Single post: Computex 2016: AMD prezinta noile placi din seria RX480 pregatite pentru VR

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    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar

    Computex 2016: AMD prezinta noile placi din seria RX480 pregatite pentru VR

    In aceasta dimineata fanii AMD au primit o veste buna: cu ocazia expozitiei COMPUTEX 2016 AMD a dezvaluit noile placi video din seria RX 480. Acestea vin cu peste 5 Teraflops putere de procesare (concurentul nVidia GTX 1080 are peste 6 Teraflops), sunt pregatite pentru realitate virtuala, iar pretul de lansare va fi de 199$. RX 480 sunt construite pe noua arhitectura Polaris, tehnologie Freesync, HDR si DisplayPort 1.3/1.4, fiind disponibile incepand cu sfarsitul lunii Iunie in variante de 4 Gb si 8 Gb de Ram.

    Asa cum a declarat la conferinta:
    You could also run two RX480 units simultaneously, a configuration that managed to beat out NVIDIA's GTX 1080 while playing Ashes of Singularity. (And better yet, that configuration would only be around $400, compared to $600 or more for the 1070.)
    The RX480 clocked in 62.5FPS, while the GTX 1080 was a bit lower at 58.7FPS. AMD's Radeon head Raja Koduri proudly pointed out that the dual-RX480 system only reached around 50 percent of its computing capacity, while the NVIDIA card was maxed near 100 percent.
    Attached Images Attached Images amd-rx-480.jpg