Single post: Steam Machines se amana pentru 2015

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    Steam Machines se amana pentru 2015

    Cei care cunosc modul de lucru al lui Gabe Newell si al celor de la Valve nu cred ca se vor mira de titlul acestei stiri. M-as putea chiar hazarda sa spun ca amanarea unui produs marca Valve face de fapt parte din strategia de marketing si insasi structura de baza a firmei (vezi Half Life 3). Pe mine unul m-a intrigat ideea lui Steam Box si a acelor Steam Machines, insa dupa ce am vazut acel controller mi-am pierdut un pic speranta. Chiar daca vedeam ceva "altfel", nu pot sa spun ca am fost super incantat (in special de dual pads in loc de dual analog sticks - ceea ce mie ca pasionat de controllere mi se pare o blasfemie - e ca si cand mi-as dori sa ma joc pe mousepad-ul de la laptop).

    Personal sper ca amanarea sa fie pentru 2 lucruri: 1. modificarea/repararea controllerului si 2. implementarea mai buna cu Oculus Rift (eventual pentru a lansa un Steam Machine gata echipat cu Oculus Rift).

    Anyway, vorba lunga = saracia omului. Intr-un anunt oficial de pe Steam Community, Valve a anuntat ca Steam Machine si Steam Controller-ul are un "release window" in 2015 si nu 2014 asa cum era pana acum. Probabil vom afla mai multe amanunte la E3. Mai jos aveti citatul oficial:
    We've been getting emails from the Steam community asking us how our in-development Steam Machines are coming along. It's great that you're excited about it, and we know you appreciate it when we keep you in the loop on stuff like this, so we wanted to give you all a quick update.

    We’re now using wireless prototype controllers to conduct live playtests, with everyone from industry professionals to die-hard gamers to casual gamers. It's generating a ton of useful feedback, and it means we'll be able to make the controller a lot better. Of course, it's also keeping us pretty busy making all those improvements. Realistically, we're now looking at a release window of 2015, not 2014.

    Obviously we're just as eager as you are to get a Steam Machine in your hands. But our number one priority is making sure that when you do, you'll be getting the best gaming experience possible. We hope you'll be patient with us while we get there. Until then, we’ll continue to post updates as we have more stories to share.

    As always, we love getting feedback on the Steam Machine and Steam controller from the community. After all, you're the people we want to be happiest when we release them.
    Sursa: Steam Community :: Group :: Steam Universe
    Attached Images Attached Images steamcontrollernotes.jpg