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Thread: Data de lansare pentru Elder Scrolls Online a fost anuntata

  1. #1 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar

    Data de lansare pentru Elder Scrolls Online a fost anuntata

    In aceasta seara cei de la Bethesda au facut un anunt asteptat de ceva vreme de catre fanii serie Elder Scrolls. Acesta anunt fiind data de lansare de la Elders Scrolls Online, programata pentru 04.04.2014 pentru versiunea de PC si Mac. De asemenea au precizat ca variantele de PlayStation 4 si XBox One se vor lansa in luna iunie a anului viitor. Cei interesat de beta se pot inscrie in continuare la adresa: Fara a mai lungi prea mult aceasta stire, va las mai jos mesajul postat de catre Game Directorul, Matt Firor, impreuna cu ultimul trailer al jocului.
    Greetings everyone. As we are approaching the end of 2013 and heading into our launch year, I thought I’d take a moment to thank you, our community, for your continued support. I’d also like to give you an update on the game’s development and our launch plans for 2014.

    First, thanks to everyone involved in the ESO community: those we met at trade shows, those of you on social media, and those that have had a chance to play the game and provided invaluable feedback through beta testing. I personally am humbled by the intense feelings of excitement expressed to us by the community at large. At shows like PAX East, PAX Prime, Gamescom, Eurogamer Expo, Paris Games Week, etc. – we always had three to four hour lines to play ESO. We know those wait times weren’t easy, and the great patience and enthusiastic reception you showed was remarkable. Everyone here at ZeniMax Online appreciates each and every one of you and your fantastic support of the game.

    Game development is coming along very well. We completed major systems development, and are focusing on making this the Elder Scrolls game you expect: polishing the hundreds and hundreds of hours of content, making combat even more fun and responsive, fixing quest issues, and much, much more. In fact, we plan on spending the next few months before launch reacting to the latest feedback from internal and external testers and gameplay data we have collected.

    As some of you know, we’ve been in beta testing for about a year now, leading up to our most recent test in late November where we had over 300,000 people in the game over a 48 hour period. We’ve had approximately 4 million people sign up for beta and that number continues to grow. We hope that just about every one of you who have signed up for beta will get an invitation to play sometime between now and the weeks before launch. These tests are very important, not only for gameplay feedback, but also to test our infrastructure. Beta tests can sometimes be a little rough when we are testing some systems for the first time with large numbers of players. So thank you to all who have participated for your understanding and support. It is very much appreciated.

    Worldwide demand for The Elder Scrolls Online is extraordinarily high. This means we need to do a staggered rollout of the different versions of the game to spread out the initial service load and ensure an enjoyable, smooth gameplay experience. It is not only a game we are launching – it is a large online service as well, and our number one priority is to ensure a trouble-free, stable rollout for everyone.

    We long ago promised that as soon as a version of the game is ready, we will launch it. So we’re happy to announce that the game will launch worldwide for PC and Mac players on Friday, April 4, 2014, while PlayStation 4 and Xbox One fans will see the game arriving on consoles in June 2014.

    Again, thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm over the past year. We are very proud of this game and excited to share it with you. We can’t wait to see you in the game in 2014!

    Attached Images Attached Images the_elder_scrolls_online.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    2 luni intarziere pentru console?! frak!

  3. #3 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Si avem si cateva imagini extra:
    Attached Images Attached Images 9eba35b2ec3b72f365.jpg 94933072e5c248dec3.jpg 221cd121b9f70f9a59.jpg 47b71a82c20dc0bd64.jpg a52500bbbb4e81bf5bccaad775d55b92.jpg d0faad5828f9171a1d.jpg e60f26025967c8a21e.jpg

  4. #4 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Am ramas eu in urma cu informatiile (sau poate am uitat), sau baietii astia nu au spus inca daca e free to play sau nu?

  5. #5 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Va fi cu taxa lunara.
    What payment model will The Elder Scrolls Online use?
    We will be announcing exact payment methods at a later date, but globally we will be supporting multiple payment options. Players must purchase The Elder Scrolls Online in order to play it. They will have unlimited access for the first 30 days following activation and can continue beyond that with a subscription of $14.99/month (€12.99 / £8.99).

  6. #6 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Nu stiu sincer daca merita. Eu unul nu mai consider ca merita asa ceva in 2014. Exista atat de multe alternative, exista atat de multe jocuri foarte bune la preturi foarte atractive incat nu mi se pare ca renteaza deloc sa platesti lunar o taxa ca sa te joci.

    Pe cat de mult ma atrage ideea unui MMO in universul TES, pe atat de mult ma deranjeaza plata asta lunara. Pur si simplu nu cred ca sunt dispus sa o platesc. Dar cum si SWTOR a ajuns free, probabil se va intampla la fel si cu ESO.

  7. #7 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Pe mine ma mira in ce hal arata grafica... Nu ma asteptam la asa ceva pt. 2014... dar, ramane de vazut.

  8. #8 SP
    Junior Member bicepsul's Avatar
    adica e naspa? mie mi se pare ca arata bine comparat cu alte mmo-uri.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    sub nicio forma nu as fi adoptat modelul asta, insa nu as fi mers nici pe freemium. as fi mers pe modelul GW2, cu jocul achizitionat full price (60USD/EUR) si apoi continut nou lunar sustinut de tranzactii in-game (store in-game cum e in GW2). in plus, as scoate cate un expansion anual (contra cost).

  10. #10 SP
    Member Joystick's Avatar
    Eu sunt foarte fericit .... i mean- imi pare mai convenabil sa dau 13euro pe luna decat sa dau 60 de euro la day one (oricum nu il joc mai mult de 2 luni ) asa ma costa 25 de euro nu 60 ,,, daca e naspa numai platesc thank you ESO te salut din mers

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    Trebuie sa platesti si aia 50E sa-l cumperi prima data. Prima luna e gratis, deci ca sa-l joci 2 luni te costa 65E.

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