Mie mi s-a parut relativ ok. Am jucat o singura data, prima parte. Am descoperit diverse lururi.

Are o grafica ok, ingrijita, cu texturi de rezolutie buna, nimic deranjant la ochi. Cu animatiile am o problema mare si mai exact, cu lipsa lor. Daca in primul Hitman, acceptam ca nu au putut pune o animatie de imbracare, din cauza limitarii hardware, acum nu inteleg de ce nu sunt in stare sa faca ceva mai complex decat in primul joc - dispar si apar instant hainele pe el si el da din maini acolo jos. La fel si in cazul deschiderilor de usi. El doar intinde o mana spre un loc (daca nu stai fix in fata usii, nici macar nu o intinde spre usa) si usa se deschide automat.
Mai are mici bug-uri si glitch-uri, mai ales la oameni si la unele texturi, problemele de trecut prin oameni/obiecte sau lipsa anumitor lucruri.

Dar overall imi place si cred ca nu anulez nicio precomanda. Cred ca raman cu pachetul de baza, ca sa vad primele orase, ca e vorba de doar 67 ron. Din cate au zis, ar trebui sa avem un oras cu cateva misiuni, in care sa putem merge unde vrem, sa facem ce vrem.

On March 11th 2016, we will release the initial launch content, which contains three locations - Paris, Sapienza and Marrakesh - featuring six campaign missions. For Contracts mode, you’ve got a combined pool of around 800 targets to craft your devious Contracts from, which means we’re expecting fantastic things.
Urmat de:
Following March, we will release one new sandbox location per month in April, May and June. Each location will come with additional missions, signature kills and more Contracts targets – and of course new disguises, weapons and ways of taking out your target. April takes you to Thailand, May will see you visiting the United States of America and June sends you across the globe to Japan.
Ce nu inteleg este asta:
On release the Intro Pack gives access to Prologue Mission, the Paris Sanguine Fashion Show, full access to Contracts Mode, Escalation Mode, elusive targets and all other live content. Intro Pack owners can receive additional future content, including 5 other locations, by purchasing the HITMAN Upgrade Pack which will be available on release of the Intro Pack. Content received as part of the Upgrade pack will be released periodically throughout 2016, starting in April.
Adica pe langa intro pack, va trebui sa-mi iau Upgrade Pack pentru a avea acces la Sapienza si Marrakesh ? Sau intro pack ramane cu astea 3 si Upgrade Pack contine lunile viitoare ?