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Thread: Destiny, urmatorul joc a celor de la Bungie

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

    Destiny, urmatorul joc a celor de la Bungie

    Bungie a fost dintotdeauna renumit pentru seria Halo. Acestia au adus-o la viata an dupa an, pe consolele celor de la Microsoft sau chiar si pe PC. Dar acum renumita serie e in mainile celor de la 343 Industries (cel putin pentru moment), asa ca Bungie trebuie sa lucreze la un nou IP. Zis si facut! Urmatorul lor proiect se numeste Destiny si conform developerilor acesta va fi un joc de tip "social science fiction". Din pacate nu pot sa ofer prea multe detalii, prezentarea oficiala a jocului avand loc abia in 17 februarie. Pana atunci nu putem decat sa asteptam sau sa banuim despre ce ar putea fi vorba.
    Attached Images Attached Images bungie_destiny.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    O sa fie sigur un joc reuşit

    PS se ştia de anul trecut numele, iar pe threadul jocului avem si câteva poze

  3. #3 SP
    UberDude Honord's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tudoran View Post
    Pana atunci nu putem decat sa asteptam sau sa banuim despre ce ar putea fi vorba.
    “Our story begins seven hundred years from now in the Last City on Earth, in a Solar System littered with the ruins of man’s Golden Age. A massive, mysterious alien ship hangs overhead like a second Moon. No one knows where it came from or what it’s here for, but only that it’s our protector. Meanwhile, strange, alien monsters creep in from the edge of the universe, determined to take Earth and the Last City. We are young ‘knights’ tasked with defending the remains of humanity, discovering the source of these monsters and – eventually – overcoming it.”

  4. #4 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    sau conform acestui site:

    A / Xbox 360

    "Everything changed with the arrival of Voyageur. It was originally a Golden Age that allowed our civilization to establish itself in the solar system. But it could not last. Something we put ashore broke. The survivors built a city in the Voyageur before returning explore our ancient worlds where only mortal enemies awaited them.
    You are a Guardian, protector of last haven of life on Earth, armed with incredible powers. You must defend the city. Defeat our enemies. And look what we have lost. Be strong! "

  5. #5 SP
    Member kostyn26's Avatar

  6. #6 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Universul pare foarte interesant si mix-ul cu real life (smartphones, paote si altele). Nu-mi place ideea de FPS. Nu stiu de ce, dar nu pot sa le mai inghit deloc. Vreau macar posibilitatea sa-l joc si ca 3rd person shooter (si nu mizerii de animatii gen Skyrim in care mi-era scarba sa-l joc 3rd person).

  7. #7 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Hehe, tocmai scrisesem asta pe Chat: e superb, pacat ca-i FPS. Si eu sper sa ai posibilitatea de a activa third person... Din pacate, FPS-urile "sunt la moda"

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