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Thread: Aaron Greenberg: vom aduce mai multe exclusivitati Xbox!

  1. #1 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar

    Aaron Greenberg: vom aduce mai multe exclusivitati Xbox!

    Cum valul de nemultumire privind lansarea unor eclusivitati Xbox pe PC s-a intensificat in ultima saptamana, Xbox Games Marketing Head Aaron Greenberg a aparut in podcastul lui Major Nelson incercand sa calmeze spiritele si anuntand ca vor fi lansate mult mai multe exclusivitati in perioada urmatoare pe consola favorita, mai mult chiar, peste 200 de feature vor fi adaugate consolei Microsoft Xbox One. Aveti mai jos transcrierea partiala a podcastului:

    “Xbox is a big priority and a huge commitment, and we’re committed to innovate and, please do not let the fact that we’re also launching a game on the same day on Windows 10 change your perspective on the importance of the console business, our commitment to innovating on consoles, and continue to invest and bring more console exclusives, in addition to kinda growing the gaming ecosystem.

    So from our CEO down at Microsoft there’s tons of commitment and enthusiasm for our business. We are having tremendous success. We saw a fantastic Holiday, great growth year over year, we set Xbox Live records, we saw double digit growth in our exclusive title sales. We have the highest attach rate in the industry, so business is good, healthy, and titles are doing well, and we’re grateful for all the love and support.

    Hopefully people will see what we’re doing. Some times we’re innovating, some times we’re experimenting, some times we’re sort of charting new ground on different things […]. Through all of that we always want to hear people’s feedback. We’re always listening. They may not always agree with 100% of everything we do, but we love the feedback. And that is a lot of what we do. We do different things, we try different things, and say “hey, what do you guys think of this, what do you think of that?” Because we involve them, just like we ask people to vote for what features we want to add. We added 200 new features this year.”
    Intreg podcastul poate fi urmarit mai jos!
    Attached Images Attached Images exclusive_on_xbox_one.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member AndreiRobert6's Avatar
    Ce vrea sa zica prin exclusive?

  3. #3 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Vom aduce mai multe exclusivități PC

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Encman's Avatar
    Treaba sta cam de fapt asa -- ca vad ca au o noua expresie in vocabular "gaming ecosystem" -- vor sa aiba cam totul invartit in jurul Windows 10 (deocamdata), indiferent de ce device se foloseste.
    Cred ca si-au dat seama ca nu prea se pot bate cu $ony pe anumite segmente (sa mentionam doar exclusive games ca tot despre asta e vorba) si incearca sa vanda si sa promoveze un business model croit pe ceea ce au ei si nu are $ony: sistem de operarare.
    Arhitectura pe noile console este similara PC-urilor, este o miscare nu tocmai surprinzatoare din partea lor.
    Jocurile tale oriunde, oricum, backwards compatibility, etc (o "platforma unificata" daca vreti prin itnermediul OS).

    Incet, incet se vor muta si pe un "subscription based model" (ca tot s-a mentionat XBOX Live), "pay per product" o sa cam dispara sau o sa fie din ce in ce mai ieftin pentru consumator, iar ce o sa fie mai scump o sa fie chestiile gen "controller elite", etc (vezi referinta la "attach-uri").
    Interesul va fi sa te "prinda" cu un serviciu, abonat lunar (nu mai alearga neaparat dupa o marja de profit minimala pe bucati de plastic, aceste device-uri devenind incetul cu incetul unelte pentru accesarea jocurilor, content-ului, etc).

    El "saracu" zice cum zice, dar aia e treaba lui ca "head of marketing"

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    Sa nu uitam ca ei iau bani ca sa dea voie unui joc sa le ruleze sistemul , in cazul de fata "windows 10 " , acum ca e pe consola sau pe pc tot pe windows 10 iese si cum pe consola nu prea le-a iesit atunci more for pc

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