Esti sigur? Stiu ca la Groundwar trebuie sa ai crossplay activat, dar si la BR? Lasand la o parte ca este stupid sa fortezi oamenii sa joace asa (chiar si cu scuza unui matchmaking mai rapid). Mi se pare ca nu ar avea sens, este un handicap pentru majoritatea jucatorilor de pe consola care nu stau cu xim si alte mizerii.

How To Disable Crossplay

If you don’t want to matchmake with players on PC / PS4 / Xbox One and only want to stick to players on the same platform as you, you can disable crossplay in the settings. Crossplay is on by default.

In-game, access the Options menu.
Go to Account -> Crossplay
Toggle Crossplay to ‘Disabled’
Save your change and exit, and from now on you’ll only matchmake with players on your current platform. PC will stick to PC, PS4 to PS4 and Xbox One to Xbox One.