DeathWings, al tau se indoaie man?

---------- Post added 27-09-2014 at 11:53 ----------

Eu oricum nu stiu ce sa mai inteleg din testele astea. La unii rezista mai mult, la altii mai putin. Incep sa cred ca poate unii folosesc mockups or something... Oricum nu ma intereseaza 6Plus, dar asa ca idee. Acum, si astia or minti?
The results showed that the 6 Plus was actually stronger than the iPhone 6, starting to deform at 90 pounds of force and having its screen and case separate at 110 pounds of force. The iPhone 6 started to deform at 70 pounds of force and started coming apart at 100 pounds of force. The HTC One (m8) performed the worst in Consumer Reports' test, deforming at 70 pounds of force and coming apart at 90 pounds of force.

The LG G3 started to deform and come apart at 130 pounds of force while the iPhone 5 deformed at 130 pounds of force and came apart at 150 pounds of force. The Galaxy Note 3, on the other hand, deformed and came apart at 150 pounds of force. Consumer Reports notes that while other phones, like the iPhone 6 and HTC One, were still functioning after deforming and coming apart, the Note 3 stopped working right away.

Sunt 2 chestii ciudate la ei in test. 1. faptul ca HTC One M8 e la fel de weak (wth?) si 2. faptul ca iPhone 6 se indoaie cu o forta mai mica decat 6 Plus (wtf?).

Pe mine ma mira cum brusc a aflat omenirea ca daca aplici o forta foarte mare la un produs subtire si din aluminiu, acesta se va indoi. La naiba, iPod Touch (ultima generatie) e si mai subtire... si prin urmare se indoaie. Asta s-a intamplat acum un an, dar n-a bagat nimeni de seama:

Concluzia: stop abusing your phones! Vreti ceva super strong, cumparati Nokia 3310!