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Thread: Clubul Xbox Series X

  1. #501 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Faza cu Hellblade e ca nu e pentru oricine si cel mai probatil 2-ul va fi la fel - personal primul nu mi s-a parut wow.

    Dar da, Game Pass este exclusivitatea lor cea mai de pret in momentul actual si daca Sony va scoate un abonament asemanator (pe langa faptul ca vor trece cu totii usor usor pe digital only), se vor distanta si mai mult de Xbox.
    Partea buna e ca in acest Game Pass vom avea day 1 absolut toate jocurile exclusive (dar nu numai), ceea ce este un mega plus pentru ei (dar si un minus prin faptul ca lumea nu le mai cumpara si daca vor cu adevarat un joc, dau 10$ pe o luna de GP si termina jocul respectiv + altele daca e interesat, in luna aia).

    Din ce stiam, atat ei cat si EA lucra acum multi ani la ceva GTA killer, dar se pare ca toate astea ori au murit, ori sunt inca in productie ascunsa si cred ca momentan aduce mai multi bani un battle royale decat ceva poveste SP. Si e mare pacat.

  2. #502 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Game Pass e bun pentru cine are putine jocuri cumparate, eu am jur de 700 pe toate consolele si PC si nu cred ca am jucat mai mult de 30~40 % din ele deci pentru mine nu renteaza un abonament de genul. Deocamdata nu vad nici un joc wow la Microsoft.

  3. #503 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ideea e ca Xbox e complementar PC-ului, iar tu, ca multe alte persoane, daca ai un PC modest, nu ai niciun motiv real pentru care sa-ti cumperi un Xbox Series X, decat daca vrei true 4k cu RTX si nu vrei sa investesti 1000+ euro doar in placa video.

    Cat de jocuri cumparate, nu stiu cum, dar mereu am cumparat doar ce am vrut neaparat sa joc, astfel ca pe Xbox am ~300 de jocuri digitale + ce s-a dat la gold + game pass si absolut tot ce am cumparat, am jucat si/sau terminat.
    Astfel ca back log nu prea exista la mine, decat sub forma de jocuri din game pass sau jocuri gen tycoon/sports pe care as vrea sa le joc mai mult

  4. #504 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Eu vreau un PC destul de bun dar sunt cam scumpe, cel pe care il am acum e depasit iar pe langa asta am asteptat noile generatii de procesoare si placi video de la AMD. PC-ul il vreau in special pentru ca sunt pasionat de calculatoare si pentru RTS-uri /FPS-uri plus alte jocuri indie.

    Pe consola prefer in general sa joc RPG-urile.

    Planul de "upgrade" e asa, PS5(2020) -> Series X (2021) -> Desktop PC(2022).

  5. #505 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Și eu sunt de părere că Hellblade e cam singurul joc cu potențial imens. Poate că va fi și Fable ceva wow, depinde cât de mult vor (re)împrospăta jocul și universul din spatele lui.

    Cât despre primul Hellblade, deși cam scurt, nici nu se pune problema, a fost o capodoperă prin excelență. În top zece cele mai bune jocuri pe care le-am butonat generația asta.

  6. #506 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  7. #507 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Asa mi se pare ok, de cand cu abonamentele de platit pt a juca online mi se pare o prostie, cel putin in tabara albastra unde nu sunt la nivelul Xbox Live.

  8. #508 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Nu mă așteptam. Nuș', sună prea frumos ca să fie adevarat.

    Oricum, individul care a venit cu ideea de plată pe Xbox pentru jucat online, ar trebui plesnit o lună peste mufă cu un obiect serios contondent.

    Asta în timp ce pe PC, același ecosistem, n-a existat niciodată conceptul de plată pentru joaca online. Dacă se va adeveri zvonul, asta e, practic ne-au făcut la buzunare timp de vreo 15-20 ani.

    ---------- Post added 01-08-2020 at 12:17 ----------

  9. #509 SP
    Member ymess's Avatar
    S-au schimbat vremurile. Nu mi-a convenit sa platesc pentru gold dar nu a fost nici o caruta de bani parerea mea. Ma astept in schimb ca generatia curenta de One sa prinda inca 2 ani la raport calitate / pret genial. Pana sa avem upgradeuri grafice simtitoare mai dureaza un an doi. Daca ne scapa de Gold si sa tinem cont ca o consola buna e 250$ e un lucru extrem de accesibil pentru multa lume.
    O teorie de a mea era ca asa incurajau distributia digitala. Odata ce iti puneai cardul pentru gold care era must have, erai mai predispus sa cumperi si alte jocuri mult mai usor, plus reducerile gold exclusive.

  10. #510 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Slabe sanse sa mai gasesti Xbox One X, ca sa zici ca o consola buna va fi 250$. Au anuntat ca au/vor intrerupe productia, deci cel mai probabil vom avea la vanzare doar One S si cele 2 noi + Game Pass Ultimate care va include si Xcloud.

  11. #511 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    "Telstra tells customers Xbox Series X pre-orders will begin soon"

  12. #512 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  13. #513 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Un lucru foarte bun. Arata absolut dezgustator logo-ul ala pe fata. Sigur ar putea sa-l inlocuiasca cu altceva sau sa-l puna pe spate unde nu prea conteaza.

  14. #514 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    A New Microsoft Store Experience is Coming to Xbox Insiders

    - Introducing the new Microsoft Store on Xbox
    - A completely rebuilt experience designed to be faster, safer and easier to use than ever before
    - Available in beta beginning August 5 for some Xbox Insiders

    Hello Xbox fans! We’re excited to share something we’ve been working on for a long time: the all-new Microsoft Store on Xbox. Far more than a typical app update, we’ve rebuilt the experience from the ground up to be faster, safer and easier to use than ever before. We’re obsessed with getting it right for customers, and we can’t wait for you to see what we’ve been working on.


    The new Microsoft Store on Xbox is more than twice as fast as before. It launches in under two seconds, and the browse performance is greatly improved – it’s faster than ever to load pages and find what you need, whether it’s checking out a sale price or watching HD trailers.

    The Microsoft Store on Xbox makes it easier than ever to discover what you’re looking for, whether you want to try out a gaming membership like Xbox Game Pass, find a specific title or DLC, or access an app, movie or TV show. View trailers inline while you search and browse (or turn on autoplay for the most seamless experience), easily see which games your friends are playing, and get information about discounts and offers at a glance.


    Our goal is to provide an inclusive and intuitive experience for everyone, and we’re committed to making it easier than ever to find your next favorite game, app, movie, or TV show. This starts with a fully redesigned navigation system, allowing you to jump between shopping experiences in a snap or deep dive into something specific.

    In order to improve ease of use, we’ve revisited and refined a few features and functionalities:

    - With the redesigned search functionality, it’s easier to filter your results.
    - Guided by your feedback, we rebuilt the Wish List. You can now easily add new games to your Wish List and quickly check your list content (including keeping tabs on any sale pricing for your Wish List items).
    - The updated shopping cart makes it easier to add items to your cart as well as view the items in your cart before and during purchase.
    - We’ve also made it easier than ever to shop across four generations of great Xbox content by enabling customers to view pricing while browsing for new Xbox One games and backward compatible Xbox 360 and original Xbox titles, as well as add these games to your Wish List or shopping cart.


    We’ve also been working hard to make sure that the Microsoft Store on Xbox is the best place for families to shop for gaming and entertainment. To help parents ensure that their children are interacting with appropriate content, customers must be signed in to their Xbox account before browsing. Being signed in also helps you have a more personalized experience – you’ll see content that is more relevant for you.

    Similarly, we’ve made improvements to the way content is filtered to align with the family settings applied to child accounts. With this update, we ensure that content rated beyond a user’s content filter level does not appear anywhere in search or browse experiences. This means that a child with content filters set for an 8-year old will not be able to view content in the store that is rated for a teenager, for example. The update also guarantees that content filters are applied even when multiple users are signed in. It also makes it easier for parents or caregivers to grant exceptions to restrictions for particular games, movies, or TV shows they may allow their family members to have access to. Click here to learn more about child accounts and family settings on Xbox.

    You’ll see content ratings more clearly surfaced: All trailers start with a consistent ratings pre-roll, ratings information is always clearly shown at the top of game details pages, and persisting age ratings information shows up all the way through the purchase process.

    If you want a closer look at all of these updates, I walked through them on Major Nelson’s video podcast – check out the video above and here.

    How to participate

    We’ll be rolling this update out gradually, so if you’re an Xbox Insider, you may begin to see the new Microsoft Store on Xbox starting as early as August 5; the experience will be available for more Insiders over time before it rolls out to all users this fall. If you encounter any issues, please submit feedback via Report a problem (hold down the Xbox button on your controller and select Report a problem from the power menu). Please submit feedback under Category > Apps and Subcategory > Microsoft Store. If you are not yet an Xbox Insider you can find more about and join the program at

    We’re looking forward to your feedback. The new Microsoft Store on Xbox is just the first of many updates we’re rolling out in the coming weeks, all built to keep the gamer at the center of the entire gaming experience – stay tuned for more.
    A New Microsoft Store Experience is Coming to Xbox Insiders - Xbox Wire
    Attached Images Attached Images mercury-home.png mercury-browse.png mercury-gallery.png navigation-expanded.png mercury-game-pdp.png mercury-sign-.jpg mercury-parental-controls.jpg mercury-ratings-preroll.png mercury-ratings-trailer.png

  15. #515 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Arata excelent, mult mai clean noua interfata si parca mai ordonata. Aduce a Playstation Store putin ca layout, ceea ce este foarte bine.
    Sper sa lucreze in acelasi stil si la noul dashboard, momentan arata ca o ciorba.

  16. #516 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Arata si se misca foarte bine, curat, fara 15 submeniuri si e clar un pas in fata.

    Cel mai probabil il vor lansa oficial odata cu Series X.

  17. #517 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Cred ca se lanseaza mai repede, desi "this fall" include noiembrie. Insiderii il primesc in august, probabil ca in octombrie il avem.
    Tot n-au introdus "All games (A-Z)", sunt doar charts.

  18. #518 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Eu vreau o chestie de la noul dashboard, sa nu mai dureze nene secunde pana intru in ce meniu vreau.
    Daca dau iar click pe Achievements si vad rotita aia invartindu-se innebunesc. Nu mai zic in mizeria aia de Upload Studio sau in captures ca pana imi face refresh la poze/filme termin o tigara.

    Smooth frate sa fie totul smooth instant click ca pe telefoanele lui Steve sa intre in orice submeniu inainte sa apas daca se poate.

  19. #519 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cam asta vad ca zic in video ca o sa fie cazul pentru ca au schimbat platforma pe care este bazat OS-ul (cel putin asta am inteles).

    Oricum chiar si asa, consider ca este ani lumina in fata OS-ului de la PS4, atat in dashboard, dar mai ales in store unde search-u ala il face cel mai dezgustator store ever

  20. #520 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Au anuntat asta mai demult, dar ne reamintesc, dupa ce Sony a anuntat ca DualShock 4 nu merge cu jocuri PS5:

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