Single post: User Preview: Hunt - Horrors of the Gilded Age

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    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar

    User Preview: Hunt - Horrors of the Gilded Age

    Si cand toata lumea se intreba ce mai face Crytek dupa vanzarea Homefront catre studioul Deep Silver astazi aflam ca fostii angajati ai developerului Vigil (creatorii seriei Darksiders), actual numindu-se Crytek USA, lucreaza la un nou joc pentru Xbox One numit: HUNT: Horrors of the Gilded Age. Cei de la au fost norocosi sa fie primiti pentru un sneak pic/ preview al viitorului joc si sa ne ofere si noua amanunte. Versiunea beta urmeaza sa se lanseze in crusul anului viitor, urmand ca jocul sa primeasca o campanie pana la lansare sau dupa lansare sub forma unui DLC. Printre primele detalii aflam ca va fi un 4 player co-op shooter, dupa moda Left 4 Dead / Dead Island, aflati intr-o continua calatorie dupa vrajitoare, zombie si alte tipuri de monstrii care pot fi casapiti, impuscati, incendiati si dezmembrati dupa pofta inimii.

    Sau dupa cum prezinta un editor lumea din HUNT: "It's the Ghostbusters meets Phileas Fogg, with a pinch of Scooby Doo!"

    In cele 15 minute de gameplay editorii au vazut jucatorii stand in apa pana la genunchi, atacati de valuri de zombie si vrajotoare voodoo in incercarea de a-si apara tabara. Ca sa citez: "The round began with players sneaking through knee-high water towards a bonfire, defended by capering undead. This escalated into a firefight around and within randomly arranged shacks on poles, followed by a mad dash through the jungle towards a graveyard - the den of the aforesaid witch.

    The gunplay looks fun but a little rough and ready, thanks to wooden animations and choosy hit detection. The level generation, however, already seems very accomplished - I wasn't conscious of artificial breaks between areas or of unnaturally placed objects, though certain buildings did feel a little "identikit" in their design (in general, the art direction is strangely barren for a fantasy game). One of the neater "terrain features" expands upon Left 4 Dead's approach to Survivor respawns: slain players must be rescued from traps such as locked coffins and hangman's scaffolds before they can respawn. There are items you can equip that send out a homing magical tracer to help you find these lost souls. Watch out when entering watery areas, as zombies are able to crawl along the bottom and grab you by the ankles."

    Una peste alta pot spune ca imi place ce vad si daca Crytek se tine de treaba si finalizeaza jocul va avea succes, atmosfera apasatoare, senzatia de Resident Evil 4 combinate cu un gameplay cooperativ va putea face acest joc un succes. Si in plus cred ca echipa din spatele jocului are suficienta experienta ca acest joc sa fie pe placul multor gameri.

    La final va las cu cateva poze din joc si un trailer.

    Attached Images Attached Images 10833xhunt_screen_05.jpg 10832xhunt_screen_02.jpg 10831xhunt_screen_04.jpg 10830xhunt_screen_03.jpg