It feels like it’s been designed by a board room full of grey-skinned men in £2,000 suits

It’s a loot shooter where all the loot is variations of the same boring shotguns and assault rifles

what would a game from the creator of Mass Effect be without player choice? Anthem. It would be Anthem.

You fly to a mission, shoot stuff, occasionally hold X on something interactive, head back to the hub, swap your mech’s crotch from chrome to rubber, then head back out and do it again

The customisation is clearly designed to push you towards spending real money. Even then, there’s barely anything to tempt you.

a team game where there’s barely any teamwork

a hollow experience that’s been designed to appeal to the widest market possible while squeezing more money out of those who are hooked in by its doggy treat design

Anthem’s biggest issues can’t be fixed with a patch.
Ouch ... Si cand te gandesti ca au lucrat 7 ani la el. Si ce alte jocuri au mai facut inainte: .