Single post: Battlefield Hardline amanat

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar

    Battlefield Hardline amanat

    Fanii nu au fost prea fericiti de decizia celor de la EA de a lansa cate un joc Battlefield in fiecare an, anul acesta pregatindu-ne un joc Battlefield produs de cei de la Visceral Games. Se pare ca ne-au ascultat si Battlefield Hardline a fost amanat pana in 2015. Motivul dat de ei a fost ca vor sa asculte de parerile jucatorilor si vor sa faca din Battlefield Hardline un joc cat mai bun, dupa ce fanii nu au fost foarte incantati de versiunea Beta a jocului.
    This feedback also spurred us to start thinking about other possibilities and ways we could push Hardline innovation further and make the game even better. The more we thought about these ideas, the more we knew we had to get them into the game you will all be playing. However, there was only one problem. We would need more time. Time that we didn’t have if we decided to move forward with launching in just a couple of months.

    We decided that the right thing to do was to take more time to ensure Hardline is the best, most innovative Battlefield experience we can give to you, our fans.
    Partile la care ei mai vor sa lucreze sunt: "Multiplayer innovation", "Single player story depth" si "Stability". O decizie buna dupa parerea mea, poate Hardline va evita criticile de care Battlefield 4 a avut parte.
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