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Thread: id Software a anulat Darkness datorita asemanarii cu Doom 3

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Mika's Avatar

    id Software a anulat Darkness datorita asemanarii cu Doom 3

    John Carmack si Matt Hooper, cei care detin id Software au dezvaluit pentru Shacknews detaliile unui joc cu buget mare anulat: Darkness. Se pare ca jocul a fost anulat pentru ca era prea..intunecat (oh, the irony!) Gandit ca un survival horror, Darkness incepea cu prabusirea unui avion (would you kindly... start being original?). Jocul urma sa incerce sa sperie jucatorii prin cea mai simpa metoda, folosita de companie si in Doom 3: iesi din dulap si fa zgomot. Dupa 18 luni de productie, dezvoltarea s-a oprit brusc cand cei de la id Software si-au dat seama ca exact pe aceeasi pasi au mers si cu Doom 3.

    "Am fi avut exact aceleasi greseli ca si in Doom 3" a spus Carmack, care a fost de acord cu plangerile legate de "monstrii ascunsi in vreun dulap" si decoruri mult prea intunecate.

    Carmack de asemenea a luat in considerare si faptul ca jocurile horror notate cu M (mature) nu au vaznari prea mari, sperand sa primeasca un "T for Teen" cu al sau RAGE.

    Dupa cum a povestit John Carmack, el si co-owner-ul id Software, Tim Willits au luat decizia aceasta intr-o dupa-amiaza si dupa aceea au rugat liderul de proiect sa anunte echipa. Cum productia dura de ceva timp, Hooper spus ca decizia de a opri productia jocului nu a fost primita prea bine de echipa.

    "There was some fear that we would alienate the artists," said Hooper. "We started just feeling it out. There wasn't that much of a push-back, because the coolest thing about Rage on the design side.. is that we can pull in and add these little elements."
    "There were a lot of cool aspects of Darkness," continued Hooper, "especially on the psychology horror side, and some things we could have pushed for, but Rage allows us to.. to me I was just elated, because I got to do a lot more things than I would ever do in the survival horror genre."
    "You get to punctuate [the gameplay of standard action titles] a lot more with triumphs and successes, and you just don't get to do that very much in survival horror," added Carmack.
    "You know, you want to say 'I'm victorious,' not 'I'm not dead.' It's just a fundamentally more rewarding genre to be in."
    PS: Pozele 2 si 3 sunt doar cu titlu informativ . ( � ShackNews)

    Attached Images Attached Images id_software_logo.jpg image-o-matic.x.jpg 1.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member DonAdryan's Avatar
    Pacat, DOOM 3 e shooter-ul meu preferat...

    PS: Si Dead Space seamana cu Doom 3, nu credeti?

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