Single post: Ce ne-am cumparat azi - movies/tv series

  1. #836 SP
    Senior Member Malach HaMavet's Avatar
    New movies to my collections:
    The 13th Warrior Loved the book loved the movie
    Assassins (1995) Nu e un film foarte bun, dar sincer seen worst movies than this, e ceva la filmele lui Antonio Banderas care-mi place enorm lde mult cum joaca unele personaje! Si pentru Antonio
    Ghost in the Shell 2017 Cum am zis am vazut filme si mai proaste, dar mi-ar placea sa primeasca o a doua sansa! Au dato in bara cu prima tentativa, faceti sequel la el si faceti-l mai bun
    Kong: Skull Island (2017) I love this movie! Imi place tot ce tine de el, de-abia astept sa vad ce fac astia cu Monsterverse!
    Romeo + Juliet (1996) guilty pleasure
    Attached Images Attached Images wp_20180704_16_13_10_pro.jpg wp_20180704_16_13_18_pro.jpg wp_20180704_16_14_22_pro.jpg wp_20180704_16_14_39_pro.jpg wp_20180704_16_14_52_pro.jpg