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Thread: Mafia 3

  1. #1 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar

    Mafia 3

    Mafia 3 is set in Louisiana
    source: Mafia III

    AllGamesBeta published an image of a casting call for an untitled video game in production by Take-Two, the parent company of Mafia publisher 2K Games. It called for actors to be used for voice over, motion capture and facial scans, and mentioned three characters - all born in Louisiana.

    Characters mentioned were Franklin, Tony and Mickey. Franklin is in his early 20s and "knows how to get a job done at any cost". Tony is in his early 30s and is described as "a genius with numbers and statistics who runs sports betting operations". Tony is "not your typical gangster," the description continues.

    And Mickey is in his late teens, a young street hustler who "likes to run his mouth". "Mickey has a bad habit of taking credit for bigger jobs and making himself seem higher up in the criminal ladder than he really is. When confronted with this, he reverts back to the scared teenager he really is."

    While there is no specific mention of it, if Mafia 3 is set in Louisiana, the game may feature an open world New Orleans.

    Mafia 3 was thought to have been in development for some time at 2K Czech, where the previous games were made. But recent troubles at the studio suggest 2K has rebooted development.

    In January, 2K said it had "relocated and consolidated" its 2K Czech team at Prague to Brno, and had transferred "some development resources" from Prague and Brno to 2K's California studio in Novato. This resulted in lay offs at 2K Czech.

    The current thinking is that Mafia 3 is in production at 2K's California studio. Rod Fergusson, who had joined 2K following a stint helping Irrational finish BioShock Infinite, might have been working on the game - but he isn't now. He joined Microsoft to work on the new Gears of War game at Black Tusk.

    The casting call was published on 6th March, suggesting it may be some time before we see the new, next-generation Mafia 3. 2K Games declined to comment when contacted by Eurogamer.

    Casting for 'Untitled Video Game' - Production Co: Take Two


    Born in Louisiana, Mixed race - African American/Caucasian, Early 20s, 6', Bouncer's build - broad, not cut. An orphan in the racially segregated South who rises to criminal prominence after returning home to Louisiana from war. Having been an outsider to both white and black society, Franklin is fiercely loyal to those he considers "family." He is both street-smart and strong. Disciplined and imposing, confident yet guarded, Franklin knows how to get a job done at any cost...

    Born in Louisiana, Italian, Early 30s, Thin, Immaculately dressed and groomed. A genius with numbers and statistics who runs sports betting operations in Louisiana. Tony is not your typical gangster. Meticulous and organized, Tony is more concerned about numbers and profit than people. On the surface, Tony appears quiet and socially awkward, but in reality he is more than capable of inflicting violence on anyone who disrupts his bottom line. Tony doesn't fear people; he simply does not understand or like them.

    Born in Louisiana, Italian, Late Teens/Early 20s, Average build. A young street hustler who likes to run his mouth, Mickey likes to talk big on the streets, but when push comes to shove, he can't back it up. Mickey has a bad habit of taking credit for bigger jobs and making himself seem higher up in the criminal ladder than he really is. When confronted with this, he reverts back to the scared teenager he really is.
    Attached Images Attached Images mafia_3.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Free roam la sfarsitul jocului si sunt fericit Si un multiplayer e bine venit... Povestea din 2 mi s-a parut ok

  3. #3 SP
    Member b615dub's Avatar
    Fara MP ca strica Foarte buna vestea

  4. #4 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    Intr-adevar, si eu cred ca multiplayer-ul ar strica toata experienta. Sa se axeze pe gameplay si poveste mai bine, grafica si coloana sonora sunt sigur ca vor fi superbe.

  5. #5 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Sper sa fie exclusiv next-gen, in acest fel trec si eu la ps4 sau x1

    PS sa vina tomatele acum

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member x2z's Avatar
    Suna bine. Sa se ia oare dupa GTA si povestea sa aiba 3 caractere diferinte din perspectiva carora sa fie abordata?

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    ouuu !

    ce veste minunata !

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by x2z View Post
    Suna bine. Sa se ia oare dupa GTA si povestea sa aiba 3 caractere diferinte din perspectiva carora sa fie abordata?
    Nu cred ca s-ar supara nimeni daca pentru Mafia3, 2K ar urma reteta celor de la RockStar.

  9. #9 SP
    Banned flavi_us's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ComaLight View Post
    Nu cred ca s-ar supara nimeni daca pentru Mafia3, 2K ar urma reteta celor de la RockStar.
    Ba da, mie nu mi s-a parut o idee tocmai buna. E ok sa joci 10% din joc cu altcineva (gen The Last of Us), dar nu tot jocul. Pentru mine asta a stricat putin experienta GTA, eram obisnuit sa ma atasez de un personaj gen CJ, dar cu trei personaje a fost putin mai stearsa povestea.

  10. #10 SP
    Member anes's Avatar
    “Exciting” Mafia 3 news coming soon according to voice actor | VG247

    In March 2014 a casting call for what many are presuming to be Mafia 3 was held, and it appears one of the voice actors from Mafia 2 expects news to be revealed on the franchise soon.

    This is according to tweets from January attributed to Rick Pasqualone who voiced Vito Scaletta in Mafia 2.

    2K Czech developed Mafia 2 and Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven when it was known as Illusion Software before being bought out by Take-Two.

    In December, 2K announced a new studio called Hangar 13 which is being led by LucasArts vet and Star Wars game franchise director Haden Blackman.

    Blackman stated in the press release that the studio’s ambition is to “create next-generation games that allow players to shape their own experiences.”

    This led many online to speculate whether the Novato, California studio was working on the next entry in the series or at least helping out with development.

    We’ll file this as a rumor for the time being until more concrete information becomes available.

  11. #11 SP
    Member kukenstein's Avatar
    Ciudat cum un asemenea titlu, ca Mafia, a avut doar doua jocuri, unul in 2002 si unul in 2010 si inca nu se stie nimic despre cel de-al treilea... Eu cred ca mai dureaza macar 2 ani pana sa-l vedem pe rafturi. Pacat...

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Cate un joc pentru fiecare generatie:
    Mafia I (ps2&xbox)
    Mafia II (ps3&xbox360)
    Mafia III (ps4&xbox one)

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar
    Tot trepidez cand vad ca a postat cineva ceva nou, pe acest thread

  14. #14 SP
    Member Mishy's Avatar
    Fiind un mare fan al primului joc, cel de al doilea nu mi-a placut deloc. Sper sa nu o dea in bara si cu jocul asta.

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    pe mine m-a fascinat mai mult a doua parte

  16. #16 SP
    Member kukenstein's Avatar
    a doua parte a avut o poveste mai slabuta, personajul principal nu a fost la fel de interesant, de carismatic ca si primul. Pe langa asta a fost si foarte scurt. Tzac pac, gata jocul. Cele trei dlc'uri nu prea au reusit sa completeze jocul, dar per total a fost un joc reusit. Speram ca Mafia 3 va fi peste.

  17. #17 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Singurul contra a fost lipsa de open world... in rest e must play

  18. #18 SP
    Member kukenstein's Avatar
    Este open world in DLCuri.

  19. #19 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Da, dar ar fi fost normal sa fie asa de la bun inceput... Cand l-am jucat nu aveam posibilitatea de a cumpara dlc-uri.

  20. #20 SP
    Member legokid220's Avatar
    off: ) ce m-am pacalit cu puntul lui Crisy . m-am si chinuit putin sa-l prind. Foarte tare!

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