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    Gears of War 2 London Press Event: Must Read

    Cu totii cred ca il cunoasteti Cliff Bleszinski, dev lead-ul de la Gears of War 2. You know, the game that comes with in-game weapon full size replica? Cool, ha? La un eveniment de presa din Londra Cliff a vorbit o groaza. Si despre Gears of War 2, despre PS3, despre puterea grafica a Xbox-ului si multe multe altele. Le gasiti pe toate mai jos si va promit ca aveti ce citi. Spor la citit

    1. Un mini demo prezentand modul HORDE de multiplayer unde impreuna cu inca 4 prieteni in Co-op trebuie sa tinem piept valurilor de Locust ce incearca sa ne invadeze va fi disponibil la eventul E for All din Los Angeles ce va avea loc intre 3 si 5 Octombrie pentru oricine. Oricine doreste se duce si il joaca (imi amintesc de toti ..... de la CERF ce se jucau Crysis). Nu cred ca alte detalii ne intereseaza pentru ca nu cred ca vreunul dintre noi va lua bilete de avion pentru Los Angeles pentru a juca putin Gears of War 2 in multiplayer. Desi am dubii la Dj Mo .
    Be the first to experience the all-new Horde mode in Gears of War 2 during the E for All Expo, which takes place Oct. 3-5, 2008 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Gears of War 2 will be available for the public to play at the World Cyber Games booth (#649).
    For the first time, the public will be able to get their hands on the brand new cooperative multiplayer mode, Horde, which allows up to five players to work together to fight off waves of invading Locust and strive for the highest team score possible.
    2. La acest event din Londra au fost prezentate primele 3 capitole din joc. Lumea s-a intrebat cat reprezinta ele din jocul complet? Cliff le-a raspuns, linistindu-i pe toti, ca jocul are 5 acte si prezentata nu a fost decat o mica parte din primul act. Deci avem ce sa jucam mult mult timp de cand vom primi Gears of War 2. De asemenea a spus ca ne asteapta multe alte surprize pe care doresc sa ni le serveasca cu portia pe parcurs ce se aproprie data lansarii pe 7 Noiembrie.
    I think the fact that you only get to see three quarters of the first act when there�s five acts says that there�s still a lot that remains to be seen, and if anything it�s a little frustrating for me right now to tell you about all the cool stuff in the game when I know there are so many cool twists and turns and moments in the campaign later that I can�t show yet.It�s kind of agonizing. There�s plenty more to be seen.There�s a couple [of surprises] that we�re not supposed to be confirming too much at the press briefing, but as we get down to the release date � coming up very, very soon � we�re at the point where it�s in our best interest that journalists out there and gamers have a pretty good idea of what�s in the game as far as a bullet-point list on the box.
    3. Deja au inceput sa apara review-uri si preview-uri pentru acele 3 acte prezentate la Londra. Eu nu doresc sa scriu despre ele pentru ca le consider uriase spoilere si nu fac asa ceva. Nici nu am dorit sa le citesc desi imi doream pentru a putea avea cat mai multe detalii pentru acest articol pe Daca exista totusi cineva care doreste sa vada despre ce este vorba in primele 2-3 capitole din Gears of War 2, spoilere sunt aici: videogaming247 Blog Archive Gears of War 2: Playtest of the first two chapters in co-op
    Is Gears of War 2 any good? Do you see Dom have a little cry? Is it good? Are the derrick bits fun? Is it good? Is it good?
    We�ve played it. It blew us away. It�ll blow you away too.
    4. Cliff a declarat ca aspectele la care s-a lucrat cel mai mult pentru Gears of War 2 sunt campania de single-player si povestea/atmosfera jocului plus multe multe alte imbunatatiri la sistemul de cover din joc ( unul aproape perfect). Cu totii stim ce neplacut era cand alergam de Locust mancand pamantul, incercand sa ramanem in viata sau sa ne salvam coechipierul cazut si de odata ne trezeam lipiti de perete. Plus acum multe actiuni pot fi intrerupte, cum ar fi diving-ul spre cover sau "slot turn". Deci au dus sistemul cover de la excelent la perfect?
    �The campaign and the story were the obvious ones,� he said. �Doing something that has a little bit of heart in it.At the same time, though, I was dying to get back into the code and tweak the cover system, because when I played the first game I thought we did a really good job, but then there�s so many little moments when you�re running and you accidentally slam into a wall or you want to slot turn and you can�t interrupt the slot turn � and you can now � or you dive toward cover and now you can interrupt that but you couldn�t in the first game.You know, when you�re knocked down but not out I wanted to crawl around, and all that sort of stuff. Tweaking all those things were very, very high on the list, and that�s one thing I�m really happy we were able to do.�
    5. Dupa ce s-a declarat la Londra ar trebui sa ne asteaptam la ceva extraordinar si nou intr-un joc video cand vine vorba de poveste.De ce? Cliff a declarat ca riscurile pe care le-au asumat cand a venit vorba de poveste sunt ceva noi in domeniul jocurilor video si ca vom fi placut surprinsi.
    �I can�t talk about any of it without spoiling it to be honest.Let�s just say that narrative-wise we take some risks in the game that I haven�t seen a videogame ever do.�
    6. Ca sa sustina ideea de mai sus, a declarat ca jucand Gears of War 2 te simti ca si cum ai juca un film interactiv, un blockbuster de la Hollywood. Sa fie asta un lucru bun sau unul rau? Pana pe 7 Noiembrie nu mai este mult.
    �I think it�s really a perfect example of playing through an interactive movie in regards to a tremendously good Hollywood blockbuster,�
    7. Motto-ul "Bigger, better, more badass" a fost totul o replica 100% marketing. Wow, de parca nici nu ne-am fi dat seama singuri. Totul a pornit de la o asa numita "new, better, more" intalnire a celor de la Epic cand s-au intalnit pentru a discuta ce sa pastreze in joc, ce sa faca mai bun si ce sa aduca nou. Dupa ce au decis ca va fi o poveste mult mai tare, noi arme, noi moduri multiplayer, bots pentru multiplayer au plecat sa le realizeze. Si in curand le vom vedea si noi aceste "realizari" ale lor.
    �We were saying that whole, �bigger, better, more badass� thing: it was marketing speak,� he said, speaking at a recent event for the game in London. �It had alliteration and things like that. Ultimately we wanted it to become a bit of a self-parody, which is why we we�re reinforcing the fact that the game�s epic but more intimate this time round.We all just got together and went through a process we called, �new, better more�: what would be new in Gears 2, what would be better than the original, what would we have more of.We came up with a huge list and voted on it as the leads and hashed out what it would be, and we knew the campaign would be longer, and we knew we�d have a better story. We knew that we�d have, of course, new weapons, multiplayer modes, bots in versus; then we set out building it.�
    8. Pentru Epic deja Gears of War nu mai este un joc, este o platforma?!? Asa sustine Cliff. Fiecare mod de joc este imens. Avem campania singleplayer ce este mult mai lunga, modul co-op are 2 sectiuni, campania si horde si multe moduri de multiplayer. Ideea celor de la EPIC a fost realizarea unui pachet ce lumea sa se joace luni sau ani de zile. Oare au reusit?
    �It�s no longer a game: it�s a platform,Each mode is huge.The campaign�s longer, the co-op has two� basically you can play through the campaign and then Horde, as well as the many multiplayer modes.
    � We build a package that people will play for months, if not years, to come.�
    9. Scenariul pentru Gears of War 2 nu mai este realizat de Susan O'Connor ci de catre Josh Ortega. Cliff il lauda pe Josh, declarand despre acesta ca este o forta a naturii cand vine vorba de scenariu, apreciind faptul ca stie cand sa puna bataliile importante si ce sentimente, evenimente sa scoata in fata pentru public si prezentarea intr-un alt unghi al personajelor deja existente.
    He�s a force of nature, and he knew when to pick his battles and what things to push for, and I think it�s that kind of system of checks and balances that ultimately yields the best product, especially with the narrative.I think sometimes having a bit of a fresh perspective � you know, Susan O�Connor is an excellent writer � but I think bringing in a new writer for Gears 2 helped a lot, to have a new angle on existing characters, which is what Josh brought to the table.
    10. Mare parte din arhitectura din Gears of War 1 a fost inspirata din cea a Londrei, dupa o vizita a designer-ului Cliff pe acolo. Bineinteles, ca orice turist s-a dus la Catedrala St Paul (stiu ca si eu am facut aceelasi lucru) care dupa ce urci mult mult mult iti ofera o impresionanta vedere asupra imprejurimilor, mai ales asupra cladirilor. De data aceasta, in Gears of War 2 s-au mutat mai spre inima continentului, spre Austria. Astfel oraselele montane austriece au devenit sursa de inspiratie pentru cateva nivele din Gow 2, fiind ceva nou dar totusi in aceelasi stil Gears.
    The European influence was there in Gears 1, honestly,� he said when asked if the game�s European style had increased since the first project.So much of Gears 1 was inspired by the trip I took a few years ago to London, and took a day to do the 500-step climb to the top of Saint Paul�s, watch the sunsets over London and looked at the architecture.We decided to go Austrian, you know, mountain hamlets,� said Bleszinski. �For some reason mountain hamlets have that kind of construction set look, like gingerbread houses. If you�re going to do a mountain hamlet they give you the pre-fabs to put in, right?And it�s a location you still haven�t seen yet in Gears. It�s still feeling like Gears but we�ve evolved the style to show you things you hadn�t seen before. That was the goal.
    11. Cliff a fost de asemenea intrebat despre schimbarea culorile din Gears of War 2. Acesta a raspuns ca nu este vorba de schimbarea culorilor ci doar de a little more "saturation" pe ici pe colo. Feeling-ul si aspectul va fi aceelasi pentru Gow 2 ca si in Gow 1. Singura modificare importanta este aceea ca acum exista mult mai multe scene si misiuni in aer liber, in spatiu deschis. Ne asteapta peisaje cu munti plini de copaci si multe altele. Imi si amintesc acum un filmulet de acum ceva vreme cand oamenii sunt atacati de Brumak si compania si se vedea clar peisajul din fundal, montan, frumos colorat. Damn, i really want this game.
    �I kind of disagree on saying we changed the entire look of the game,� he said when asked about the thinking behind graphical changes from the first Gears.I still think it very much looks and feels like Gears. I think we�ve allowed a little more saturation to bleed through. That�s not to say we�ve made the game look like Care Bears and rainbows and unicorns now.Style changes also included the addition of more open areas.And also there�s more expansive open environments where you see beautiful vistas with trees and mountains in the background, which are things you didn�t see a lot of in the first game.I get a lot of people saying their memories of Gears 1 were a lot of grey pillars and claustrophobic environments: it made sense to blow things out a little bit in regards to draw distance because the engine was optimized, as well as letting a little more colour bleed through.
    12. Cam aceelasi lucru se poate spune si cand a fost intrebat despre monotonia paletei de culori din Gears. In 1 era gri acum este spre maro. Cliff a raspuns spunand ca nu este corect sa spui unui joc cu o campanie destul de lunga de singleplayer ca este limitata la o singura paleta de culoare
    .�I think to say a game that has a long campaign is limited to one colour palette is a bit of a misnomer.When you go into the underground and you see the beautiful blues of the indigenous plants of the Hollow, as well as the reds of the flames that appear later in the Sinkhole level� Yeah there�s, you know, more brown than grey this time around, but there are other colours that bleed through. You know, there�s a little more green with the trees, and things like that,�
    Attached Images Attached Images gow_pres_event_2008.jpg