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Thread: Peaky Blinders: Mastermind

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar

    Peaky Blinders: Mastermind

    IGN can exclusively reveal Peaky Blinders: Mastermind, a puzzle-adventure game made by Futurlab and published by Curve Digital, which will come to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC this summer.
    Mastermind comes with a fairly unique twist - every level of the top-down game has you controlling six members of the show's Shelby family simultaneously. That's made possible by putting the entire level on an adjustable timeline, which can be rewound and replayed, allowing you to adjust the actions of each character to find solutions to obstacles, whether violent, stealthy, or both.

    Each member of the Shelby family comes with unique abilities - Tommy (threatening), Arthur (brawling and door kicking), Polly (bribing and lock picking), John (arson and brawling), Ada (distraction) and Finn (sneaking and pickpocketing). You'll need to to use each one, linking the many abilities in sequence, to get through the game's challenges. It's essentially an action-tactics game, and you can get a good look at how that works in the reveal trailer, below:

    The game won't be released until summer this year, but you can wishlist the game on Steam right now.

    For those not familiar with Peaky Blinders, the series offers a gritty snapshot of life in 1920s Birmingham, following the Shelby family's schemes and setbacks. We named the fifth season one of the best drama TV series of 2019.

    Pentru fanii seriei. Eu am abandonat dupa vreo 2 sezoane. Nu ca ar fi prost, pur si simplu nu am mai "simtit nevoia" sa il urmaresc. Poate ii mai dau o sansa cu alta ocazie.
    Attached Images Attached Images 368843.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Eu am reusit sa-l vad pana la final (l-am terminat chiar saptamana asta desi ma "chinui" cu el de cateva luni) si ultimu sezon e chiar bun, dar sufera de aceleasi probleme ca si restul serialului, scris foarte prost in mare parte si nu ne arata prea multe lucruri importante pe care ne lasa sa le deducem sau ni le spun ei fugitiv.

    Jocul pare ciudat intr-un sens rau, iar stilul ales e si mai ciudat, mai ales cand serialul e atat de focusat pe actiune si bataie si chiar putea scoate un joc gen Mafia (3rd person action/adventure shooter).

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Asta unul din motivele pentru care nu am mai avut tragere de inima sa il urmaresc.

    Asa e, stilul asta parca nu se pupa cu stilul serialului, mai ales ca mi se pare ca in articol ei zic ca se bazeaza pe primul/primele sezoane. Wasted potential, asta va fi jucat in mare parte doar de fani si cam atat.

  4. #4 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    #razvanrazvy de ce spui că e scris prost în mare parte ? Eu nu-l văd așa dar aș fi curios de ce ai părerea asta despre el. Jocul e neatractiv pentru mine.

  5. #5 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    O sa pun aici ca un spoiler, ca sa nu stric nimanui placerea de vizionare, desi nu dau niciun spoiler de poveste, dar si pentru ca suntem putin off topic aici.

  6. #6 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  7. #7 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Mda, genul de joc pe care nici gratuit sau la game pass nu l-as instala. Pacat. Ar fi iesit un joc gen Mafia foarte bun.

  8. #8 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

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