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Thread: Star Wars Battlefront si noul Battlefield primesc data de lansare pe Xbox One

  1. #1 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar

    Star Wars Battlefront si noul Battlefield primesc data de lansare pe Xbox One

    Toata lumea probabil stie ca Visceral (creatorii seriei Dead Space) lucreaza impreuna cu studioul Dice la urmatorul joc Battlefield Hardline. Ceea ce nu se stia este ca in acelasi timp studioul lucreaza impreuna cu Bioware si Disney (care detin momentan franciza Star Wars si fara acordul carora probabil nu ar putea aparea nimic pe piata care sa foloseasca numele, personajele sau altceva legat de universul Star Wars) la un nou joc Star Wars numit Star Wars Battlefront.

    Ambele jocuri vor apare in cursul anului 2015, Battlefield Hardline avand ca data de lansare 17 Martie 2015, iar Star Wars Battlefront avand ca data de lansare pe Xbox One perioada "Craciunului 2015" conform CEO EA GAMES Andrew Wilson. Referitor la colaborarea cu studiourile Disney acesta a declarat:
    "Again it's a great IP, a fantastic relationship and we certainly have plans to do a number of different things as part of that relationship that are going to deliver great ways to interact with that IP for players,"
    Personal am asteptari mari de la aceasta colaborare, mixul de Bioware cu Visceral si Dice nu poate aduce decat un suflu nou fracizei Star Wars cu care majoritatea din noi am crescut, Bioware avand in trecut experiente memorabile cu jocurile Star Wars K.O.T.O.R.
    Attached Images Attached Images star-wars-battlefront.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    Cred ca ai vrut sa spui 2015.

    Deoarece Battlefield Hardline are ca data de lansare 17 Martie 2015.

  3. #3 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Eu am citit ca Star Wars Battlefront se lanseaza in perioada sărbătorilor 2015, nu 2016. In 2016 noul Battlefield sau Battlefield 5

    Conform Polygon:
    Star Wars Battlefront coming holiday 2015, Battlefield 5 coming holiday 2016

  4. #4 SP
    Member Joystick's Avatar
    Da...deci si seria Battlefield a intrat in ciclu de 3 ani . Congratulations EA ai inteles ca titluri precum Battlefield nu pot iesi din 2 in 2 ani . as vrea sa-i felicit pe cei de la VISCERAL ca au amanat BF HARDLINE deoarece arata oldgen si sarac in ceea ce priveste game modes. sper sa nu mai aud de Medal of Honor (partea infecta de multiplayer ma refer ) ... asteptam dlc-ul FINAL STAND la bf4 sa vina cat de curand, urmat de beta la bf hardline iar .

  5. #5 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Battlefield Hardline se lansează in martie 2015, cum adica a fost amânat?

  6. #6 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Da aveti dreptate, asa stiam si eu din pacate ori din cauza vitezei de scriere ori a oboselii, ori naiba stie de ce... am dat-o in bara si am scris peste tot (tot nu-mi dau seama de ce peste tot)...2016.
    MonkY am mare rugaminte sa editam, eu nu mai pot si sa punem 2015 asa cum este normal. Va multumesc tuturor ca m-ati atentionat si pentru intelegere!

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dant3 View Post
    Battlefield Hardline se lansează in martie 2015, cum adica a fost amânat?
    trebuia sa se lanseze anul asta prin noiembrie , dar l-au amanat pana in martie 2015.

  8. #8 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Sa vedem ce o iesi. Hardline nu ma atrage deloc iar din Battlefron nu am vazut nimic pana acum...

  9. #9 SP
    Member Plavs's Avatar
    sunt foarte curios de StarWars...fiind mare fan al filmului mi-asi dori siun joc pe masura filmului.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member nightprowler's Avatar
    Star Wars-ul sigur va fi un Battlefield cu elementele specifice SW. Ceea ce e foarte bine, din moment ce BF are super gameplay. Si probabil vor exista si jet-packuri si alte prostioare care sa mareasca mobilitatea, cum au facut cu COD-ul de anul asta.

  11. #11 SP
    Member MENTATAL0R's Avatar
    Daca au si sabii laser e perfect

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    Ca idee ar putea pune cate 2 cavaleri cu sabie laser gen 1 jedi la republic si 1 sith la empire pe post de commanderi prezenti pe campul de lupta

  13. #13 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    Asa cum era in Battlefield 2, in mare parte a bataliilor la un moment dat, puteai controla un Jedi sau un Sith in functie de ce parte erai.

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by TravisPastrana View Post
    Asa cum era in Battlefield 2, in mare parte a bataliilor la un moment dat, puteai controla un Jedi sau un Sith in functie de ce parte erai.
    Poate era vreun mod ceva??? Jedis in Battlefield...e mai SF decat Wookies in Middle Earth.

  15. #15 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    Battlefront 2 am vrut sa zic. Star Wars Battlefront II mai exact, pentru a elimina orice confuzie.

  16. #16 SP
    Member theSrN's Avatar
    cred ca voia sa zica Battlefront 2

    edit: i was slow

  17. #17 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Detalii noi despre Star Wars:
    Star Wars Battlefront rumours: campaign spans entire SW saga, multiplayer has “hero” system

    If you’re a Star Wars fan, or if you’re a Battlefront fan, you’ll want to sit down for this.

    Star Wars fan site Making Star Wars has published a long list of leaks from the upcoming EA and DICE Star Wars Battlefront game. The leaks cover campaign, multiplayer and much more.

    Making Star Wars has proved reliable before when it comes to movie leaks, but we must treat this as a rumour for now, until EA officially reveals gameplay details in the spring.

    According to information the site received, Battlefront will come with both campaign and multiplayer modes. The multiplayer portion will support 64-player battles like previous Battlefield games. As for the campaign, it’s supposedly longer than most modern games.

    The story will cover the entire Star Wars saga, giving you control of both the good guys (Old Republic, Rebellion and Republic) and the bad guys (Separatists and the Empire). The majority of it will be set in the original trilogy, but will feature events from the prequel trilogy, including the Revenge of the Sith opening battle.

    Now here’s is where it gets interesting, the final section of the campaign is supposed to serve as a prequel to the upcoming The Force Awakens film, given that it’s primed for release before the film.

    Multiplayer -wise, some game modes will feature space-to-land battles. But what differentiates this from Battlefield games is what’s called the “hero” system. Think of it as a killstreak-style reward that lets you play as certain hero characters when you reach a certain point threshold.

    The specifics of this this mechanic have reportedly not been nailed down completely yet.

    An “aggressive” DLC plan is also in place, with five content packs, each containing at least three maps as well as characters from The Force Awakens.

    Proceed to daydream now.

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    Pana aici e bine, dar m-au prins la An ,,aggressive" dlc plan! Stiam ca atunci cand vine vorba de vreun joc care are pe coperta DICE si EA, pana si coperta ti-ar da-o sub forma de DLC. Ramane sa ma decid la primul DLC daca premium edition va merita sau nu.

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