Single post: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

  1. #5 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Ok, ce informatii am reusit sa culeg de pe internet pe baza acestui teaser. In video ne este prezentata o parte din expeditia lui Sir Francis Drake in jurul lumii (atasament 1). La final se poate vedea marcata Île Sainte-Marie. Niste informatii interesante legate despre aceasta insula si pirati luate de pe Wikipedia:

    Ile Sainte-Marie, or St. Mary's Island as it is known in English, became a popular base for pirates throughout the 17th and 18th centuries due to several reasons: it was not far from the maritime routes along which ships returning from the East Indies sailed in transit, their holds overflowing with wealth, it was provided with bays and inlets protected from storms and finally, it had abundant fruit and was situated in quiet waters. Legendary pirates like William Kidd, Robert Culliford, Olivier Levasseur, Henry Every, Abraham Samuel and Thomas Tew, lived in the île aux Forbans, an island located in the bay of Sainte Marie's main town, Ambodifotatra. Many of them would found a family line. Numerous vestiges of this history remain at Sainte Marie. For example, several authentic pirate vessels still lie within a few meters of the surface in the Baie des Forbans. One of these has been tentatively identified as Captain Condent's ship, the Fiery Dragon.

    The utopian pirate republic of Libertalia was also rumored to exist in this area, although the republic's existence, let alone its location, has never been proven.
    Este ca si confirmat ca vom avea pirati in joc (Rasko deja are orgasm ). Se poate vedea si dupa designul vestimentatiei unor personaje dintr-o poza facuta in studioul Naughty Dog (atasament 2).

    Cel care vorbeste ar putea fi Thomas Doughty. Acesta a fost executat de catre Francis Drake pentru razvratire si pentru ca era banuit ca practica vrajitoria:

    Following Magellan's example, Drake tried and executed his own 'mutineer' Thomas Doughty.
    When the Swan became separated from the rest of the fleet during a severe storm, Drake became convinced that Doughty was practising witchcraft. On May 17, 1578, upon the reunion of the fleet, Drake and Doughty had a final quarrel; Drake struck Doughty and ordered him tied to the mast. By June 3 both Doughty and his brother, John Doughty were under house arrest, the men being forbidden to interact with them entirely. Drake accused Doughty of being "a conjurer and a seditious person" and his brother of being "a witch and a poisoner".
    Desi a fost omorat prin decapitare cred ca vor putea altera putin istoria pentru a face o poveste interesanta despre razbunare.

    On July 2, 1578, Thomas Doughty was beheaded.
    Avand in vedere natura gameplayului din jocurile precedente, bazat foarte mult pe shooting, nu cred ca este foarte potrivita perioada, din cauza armelor de foc ce nu erau foarte evoluate la acea vreme. Asta daca nu cumva au de gand sa modifice gameplayul, sa-l duce spre ceva gen Assassin's Creed, dar ma indoiesc.

    Eu cred insa ca vom avea parte de 2 povesti ce vor fi dezvoltate in paralel: una in trecut cu Sir Francis Drake si alta in prezent cu bine cunoscutul set de personaje al seriei ce se vor confrunta cu un urmas al unei persoane care a intrat in conflict cu Francis Drake si acum vrea sa se razbune pe Nathan Drake.

    Voi ce parere aveti?

    P.S.: Alte cateva detalii. Mesajul "For God and Liberty" ce apare in teaser este mottoul piratilor din Libertalia, despre care am povestit mai sus. Insa, aceasta colonie a fost fondata in secolul 17, ceea ce nu se potriveste cu perioada in care a trait Francis Drake. (

    Libertatia (also known as Libertalia) was a possibly fictional anarchist colony founded in the late 17th century in Madagascar by pirates under the leadership of Captain James Misson. Whether or not Libertatia actually existed is disputed.
    The pirate utopia's motto was "for God and liberty," and its flag was white, in contrast to a Jolly Roger. They were anarchist, waging war against states and lawmakers, attacking their ships, sparing prisoners, and freeing slaves. They called themselves Liberi, and lived under a communal city rule, a sort of worker owned corporation of piracy.
    De asemenea, mesajul de la sfarsit, HODIE MECVM ERIS IN PARADISO, este in latina si inseamna: Astazi vei fi cu mine in paradis.

    P.P.S.: Cineva a descoperit o explicatie si pentru mesajul "Every betrayed us all":

    At one point the map says "Every betrayed us all" and after searching that last name up, I found out that there was a seventeenth century pirate named Henry Every who is famous for having actually kept all of his treasure until his death. Another thing he did was attack and ransack the royal fleet and flagship of the Mughal emperor of India.

    He also apparently operated around the Indian ocean and Caribbean Sea, so it would be a good bet that the game will possibly take place in and around India, Africa, and the Caribbean which is very interesting. The map also shows Madagascar and the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, which further reinforces that.
    Attached Images Attached Images drake_1577-1580.png 3-600x488.jpg