You: does the girls in your country r hot?

Stranger: im a girl..

Stranger: so i cant tell, really. haha

You: liar liar pants on fire

You: i don't belive u

Stranger: haha righttt
You: hell o

Stranger: hello

You: whatcha doin'

Stranger: chatting

You: whatchaaa wearin' ?

Stranger: haha


Stranger: nohing ok ?

You: liar liar pants on fire

Stranger: wherer u from?

You: i can c u
Stranger: you have 10 minutes, ask me as many questions as you can in that time, im 22 m bisexual btw, if you wanna just disconnect, get it over with

You: have u ever tried sneezing while taking a leak?

You: you said to ask anything

Stranger: its crazy

Stranger: i have

You: hmmm

You: i c

You: have you ever tried to scare an old lady while she's taking a crap?

Stranger: lol, no

You: i c

You: have you ever runned around the room naked and screamed "i'm peter pan" ?

Stranger: didnt scream tha

Stranger: that

You: i c

You: ever stand naked in front of a girl and shaking the ***** while saying

You: look babe

You: i have a clock ?
doamne mor de ras