Era cineva pe-aici care vroia luptatori noi ? Azi am aflat ca vor fi adaugate inca 2 caractere ,ce le vom afla in cadrul E3 . : Mortal Kombat X Revealing New Fighters at E3 - IGN .

Mortal Kombat X is set to reveal at least part of its roster at E3, including two brand new fighters. The news comes courtesy of franchise creator Ed Boon on Twitter, who responded to a fan asking if we'd see any new participants in the upcoming game to say "Yes! Two of my new favourites will be at E3!"
Ed Boon a precizat deasemenea ca vom avea parte si de un gameplay la E3 , din care ne vom da seama care este intriga MKX .

Boon also promised we'd get some idea of the title's plot, which is apparently both a continuation of the story begun in MK9 as well as being entirely original, and will finally see some gameplay at E3.