Se pare ca XBOX ONE S vine cu o surpriza pe care simpaticul Spencer a uitat sa o precizeze sau sunt eu neatent, citez de pe N4G (news for gamers) :
"Xbox One S will upscale games to 4K"
Xbox One S will upscale games to a 4K resolution as well as supporting 4K video playback, Xbox marketing exec Aaron Greenberg has confirmed.

The Xbox One S will play games that are made - like Gears [of War 4], like Scalebound - that are really optimised to take advantage of HDR," he said. "We also will play video content at 4K. We'll upscale anything you have, games, other things that aren't [4K], we'll upscale them to 4K as well. So we're taking advantage of a lot of the great benefits of technology that's happening today, whether it's gaming or video, and at the same time reducing the size of the box as well.

Articolul intreg: Xbox One S will upscale games to 4K | N4G