am citit niste zvonuri cum ca touchwizz va fi o versiune lite, va avea doar cateva apps sau functii care sustin ei ca sunt cele mai folosite, restul le putem instala din app store dintr-o sectiune speciala samsung. daca ar fi asa, ar fi genial.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Will Be Light On Pre-Installed Software: Report | Gizmodo Australia
Exclusive: Samsung is cleaning up software for the Galaxy S7 |

But this time things are different because the company has really worked on getting rid of the software features users have no use for unless intentionally seeking them out … Samsung-made apps pre-installed on the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge include a browser, file manager, music player, video player, gallery, and voice recorder. It seems like we’re going to get “TouchWiz-lite” at last.
la xperia de exemplu m-am ingrozit sa vad cate programele vin preinstalate...