You know you're a gamer when...

  • When you think about games, love to play games, and pay more attention to your games than your job.
  • When your significant other calls you a gaming nerd.
  • When all of your meals take place in front of your console.
  • When you have more than one of the same type of console, and both work. (2 Xbox 360s, 2 PS3s)
  • When you have over $2000 invested in gaming. (Consoles, gear, accessories, games, etc.)
  • When all you drink is Halo-themed Mountain Dew.When you admit to being "addicted to games".
  • When you can't pass up a GameStop (or any other game store) without going in.
  • When you have more than one copy of the same game.
  • When you have an extra console as a "backup" in case your current one breaks.
  • When you take a console on vacation.
  • When someone scares you, and you scream "Zombie!" and run away.
  • When games are more important to you than eating, or personal hygene...
  • When you pre-order games that don’t come out for 7+ months.
  • When all of your forum signatures include your Gamer Card.
  • When you call your friends "noobs".
  • When you name your pets after your favorite video game characters.

RonanN1 cate din acele conditii indeplinesti ?