Salut. Am postat si pe topicul de Killzone, dar am zis sa incerc si aici.

Daca are cineva DLC-ul Insurgent si ma poate ajuta cu un trofeu ceva mai dificil. Este vorba de Hacktivist - Reach the maximum level for the Hacking Ability.

Cam asa se poate face boost:

If you choose to boost this, the best way to do so is have you and your partner place a Tactical Echo Emitter directly next to each other, then kill yourself and change to Insurgent. Once you respawn, simply hack the Emitter with . If the Emitters are close enough together, you won't even need to move at all, just press every so often. Hacking a piece of equipment will reset the timer on it, meaning you won't have to replace the equipment at all. The reason the Tactical Echo Emitter is recommended is because every time one is constructed, it will immediately let off an initial pulse, tagging any enemies within range. Given you'll constantly be hacking them, every hack will result in a tag as well, allowing you to level the hacking ability and the Tactical Echo Emitter simultaneously.

Poate mai doreste cineva sa-l faca si asa castigam amandoi. Din pacate eu pot doar seara dupa ora 10.30
Va rog sa ma anuntati daca sunt doritori.