Interesante cele 2 personaje cred ca iesi un joc bun din mana celor de la Remedy de altfel ca si Alan Wake

---------- Post added 06-08-2015 at 06:04 ----------

Ce s-a intamplat cu actorul original ce a fost prezentat in primul gameplay (Jack Joyce )?

Sean Durrie, whose character model we used in the original trailers and whatnot, is still in the game, he's just playing a different character. A lot of this has to do with just how long it takes to create a high-res character model and actually get it working properly in the game; sometimes you gotta go with what you've got in order to be able to show stuff in the first place. I know it's not ideal, but so it goes.
As for Alan Wake, well... he is modeled after someone on TV.