Single post: The Crew ruleaza la 1080p si 30 fps pe Xbox One si PlayStation 4

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    The Crew ruleaza la 1080p si 30 fps pe Xbox One si PlayStation 4

    Intr-un interview acordat lui, creative director Julian Gerighty, a anuntat ca The Crew va rula la 1080p si 30 fps-uri pe Xbox One si PlayStation 4. De asemenea, versiunea de PC nu va fi cu mult diferita, spunand ca cei de la Ivory Tower incearca sa obtina aceeasi paritate pe toate platformele. Un feature exclusiv versiuni de PlayStation 4 va fi utilizarea touchpad-ului pentru controlul hartii (banuiesc ca asemanator lui Assassin's Creed 4). The Crew se va lansa spre sfarsitul anului pe Xbox One, PlayStation 4 si PC.

    Mai jos va las si articolul in original pentru digerare:
    Online racer The Crew will run at native 1080p, 30 frames per second on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, creative director Julian Gerighty has confirmed to

    The PC version won't differ too much from the console versions, either, he says, adding that Ivory Tower is "really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that's important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms."

    One feature exclusive to the PS4 version, however, will be the use of the DualShock 4's touchpad.

    "Reflections is doing the PS4 version and they're doing an incredible job on it," Gerighty continued. "We'll be using the trackpad to manipulate the map and stuff like that, so they’ve really pushed two or three different things there."
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