Single post: Gears of War 3 va fi lansat pe generatia urmatoare de console

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    Gears of War 3 va fi lansat pe generatia urmatoare de console

    La TGS 09 Michael Capps, presedintele Epic Games, a precizat ca urmatorul joc al seriei Gears of War va fi lansat pe urmatoarea generatie de console. Astfel zvonul conform caruia Gears of War 3 va fi lansat anul viitor este fals, Capps asteptandu-se ca urmatoarea generatie de console sa fie lansate in cativa ani, urmatorul joc al seriei urmand sa fie lansat peste aproximativ 4-5 ani. Acesta a confirmat ca Epic a lucrat in ultimii 7 ani la motorul grafic Unreal Engine 4, care va fi lansat odata cu consolele next-gen. Acesta a mai vorbit si despre costurile de productie si numarul de oameni ce au lucrat la un joc, precizand ca la cele 2 jocuri au lucrat echipe de 50-60 oameni si ca Gears of War 2 a costat mai putin decat primul joc.

    Capps vorbind despre Unreal Engine 4, seria Gears of War si bugetele si numarul de oameni alocati pentru alte jocuri cum ar fi Assassins Creed 2:
    We're very concerned that the next generation will be massively parallel and most engines won't be able to adapt for that. If there were a next Gears of War, that will be for the next console generation, whenever that is. If someone knows, please tell me! That's about four or five years away, I think. "We've managed to keep our expenses down significantly. We hear about 25 million dollar game budgets and that sort of thing... Epic's not like this. It's a great game and it's very big, but we try to keep focused on a smaller game with lots of quality. But we try to keep focused on a smaller game with lots of quality.
    Attached Images Attached Images gears-war-2-screenshot-9.jpg