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Thread: David Cage are idei pentru inca trei jocuri

  1. #1 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

    David Cage are idei pentru inca trei jocuri

    Seful celor de la Quantic Dream, David Cage se gandeste la viitor chiar daca Beyond: Two Souls nu s-a lansat inca pe piata. Acesta a declarat intr-un interviu pentru GamesIndustry International ca are planuri pentru urmatoarele trei jocuri ce vor urma dupa Beyond, unul dintre ele aflandu-se deja in dezvoltare. De asemenea David Cage mai considera ca acest proces de gandire constanta este benefic pentru maturizarea si evolutia ideilor sale. In acest interviu nu ne da niciun indiciu pentru urmatorul proiect care ar urma. Poate unii se gandesc deja la un sequel Beyond, acest lucru picand din start, intrucat David Cage uraste ideea de prequel, spunand ca aceasta "ucide creativitatea". Daca are sau nu dreptate vom vedea cu timpul, desi eu cred ca exagereaza un pic. Mai jos aveti o parte din interviu:

    "I actually have probably my next three games in mind. Although I'm full speed on Beyond, I know what I'm doing after it because it's already in development, and I know what I'm doing after that and probably after that".
    It's great because I have more ideas than I can develop. These ideas come naturally. I don't even need to think about it. It's just that this is how I work. I keep thinking all the time, all the time I'm working. And it gives time to ideas really to evolve and to come to a moment where they're ready to be written. So it's not like I just finished Beyond - oh my God, what am I going to do with the next idea? No, it's something that's matured for a very long time. That definitely helps a lot.''
    Attached Images Attached Images davidcage_ideas.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Apropo de ce spunea nenea Cage mai sus, cei de la ign vin cu niste argumente interesante care ma fac sa cred acelaşi lucru, sa vina ps4

    "Could the game he alludes to be the rumored PlayStation 4 title Singularity? Quantic Dream secured the domain in the same style as their previous domains and This project was assumed to be associated with Quantic Dream’s GDC Kara demo, which was based on the book The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil."

  3. #3 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Nu stiu daca sunt premise injuraturile pe site dar.......(^*$%*&(^) Quaantic Dream !!!! Pai dupa Fahrenheit care a fost un joc exceptional dpdv (bine primele 3/4 din joc ca ultima parte o lua prin lanul de porumb cu povestea, dar ce sa faci.....Bioware de la cine sa invete sa termine Mass Effect 3 !!!!) pe urma au devenit Sony exclusive !
    Stiti bancul cu firma THULE ? Thule mama'n cur de exclusivisti... Acu daca nu imi iau si Playstation adio Heavy Rain, adio Beyond, adio Singularity...

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by djleo666 View Post
    Nu stiu daca sunt premise injuraturile pe site dar.......(^*$%*&(^) Quaantic Dream !!!! Pai dupa Fahrenheit care a fost un joc exceptional dpdv (bine primele 3/4 din joc ca ultima parte o lua prin lanul de porumb cu povestea, dar ce sa faci.....Bioware de la cine sa invete sa termine Mass Effect 3 !!!!) pe urma au devenit Sony exclusive !
    Stiti bancul cu firma THULE ? Thule mama'n cur de exclusivisti... Acu daca nu imi iau si Playstation adio Heavy Rain, adio Beyond, adio Singularity...
    Eu zic sa vinzi xbox-ul si i-ati ps3 ,stii ca mai apare si Last Of Us tot exclusiv Ps3

  5. #5 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Am avut PS3, l-am vandut in lipsa de bani. Nu ma tinea buzunaru' sa ma alimentez cu jocuri pentru 2 platforme.

    Referitor la Last of us, m-am tot uitat la trailere samd si nu-mi pare un joc pe gustul meu. In ultimul timp m-am cam saturat de zombi, daca totusi le simt lipsa bag un Dead Island co-op pe LIVE si imi ajunge. Sau CoD black Ops pe zombie in multiplayer.

    In schimb imi plac jocurile gen Fahrenheit, Dreamfall, Heavy Rain (asta nu l-am jucat din pacate). Gen thriller, adventure. Cu foarte putin shooting. Si cat se poate de putin zombie in ele.

    PS3 mi-as lua din nou doar pentru : GT5, Heavy Rain, Prince of Persia Trilogy HD. Si cam atat momentan. Nu-mi spuneti de Uncharted sau GoW, ma lasa rece ambele, dar astea sunt gusturile mele.

  6. #6 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DanTe23 View Post
    Apropo de ce spunea nenea Cage mai sus, cei de la ign vin cu niste argumente interesante care ma fac sa cred acelaşi lucru, sa vina ps4

    "Could the game he alludes to be the rumored PlayStation 4 title Singularity? Quantic Dream secured the domain in the same style as their previous domains and This project was assumed to be associated with Quantic Dream’s GDC Kara demo, which was based on the book The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil."

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