importance on realism, leading to some unapologetically challenging sections of gameplay. Mafia: Definitive Edition will launch with multiple difficulty settings as well as options to change individual features like aim assist, vehicle handling, and police response—but if your inclination is to crank everything up for maximum old-school challenge, you need look no further than Classic Difficulty.

    Classic Difficulty doesn't make the game unreasonably difficult, but it incorporates a number of features that evoke the original Mafia and encourage you to play differently. "Looking back at the original game today, it is incredibly challenging," notes Hangar 13 Senior Systems Designer Prakash Choraria. "With Classic Difficulty, we wanted to deliver something that is still an accomplishment to overcome, while smoothing over some of the bumps that could otherwise feel frustrating. Taking the race in the Fair Play mission as an example, the goal across all of Mafia: Definitive Edition's difficulty settings was to make it a little easier than the original, as many players got stuck and were unable to beat it. On Classic, the race is still pretty tough, but is conquerable with patience and practice."

    Away from the racetrack, you'll find that playing on Classic Difficulty is more demanding anytime you're behind the wheel of a car or riding one of the newly added motorcycles. The driving assists available on other difficulty settings are weaker or disabled completely in some cases, and while GPS navigation will still be available on the minimap, you won't see any in-world navigation signs popping up on street corners and such to show you the way. Missed your turn and contemplating a dangerous maneuver to get back on track towards your destination? Be warned that Classic Difficulty cops are far less forgiving of such infractions than their counterparts on other difficulty settings.

    As Choraria explains: "When playing on Medium difficulty, the police will generally ignore crimes where no one gets hurt. If you run a red light or hit a stationary vehicle, they’ll turn a blind eye, but aim a gun at a pedestrian and they’ll want to have a word. On Classic, however, no offense is too small. Drive even a little over the speed limit and you’ll need to pull over and pay a fine to stop the situation from escalating." Neglect to pull over and you'll find that Lost Heaven PD officers are unrelenting in their pursuit and will resort to setting up roadblocks just as they did in the original game. Encountering a roadblock while fleeing from the police doesn't necessarily mean that you have to stop, of course, but you should know that on Classic Difficulty your vehicles aren't as durable as on other difficulty settings.

    When you're on foot, hopefully not as a result of your vehicle sustaining too much damage, Classic Difficulty enemies are ready to punish your every misstep. Compared to their counterparts on other difficulty settings, they're more aggressive, deal more damage, and are better at avoiding your attacks. Oh, and they won't show up on your minimap, so while looking for opportunities to emerge from cover and shoot you also need to keep an eye out for anyone trying to flank your position.

    Pay close attention to your ammo too, because on Classic Difficulty—just as in the original game—reloading your gun means you forfeit any bullets left in the clip. "If you reload that Tommy gun with 38 bullets left in the clip," explains Choraria, "you’ll lose all of them." The melee combat system that incorporates takedowns as well as weapons like bats and knives affords you some new options to deal with enemies in certain situations. But any damage you sustain in a fight will be harder to recover from because, on Classic Difficulty, first aid kits restore less health, and your health will only regenerate automatically up to 20%.

    Classic Difficulty will undoubtedly be the most challenging way to play Mafia: Definitive Edition, but while it's true to the 2002 version of Mafia where things like ammo management and police responses are concerned, that doesn't mean that it will be as punishing as some of the original game's missions could be. You have the option to swap to and from Classic Difficulty at any time during the game, but if you want to unlock the Achievement or Trophy for completing Tommy Angelo's story on Classic Difficulty, you'll need to stick with it from the outset. We hope that you'll enjoy giving Classic Difficulty a try when Mafia: Definitive Edition releases on September 25—just don't say we didn't warn you if the going gets tough.
    Introducing Mafia: Definitive Edition's Classic Difficulty
    1-2: Classic difficulty
    3-6: wallpapers
    7-20: concept art
    Attached Images Attached Images classic1.jpg classic2.jpg wallpaper1.png wallpaper2.png wallpaper3.png wallpaper4.png lostheaven2.jpg airport.jpg chinatown.jpg mood1.jpg mood3.jpg mood4.jpg mood5.jpg mood6.jpg interior1.jpg interior2.jpg restaurant2.jpg lostheaven1.jpg motorbike.jpg menu-concept.jpg

  20. #120 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Suna interesant, dar ma sperie putin fazele cu little to no assist pt condus. Dar cu siguranta voi incerca si asa

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