Single post: Zvon: Live Experience pe 25 Septembrie + surprize

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar

    Zvon: Live Experience pe 25 Septembrie + surprize

    Euforia si nebunie de pe internet a inceput deja. Cum a aparut un zvon pe VG Chartz cum ca update-ul pentru Xbox Dashboard a.k.a Fall Update a.k.a Live Experience va fi lansat pe 25 Septembrie cu o groaza de bonusuri pe langa deja toate site-urile de internet au inceput sa publice acest lucru. Deci sa recapitulam. Ce ar trebui sa se intample pe 25 Septembrie?

    Pe 25 Septembrie 2008, 7pm EST Microsoft va porni un countdown de 5 ore. La sfarsitul acestor 5 ore toate consolele Xbox 360 din lume vor fi updatate la noul dashboard intrand in noua Experienta Live. Pentru acest lucru Microsoft a inchiriat spatiu de emisie si televiziunea G4 va transmite totul in exclusivitate. Pentru cei cu Live vom putea vedea totul Live prin Streaming ori prin download.

    Va fi anuntat un parteneriat cu Sirius Satelite Radio astfel pentru o suma modica ce va putea fi platita si prin Microsoft Points vom putea asculta radio in timp ce ne jucam.

    Apoi va fi anuntat un nou music store pentru a downloada muzica direct pe Xbox 360-ul nostru. Vom plati muzica cu Microsoft Points dar unele vor fi si free-of-charge.

    Al treilea anunt este necunoscut. Este vorba despre "mad lib" despre care nu se stie decat ca s-ar putea sa fie ceva despre picture-in-picture.

    Microsoft va lansa dupa update o serie de demo-uri. Un preview pentru GTA IV Downloadable Content, un nou expansion Mass Effect, free map pack pentru Halo 3. Tot cei de la Microsoft vor arata pentru prima data 12 jocuri ce nu au mai fost publice pana acum ce vor fi ori exclusiv ori time-exclusive pentru Xbox 360. Printre acestea s-ar putea sa se numere Assassin's Creed 2, Mass Effect 2, 2 titluri din seria Halo.

    De asemenea 6 noi jocuri pentru Xbox Originals dintre care 3 vor fi disponibile imediat dupa update. Unul dintre ele va fi Halo ce va fi gratis. Jocurile vor fi numai pentru membrii Gold si pentru cei cu vechime mare.

    Asadar, pana acum totul nu este 0.1% confirmat. Dar zvonurile sunt superbe.

    September 25th 7pm EST. Microsoft will start a five hour countdown to relaunch their console. Yes that is right nothing short of a relaunch is acceptable. At the end of the five hours your console will update to the new interface with full functionality. To promote this most historic event with a full fledged media blitz. Microsoft has gone so far as to rent television space as in rent a channel. For those five hours G4 television will cover the event exclusively with live coverage. For those with Live they will be able to download or stream the channel.

    First there are three new pages that are going to be unveiled. The first page is a strategic partnership with Sirius Satelite Radio. For a modest monthly fee you will be able to run Sirius radio through your 360 with no additional hardware needed, and you will be able to pay for the service with Microsoft points. The upside is that everyone with access to live will get a free week to play with the service, and it will be accessable while in game.

    The second page is a new music store for downloading music directly onto your 360. Once again for an obvious charge which can be made through Microsoft points. However you will also be able to download some game music free of charge. How could we play Gears of War 2 without playing the Halo concerto right over the games music.

    The third channel is called mad lib, and the author claims to have absolutely no clue as to what mad lib is about. However the author suspects it has something to do with a picture within picture function. I have no clue why anyone would want a picture within their game, but what the hell this rumor is bat**** crazy anyway.

    Microsoft will release a dozen new demos after the launch. There will be four new downloadable pieces of content a preview of the GTA DLC. A Mass Effect expansion. Portal and a free map pack for Halo 3.
    Microsoft will unveil twelve new games never seen before that will be exclusive or first on the 360. Strangley enough the author only gives out code names for said games. Though they speculate that among them is Assassins Creed 2, Mass Effect 2, A new Conker title, A rare shooter new franchise, and two new Halo titles. Apparently from what they were told.
    Apricot, Burden, Conker, Dramatis, Error, Fender, Gargoyle, Hiroshima, Ignorance, Jeremiah, Kyoto, London.

    Then there are six free xbox originals that will be available for download. Three of which are not yet on the service, but will be available right after launch. The only game the Author could confirm was Halo would be a free game. These games will only be available to Live gold members, and they will only be available to those that have an account of long standing.
    Attached Images Attached Images xbox_live_1.jpg xbox_live_2.jpg xbox_live_3.jpg xbox_live_4.jpg xbox_live_5.jpg