Dark Souls III

DkS3 details:
DkS1 movement/combat (same parries/backstabs).
  • Kick is back.
  • Summon signs.
  • Soul Level matchmaking (dedicated servers).
  • I didn't ask about cheaters. I was going to, but realized I'd get a canned response. They're beyond aware.
  • Ragdolls return. @DreadedCone almost busted out laughing as Miyazaki spoke bc an enemy was stuck in ground shaking its butt in air
  • Enemies & combat seem faster. I'd say it's due to the aggression of certain enemies, ultimately looks fast as DkS1.
  • Boss: giant woman w/ dual blades, but hunched over swirling strangely. Odd movement, similar to Moon Presence delayed attacks (pic here)
  • They said "dedicated game servers"...we're not sure if it's a mistake in translation, or dedicated servers for actual PvP.
  • Hands-on demo coming later, I believe they said around end of July/early August at one of the other conventions.
  • I can't confirm, maybe one if the others can, but I believe 2-handing is still in as well. Not sure, I'd imagine so.
  • 30fps confirmed. I'd imagine 1080p considering it's only next gen/PC, but not sure if it was officially mentioned.
  • Funny you say that, the term "immersion" was used often in the presentation. I almost cried, lol.
  • Also: An enemy was launched into air w/ great sword's stance attacks. He twirled around before crashing to the ground like DkS1 animation.
  • THE greatsword, or a greatsword-class weapon?
  • Great sword, aka ultra great sword class. It swung like an ultra great sword in DkS1, but significantly faster w/ more moves.
  • Think of stances as BB weapon transformations. When activated, your char takes a different stance and has a new moveset.
  • How were those dual-scimitars?
  • Pretty cool. Its stance move is a series of fancy twirls, reminiscent of DkS1 "dancing" movements.
  • Armor we saw was the char youve seen in promo. Looks amazing, and the cape was singed, the edge glowing orange as if burning.
  • This giant, flowing, swirling leech blob appeared, the nearby group of enemies suddenly trapped in it swirling inside.
  • They said he was a Lord of Cinder resurrecting. Keyword "a" Lord of Cinder.
  • No magic shown during the demo. It was just showing off a straight sword, great sword, dual-scimitars, and a bow.
  • It looks like what I feel many expected of a Dark Souls 2 when first hearing about it, and then some.
  • Oh, they aren't lacking anymore. Bows now look more viable as a primary weapon rather than a sidearm/after-thought.
  • The term "Legolas" was used jokingly by Miyazaki himself, lol.
  • Also you could move freely with the bow...so much so that there's a rolling R1 for it.
  • Put it this way: At one point, he roll backstabbed an enemy. Considering estus seems to work like DkS 1, heal punishes seem back.
  • Building on guard breaks, you don't riposte after. You just follow up with an attack.
  • Guards broken by new stance mechanic, which varies stances weapon to weapon. Skeptical at first until I saw. Very strategic.