nu stiu de ce dar pe discurile mele cand le scot din consola apar niste dungi, nu sunt zgarieturi..., arata ca si niste urme de praf perfect drepte pe toata suprafata discului, dinspre interior catre exterior. se pot sterge cu ceva dar as vrea sa stiu din ce cauza tot imi apar acele urme pe discuri. am gasit un raspuns pe un site dar nu prea am inteles ..:

Those arent scratches. They're imprints from the dust-blocker flaps when you insert it. Pay attention when you eject the disk, it'll pop it out to halfway, right where those marks are. Just clean those off with a clean, soft rag. No worries. Those arent scratches. They're imprints from the dust-blocker flaps when you insert it. Pay attention when you eject the disk, it'll pop it out to halfway, right where those marks are. Just clean those off with a clean, soft rag. No worries.