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Thread: iOS 8

  1. #141 SP
    Member dtancu's Avatar

    iOS 8

    Trebuia sa le răspunzi ca nu suni de la jail ca sa evadezi.

  2. #142 SP
    Senior Member Trefla's Avatar

  3. #143 SP
    Senior Member Razzosinni's Avatar
    Acum mi-am pus si eu SwiftKey. Exista vreo modalitate prin care sa pot dezactiva predictive typing-ul?

  4. #144 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Am o problema in splendoarea de ios8: Nu ma pot loga in game center. Daca incerc direct din aplicatie, imi da eroare. Daca merg in settings sa dau login de acolo imi spune "Unable to connect to server". Parola e corecta 100%.

    Pe iPad merge, sunt logat, etc. Pe iPhone in schimb nu merge nicicum. Le-am oprit pe amandoua si repornit si tot nu intra.

    Ce pisici sa ii mai fac?

  5. #145 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Citisem de cineva care a patit treaba asta, si era din cauza datei. Era aiurea (setata manual) si de aceea nu se pupa cu serverul. Verifica si asta totusi... daca esti pe automatically, sau daca nu e corecta data. Altfel, ai putea incerca sa schimbi parola (just in case), sa incerci un restart si la telefon si la router...

  6. #146 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Inca un motiv in plus pentru jailbreak iOS8: DetailedBatteryUsage.
    Attached Images Attached Images detailedbatteryusage.png

  7. #147 SP
    Senior Member Pisboy's Avatar
    Salut. Tocmai ce am intrat in posesia unui Ipad air de 16gb cu Ios 8.1. Merita sa upgradez la 8.1.1 si sa ii fac jailbreak ? Sincer ipadul vechi 2 16gb pe ios 7.1.1 mergea mai bine ca asta. Nu agata.
    Cum e Ios 8.1.1 ? Din ce am vazut merge si jailbreak pe el nu ?

  8. #148 SP
    Member dtancu's Avatar
    De mers va merge la fel.

  9. #149 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Apple just released its latest iOS 8.1.3 update yesterday. While it debugged many little bugs found earlier, several users have found that the latest update can not be jailbroken either. If for any reason you wish to downgrade iOS 8.1.2, here are the steps and direct download links to save you out.

  10. #150 SP
    Senior Member Razzosinni's Avatar
    De cand am facut update la 8.2, iMessage nu mai merge deloc. Am dat on si off de 100 de ori, am resetat telefonul, setarile de retea, tot. Nimic. S-a mai lovit cineva de problema asta?

  11. #151 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    As vrea sa te pot ajuta, dar la mine toate sunt cu iOS 8.1 (JB for the win!)... Presupun ca ai incercat si Setup as new si restore din backup?

  12. #152 SP
    Senior Member Razzosinni's Avatar
    Nu, nu am incercat. Parca e un pic prea multa tevatura. Am vazut si pe MacRumors ca e o problema des intalnita. iPad-ul e inca pe 8.1.

  13. #153 SP
    Member freezy's Avatar
    Sigur stiti ca a fost lansat iOS 8.3 iar printre zecile de schimbari avem, pentru mine cel putin, o importanta schimbare si anume, acum putem alege ce conexiune vrem pentru date celulare, 2G, 3G sau 4G.
    Cu siguranta alegang 2G autonomia bateriei va creste.

  14. #154 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu inca am 8.1 si am optiunea de a alege GPRS (2G) sau 3G/4G. Stau pe 2G cand nu am nevoie de net (sau am WiFi)...

  15. #155 SP
    Member freezy's Avatar
    Eu pe 8.1 si 8.2 nu aveam optiunea.
    Conteaza oare si operatorul de telefonie?! Eu sunt la orange.

  16. #156 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Din cate am vazut da... unii au switch-urile, altii nu. Insa nici nu e foarte bine inteles in 8.1 modul in care faci switch. Daca dai Cellular Data pe On, by default ai 2G (desi nu scrie nicaieri asta). Daca mergi mai departe si dai Enable 3G/Enable 4G, atunci ai 3G/4G... Acum probabil ai switch pt. fiecare in parte?

    Din cate am inteles aceasta este lista completa pentru iOS 8.3:

    Improved performance for:

    App launch
    App responsiveness
    Control Center
    Safari tabs
    3rd-party keyboards
    Keyboard shortcuts
    Simplified Chinese keyboard
    Wi-Fi and Bluetooth fixes

    Fixes an issue where you could be continuously prompted for login credentials
    Addresses an issue where some devices disconnect intermittently from Wi-Fi networks
    Fixes an issue where hands-free phone calls could become disconnected
    Fixes an issue where audio playback could stop working with some Bluetooth speakers
    Orientation and rotation fixes

    Addresses an issue that sometimes prevented rotating back to portrait after having rotated to landscape
    Improves performance and stability issues that occurred when rotating the device between portrait and landscape
    Fixes an issue where device orientation appeared upside down after pulling the iPhone 6 Plus from your pocket
    Resolves an issue that sometimes prevented apps from rotating to correct orientation after switching apps in multitasking
    Messages fixes

    Addresses issues that caused group messages to sometimes split
    Fixes an issue that sometimes removed the ability to forward or delete individual messages
    Resolves an issue that sometimes prevented a preview from appearing when taking a photo in Messages
    Adds the ability to report junk messages directly from the Messages app
    Adds the ability to filter out iMessages that are not sent by your contacts
    Family Sharing fixes

    Fixes a bug where certain apps would not launch or update on family members’ devices
    Fixes a bug that prevented family members from downloading certain free apps
    Increased reliability for Ask to Buy notifications
    CarPlay fixes

    Fixes an issue where Maps could come up as a black screen
    Fixes an issue where the UI could be incorrectly rotated
    Fixes an issue where the keyboard could appear on the CarPlay screen when it shouldn’t
    Enterprise fixes

    Improves reliability of installing and updating enterprise apps
    Corrects the time zone of Calendar events created in IBM Notes
    Fixes a problem that could cause web clip icons to become generic after restarting
    Improves reliability of saving the password for a web proxy
    Exchange out-of-office message can now be edited separately for external replies
    Improves recovery of Exchange accounts from temporary connection problems
    Improves compatibility of VPN and web proxy solutions
    Allows use of physical keyboards to log into Safari web sheets, such as for joining a public Wi-Fi network
    Fixes an issue that caused Exchange meetings with long notes to be truncated
    Accessibility fixes

    Fixes an issue where using the back button in Safari causes VoiceOver gestures to not respond
    Fixes an issue where VoiceOver focus becomes unreliable in draft Mail messages
    Fixes an issue where Braille Screen Input cannot be used to type text in forms on webpages
    Fixes an issue where toggling Quick Nav on a Braille Display announces that Quick Nav is off
    Fixes an issue keeping app icons from being moveable on home screen when VoiceOver is enabled
    Fixes an issue in Speak Screen where speech will not start again after pausing
    Other improvements and bug fixes

    Introduces a redesigned Emoji keyboard with over 300 new characters
    iCloud Photo Library has been optimized to work with the new Photos app on OS X 10.10.3 and is now out of beta
    Improves the pronunciation of street names during turn-by-turn navigation in Maps
    Includes support for Baum VarioUltra 20 and VarioUltra 40 braille displays
    Improves the display of Spotlight results when Reduce Transparency is turned on
    Adds Italic and Underline format options for iPhone 6 Plus landscape keyboard
    Adds the ability to remove shipping and billing addresses used with Apple Pay
    Additional language and country support for Siri: English (India, New Zealand), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Netherlands), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian (Russia), Swedish (Sweden), Thai (Thailand), Turkish (Turkey)
    Additional dictation languages: Arabic (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates) and Hebrew (Israel)
    Improves stability for Phone, Mail, Bluetooth connectivity, Photos, Safari tabs, Settings, Weather and Genius Playlists in Music
    Addresses an issue where Slide to Unlock could fail to work on certain devices
    Addresses an issue that sometimes prevented swiping to answer a phone call on the Lock screen
    Addresses an issue that prevented opening links in Safari PDFs
    Fixes an issue where selecting Clear History and Website Data in Safari Settings did not clear all data
    Fixes an issue that prevented autocorrecting “FYI”
    Addresses an issue where contextual predictions did not appear in Quick Reply
    Fixes an issue where Maps did not enter night mode from hybrid mode
    Resolves an issue that prevented initiating FaceTime calls from a browser or 3rd-party app using FaceTime URLs
    Fixes an issue that sometimes prevented photos from properly exporting to Digital Camera Image folders on Windows
    Fixes an issue that sometimes prevented an iPad backup from completing with iTunes
    Fixes an issue that could cause Podcast downloads to stall when switching from Wi-Fi to cellular networks
    Fixes an issue where remaining time on timer would sometimes incorrectly display as 00:00 on Lock screen
    Fixes an issue that sometimes prevented adjusting call volume
    Fixes an issue that caused the status bar to sometimes appear when it shouldn’t

    ---------- Post added 10-04-2015 at 12:28 ----------

    Sunt curios daca a disparut lag-ul din Phone...

  17. #157 SP
    Member freezy's Avatar
    Da, este buton pentru fiecare.
    Din pacate lag-ul la raspuns nu s-a rezolvat.

  18. #158 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Eu inca am 8.1 si am optiunea de a alege GPRS (2G) sau 3G/4G. Stau pe 2G cand nu am nevoie de net (sau am WiFi)...
    Si eu tot 8.1 am, si am exact ce zice MonkY aici

  19. #159 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Am citit pe undeva ca problema aceea cu 0.5s or so delay ar fi de fapt un feature si nu un bug. N-am idee daca e o gogoritza, dar cel care spunea asta explica ceva legat de radiatii, ca e timpul necesar antenei sa treaca in nu stiu ce mod, ca sa nu te radieze cand duci telefonul la ureche. Repet, probabil o gogoritza... dar e de luat si asta in considerare.

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