Last-gen dupa patch 1.2:

- PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One - streaming perhaps runs with a lower priority than it did previously, targeting frame-rate improvements at the expense of resolving detail - environmental assets take longer to load, pop-in is now more of an issue than it was previously
- PS4 Pro - much of its time hitting its target 30 frames per second; a fast dash through the marketplace - performance improves by up to 8fps; on later shoutouts against the Maelstromers, my console started to buckle quite badly into the 20s, before I experienced a full-on crash to the dash
- PS4 - the crashing is still there
- PS4, Xbox One - 2fps to 3fps improvement
- Xbox One X - the market run now operates in the mid-20s rather than the teens, while the initial entry into Night City after the first mission is also improved
- Xbox One X - continues to suffer from hitches - big hangups in play

Daca ar fi o versiune de "recomandat", ar fi cea de PS4 Pro.

Articolul: Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.2: big boosts for PS4 Pro but what about the other consoles? •