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Thread: Modern Warfare 3: Hirshberg raspunde la scurgerea de informatii

  1. #1 SP
    PlayStation Forever! Chris's Avatar

    Modern Warfare 3: Hirshberg raspunde la scurgerea de informatii

    Hirshberg (de la Activision) a spus ca au fost foarte multe cai prin care firma putea sa contracareze acea scurgere de informatii in acea zi, dar de data aceasta a decis sa intoarca situatia in avatajul sau. Hirshberg ne spune ca primul Modern Warfare 2 si Black Ops teaser au atras 61.000 si, respectiv, 89.000 vizualizari, aceastea fiind adunate in primele doua zile de la anuntare. Teaser-urile de la Modern Warfare 3? Adunati aceste doua numere de vizualizari si inmultiti cu 20 si veti avea ceea ce aceste teaser-uri au generat. Aveti mai jos spusele lui Hirshberg intr-un interviu.
    �While it�s definitely not cool to steal other people�s intellectual property, and while it�s definitely not cool to leak stuff that�s not yours, there are ways that you can respond that actually turn the lemons into lemonade, and that�s what we tried to do on Friday,� he said.

    �It would be really easy to just obsess over the event, which was the leak, and obsess over how it happened, and that�s only looking backwards. In the meantime, your launch just started. And you aren�t always in control of the schedule and the dialogue, and you need to be comfortable of those rapids in this day and age.

    �That�s actually one of the things that separates good marketing from great marketing today.�
    Hirshberg went on to say that during the company meeting over the matter, some suggested nothing be done, while others suggested what the firm eventually chose � to release some video teases of the game and turn it all into �a marketing win.�

    �We woke up with a marketing crisis and wanted to go to bed with a marketing win,� he said. �So what we did was we kind of took that exact conversation we were having in our conference room outside and had it publicly in social media.

    �Through our various channels, through Robert Bowling at IW, through Facebook and through our YouTube channel, we reached out to our fans and we said, �Look, we didn�t schedule this. This wasn�t something we had planned. But everyone seems excited, so we�re just going to roll with it. So here they are, a couple of assets that weren�t scheduled to be out for another couple of weeks, we�re going to release �em to you today.��

    �We kept coming back to the fans, to the people who love this game; who are just waiting; for whom that day was just a really cool day. All that interest for us we knew was harnessable in a positive way. The other thing we wanted to do was, if there�s gonna be a dialogue about our game, we want it to be between us and our fans and not between the leakers and our fans.

    �You don�t want to spoil the surprises that the game has to offer. Leaks are not positive things, even though we might have used it as a way to amplify our initial viewership.�
    Hirshberg closed out the conversation by stating that whomever Kotaku received its information from �clearly had deep access,� but �not everything that was leaked,� was �accurate.�
    Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 va infrumuseta rafturile gameshop-urilor pe 8 Noiembrie, in concordanta cu diferite magazine online.
    Attached Images Attached Images mw3_sandman_splash_01.jpg mw3mayleak2.png

  2. #2 SP
    Member rulzmaker's Avatar
    Din pacate, un COD MW facut de oricine altcineva decat Infinity Ward, nu stiu daca ar multumi lumea. Sa nu uitam ca IW a scris istorie cu titlurile lor.

    PS: Activision sux. Sunt doar pentru bani, nu ii intereseaza sa fie si lumea fericita si mai ales ca ii doare-n cot de parerea fanilor. Daca studio-ul nu-si bate capul cu ce vor fanii, atunci e dezastru. Ei merg pe un principiu: atat timp cat pot scoate maxim din ceva, asta vor face.

  3. #3 SP
    Junior Member AnDu_alex95's Avatar
    rulz are dreptate: in ce joc v-ati distrat mai bine? mw2 sau black ops? cod 4 sau waw? eu merg cu mw2 si cod 4(iw) si cod 4 este clar pe primul loc.

  4. #4 SP
    Junior Member Remember5N's Avatar
    Black Ops e cel mai distractiv. Dupa parerea mea, e si cel mai bun din serie.

  5. #5 SP
    Junior Member leitmotif's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rulzmaker View Post
    Ei merg pe un principiu: atat timp cat pot scoate maxim din ceva, asta vor face.
    Si care e principiul sanatos? Sa scoti minimum din ceva?

    IW va fi si in spatele MW3, fi sigur.

  6. #6 SP
    Member cipvas's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Remember5N View Post
    Black Ops e cel mai distractiv. Dupa parerea mea, e si cel mai bun din serie.
    Da , exact. Si eu acum joc table cu Basescu.

  7. #7 SP
    Junior Member Gojgarea's Avatar
    Si eu prefer COD4 si MW2. Sper ca si MW3 o sa fie macar la fel de bun ca unul din acestea la capitolul gameplay si multiplayer.
    OFF: Cine castiga la table?

  8. #8 SP
    Member cipvas's Avatar
    Tot OFF: ...Obama.

  9. #9 SP
    Member makiaveliproject's Avatar
    cod 4si waw Au fost smecherie ,de la mw2 (inclusiv) niste glume. Deci asteptam battelfield 3 pana atunci jucam bc2!!

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