(Fake) Dishonored movie trailer
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(Fake) Dishonored movie trailer (1 min 12 sec)
Uploaded on 23-07-2012 at 03:32 PM by OEE
Funny Movies - YouTube

Based on the upcoming action video game.
Music is The Eternal War from the soundtrack to Diablo 3.
Movie I used: Count of Monte Cristo, Three Musketeers, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Zombie Massacre, Anonymous, Sherlock Holmes 1 and 2, Perfect Creature, Perfume: Tale of a Murder, Sweeney Todd, V for Vendetta, Phantom of the Opera, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Raven, Ninja, The Road, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Total Recall (remake), Willard (remake).
Dishonored coming in October 2012 is about the exploits and assassinations of Corvo Atano, a wrongfully accused bodyguard of The Empress of Pandyssia who is to be executed for her murder. In prison he's given a second lease on life thanks to the supernatural Outsider who brands him with a mark allowing him to channel magic in the pursuit of vengeance against the corrupt aristocrats who have tyrannized the city of Dunwall and whose machinations threaten the world. The game is an intriguing mix of fantasy and steampunk elements as well as being an open world first person stealth/action game so it could cut out a nice niche for itself. The story and setting intrigued me.

Tags: action, bethesda, dishonored, fake, fantasy, first, game, live, movie, neo-victorian, oil, person, prison, stealth, steampunk, teaser, trailer, video, whale

(Fake) Dishonored movie trailer
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